Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

Now, let’s take a look at the physical symptoms of a guy that will not marry you.

1. He will not introduce you to any authority figures in his life.

He will not introduce you to his Pastor, (you don’t have any business with a man that doesn’t have a Pastor in the first place) nor will he introduce you to his parents. He will refrain from any action that could validate or stamp that marriage commitment. When you see this sign, it is an indication he is not really ready for marriage.

2. He keeps postponing the wedding date several times and keeps on procrastinating.

The date never comes and yet he keeps on telling you he loves you. Well, the date may never come!

3. He will tell you that you are number one on the list of his girlfriends and that you are very lucky.

He will tell you that even though he still sees his other girlfriends; you are the first on his list. You see, you don’t have any business being in this kind of relationship as the trend will continue after marriage and can threaten the marriage itself.

4. He is very jealous and he is very suspicious of you.

He does not trust you because he has a feeling you are doing the same thing he does. To the pure, all things are pure, to the impure all things are impure!

5. He does not want you fiddling with his phones so that you won’t discover the love tantrums going on via SMS and chats.

He sometimes keeps his phones “passworded” or tells you out rightly he doesn’t want you with his phone. 

Don’t get into sinful adventure because of frustration, don’t try to satisfy the cravings and the emptiness of your heart with drinking or partying or sleeping around, run to your maker, the re-writer of history, the one that shows mercy to whom he will, the one that can reconfigure your life, and when you do that in faith, He will surely answer you.


I have God’s direction in my everyday life


Lord, guide my steps and help me to make the right decisions in Jesus name


For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. – Psalm 31:3 (KJV)


Pray to God


2 Chronicles 25


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Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are signs to know if he will eventually marry you or not. If only you decide not to ignore the signs. God is not an author of confusion, He is our father! He will not leave you alone. He would always make his will known if you allow him.

1. Spiritual signs

If you are a child of God and you are filled with the Spirit of God, the first thing that will happen to you if you are involved with a wrong person (notice I did not write a bad person) is that you will lose your peace.

How will you know if you have lost your peace or God is not with you on that decision? How does God speak?

Now, God speak in several ways, but I will talk about how He speaks to us through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

There are three ways.

a. In inward peace; it is like God is saying, “Yes, my son,
go ahead, I trust you. The other side of inward peace is “A Check”

b. In inward witness; it is like God saying, Yes, my son, this is exactly what I want you to do. An inward witness is a little bit stronger than inward peace. The other side of Inner witness is a “A Bad Feeling.”

c. In inward voice; God grabs your attention and says “Yes, do this!’ It is the most specific because God specifically speaks to your heart through the Holy Spirit. The other side of inward voice is “Don’t Do It”

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. (Col 3:15 AMP)

Here is another translation

The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body. And be thankful. (Col 3:15 GNB)

When you read Acts 16:6-9, you will see examples of these leading.

What if you don’t ever bear God? Do a little bit of fasting and prayer. It will help you. Fasting puts down the outward man while prayer builds up the inward man. The result is that you hear God clearly.

Also, you need to get filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues! God is ever willing to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

To be continued…

I have God’s direction in my every day life

Lord, guide my steps and help me to make the right decisions in Jesus name

Psa 31:3 (KJV) For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.

Pray to God

2Chron 26


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How To Come Out Of Depression – Part 2

How To Come Out Of Depression – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday.

What is the way out?

Rather than weep, lift your voice and cry unto the Lord! He will come through for you! You’ve been jobless for a while? And you are beginning to give up? No, don’t round up your life and make a permanent conclusion because of a temporary situation. The job will still come! Your relationships have not all worked? When you meet the right person, it will work. Rather than feel forsaken and abandoned, use that time to develop yourself! Age is no longer on your side? Agreed, but God is still on your side. When God is on your side, you will laugh last. That very depression is not the way out, in fact, it drives potential suitors away upon seeing your countenance, so cheer up!

What you need to do is to cast down those thoughts. Refuse to agree with what he says. Rather, choose to accept what God says about you. The devil says you are finished. God says He is just starting. Whose report will you believe? If you believe the devil, you will slide into depression, but if you believe in God, you will rise in the joy of the Holy Ghost. That is why the scriptures advise that you should count it all joy. Why? Because there will be victory in the end.

Resort to praise and the heaviness will lift. Start meditating on God’s word and God’s word will come through for you! Despite contradictory and obvious happenstances, switch into praise, praise God to a point till you get the devil confused. Praise God to a point till God has no choice till He deploys every available divine resource in your favour including angelic interventions. Joy is not a function of a situation or circumstance, it is the fruit of the recreated human spirit. It is there all the time. I only need to stir it up! You stir it up with a shout, a dance, or laughter! So, go ahead!  It is the dawning of a new day for you. Shout ‘No more depression! No more, not me!’ Did you feel strength from within? That is what joy does! You get it now.

I have the joy of the Lord always

I break the hold of depression over my life in Jesus name

Pro 12:25 KJV Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

Take a promise of God’s word and meditate on it.

1 Cor 11-12


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How To Come Out Of Depression

How To Come Out Of Depression

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We all know what depression is. We have all experienced it at one point or the other. So, I am not about to give you a definition from a dictionary. You can easily get that and thousands of more definitions from online dictionary tools. But beyond several justifiable reasons for depression and all the psychological jargon and explanations, I want to write on its spiritual implications.

I am going to tell you one thing. Depression is a tool in the hands of the devil to wreck your life! That sounds very hard, but it is the truth. I know you have very good and sane reasons to be depressed like the loss of a dear one, the pain of being jilted, the agony of being used and abandoned, the deep wounds from past sexual abuses, the regrettable waves of sadness from a failed marriage, the trauma of physical abuse and so on and so forth.

And those are exactly the reasons that the devil presents to you which makes depression and despondency justified.  Interestingly, the flesh enjoys the feelings of depression, but really depression offers no solution. Rather, it complicates the issue on ground and makes your eyes blurred the more from finding a way out.

Depression comes from the pit of hell and it is a potent weapon in the hands of the devil to stagnate you. However, one good thing is that depression cannot be forced on you as you can either yield to it or resist it.

Depression is first of all oppression, then it graduates into obsession and finally, it could get to a point of possession if you don’t have Jesus Christ in your life. It comes stealthily, almost looking healthy and natural, but before you know it, it will overwhelm you and attempt to control and give direction to your life.

The devil will attempt to attack everybody with depression, but you don’t have to cooperate with his antics. If as a single, you have had some failed relationships, it is not uncommon for the devil to try and attack your mind with depressive swings, telling you something is wrong with you! If you embrace those thoughts, you are simply giving him a foothold to operate in your thought realm.

Why is depression so dangerous? It steals your joy. And that is supposed to be your strength. It stops your prayer life. And that is supposed to be where you get help. It stifles you by making it impossible to read and study God’s word. And that is where life is supposed to flow from. It isolates you from good people. And that is one way wisdom is supposed to come.

What is the way out?

Join me tomorrow as I conclude on this topic.

I have the joy of the Lord always

I break the hold of depression over my life in Jesus name

Pro 12:25 KJV Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.

Take a promise of God’s word and meditate on it.



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Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 3

Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

5. The Test of People Skill

That is respect for individuals. People are like ladders. Does he treat people well? How about his mum, sisters, father, colleagues, etc. Is she courteous? Is she respectful? Does she disdain folks with a passion?

6. The Test of Excellence

That is wisdom. Is he hungry for wisdom or does he thinks he knows it all? A friend who isolates himself will crash. He or she cannot be corrected. There are no authority figures that can speak to him or her.

Let me tell you something here. The moment you look at a person and there is nobody you can report him to, there are no regards for parents or pastors, he is just an island by himself, you need to reconsider such friendships.

It is a trap of the devil and such tendencies are symptomatic of an unhealthy outlook to life. 

7. The Test of God’s Fear

He must love God. She must be a God lover. Does he value God and His word? Does she revere God? This is the ultimate acid test. If he doesn’t love God, he cannot love you!

If he treats the things of God shabbily, he will end up treating you the same way. Let him or her be a person that fears God!

It is not enough to say one is born again these days, because the term has been grossly misapplied. It is not even enough to say one is a pastor or a choir leader or administrator in church; the question is does he or she fear God?

It was the fear of God that made Joseph run away from adultery. It was lack of God’s fear that made Samson with all his anointing to get into sexual sins repeatedly until he brought himself down. God gave him a long rope because the scripture says he judged Israel for twenty years.

I have the Spirit of wisdom to discern and choose that which is good for my destiny.

Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your wisdom in the affairs of my relationship.

Pro 21:5 MSG Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.

Commit your ways unto the Lord

2Chron 24


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Seven Test To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 2

Seven Test To Pass Before You Say I DO -Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday.

3. The Test of Focus. 

Is he or she focused? Where is his passion? A visionless man is so easy to identify. His speech will betray him because the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart. Once you know a particular friendship is getting deepened, ask a lot of questions when you can still reason well before emotions take over.

The world is full of people who will readily compromise and who lack focus. You haven’t been together for long and he or she is already asking for sex? That is gross irresponsibility. Run from such people, they are not your friends!

Jesus said; “What a generation! No sense of God! No focus to your lives!” -Luke 9:41a (MSG)

You ask him what his job is, and he says “He is planning to travel out of the country.”

“Since when?”

“Well, for like three years now.”

Is that a job? Why must a young person stop his or her life because of plans to travel?

4. The Test of Sincerity. 

That is openness. Is he sincere about his faults, weaknesses, feelings? Is she willing to talk about them or does she pretend?

It is dangerous to walk with someone who lives in a delusion of grandeur. Some of the most dangerous sets of people are those who are self-deceptive. They can abort twenty times and simply use some scriptures to cover up. If it was done in ignorance, that is another thing, because God cleanses you and you can start your life all over again when you genuinely repent.

But I am talking of those who have successfully combined this sinful lifestyle with serving God alongside. I don’t care if he is a pastor or she is a minstrel, if he or she uses scriptures to justify a habitual sin that even an unbeliever will often refrain from, you should run from such people and not be joined in their unrepentant sinful adventures. 

An insincere guy will lure you into sexual sin and then turn around to say you seduced him. What are you doing with such people? An insincere lady will offer her body to get some money and then turn back to say you forced her. That is nothing short of wickedness. Those are not friends! He says he is a pastor and he slides his hands into your blouse each time you visit his office.

I don’t care how much ‘anointing’ you think he has, he is a charlatan! What counseling are you looking for with such people, run for your life because there are counsels that can cancel destinies.

To be continued…

I have the Spirit of wisdom to discern and choose that which is good for my destiny.

Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your wisdom in the affairs of my relationship.

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind. – Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)

Commit your ways unto the Lord

2King 12


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Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO

Seven Tests To Pass Before You Say I DO

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I know that there are no perfect persons and we are all projects in the hands of God, however, there are basic traits to watch out for generally. While you may not be able to find a person that successfully combines all these, the qualities should guide you in your decision. If a person does not have character defects and does not live in habitual sin, some of these qualities can be improved upon by asking God for His grace.

1. The Test Of Integrity.

Test him for faithfulness and integrity in little and big things. Make sure she has integrity and her words and actions line up. Integrity is very important because that is what will eventually preserve you.

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. -Proverbs 11:3 (KJV)

God loves integrity. In Job 2:3, God boasted about Job and he mentioned his integrity. Integrity in that verse means ‘innocence.’

The potential guy or the lady must have integrity as well. It is a great legacy to pass to the children. Integrity is from the word ‘Integral” meaning one. You are supposed to be the same person within and without.

Don’t marry a gentle saint on Sundays but a vicious man on Mondays. Be careful of dual personalities who seem to give their lives to Jesus one moment and then take the life back the next moment. How will you know all these? These are the things you will find out when you are friends. 

That is why pre-marital sex should be avoided because it will get you confused and distracted. You see, the moment you are illegally bonded together in pre-marital sex, the obvious character defects that others can see will mean nothing to you.

They will ask you questions like, “What are you doing with that kind of person?” And you will be like; ‘leave me alone, I love him, he will change!’

You see, you have not even changed yourself! You are not the Holy Spirit who changes people! What the scripture says is that you should not be unequally yoked!

Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? -2Corintians 6:14-15 (MSG)  

2.   The Test Of Diligence.  

You cannot afford to marry a lazy man or an indolent woman. It will slow your journey down. Diligence is measured with so many indices like tenacity, business acumen, career pursuit, doggedness, and so on. You may not have so much today, but with diligence in a potential spouse, you can be sure you will be great in life.

Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. -Proverbs 22:29 (AMP)

You cannot afford to commit your life to the hands of a lazy person. That is subjecting your life to unnecessary afflictions that could have been avoided. 

To be continued…

I have the Spirit of wisdom to discern and choose that which is good for my destiny.

Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your wisdom in the affairs of my relationship.

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry put you further behind. – Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)

Commit your ways unto the Lord

2King 12


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How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage – Part 2

How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read part 1 HERE

Some ladies fall in love before trying to find out about his character and flaws. So many young ladies with great destinies have jeopardized their future by getting involved with the wrong person.

Stop falling in love with a stranger on Facebook! It is not ideal. There are so many marital casualties today as a result of unguarded and careless relationships. Profiles, timelines, and Twitter pages cannot be used as a conclusive decision on marriage!

Ladies, don’t wait till you are head over heels in love, with flying butterflies in your tummy before probing who he is. You should find out a lot when you are first of all friends before becoming lovers. That is why friendship is very important. You would have seen enough traits that will help you make up your mind about who you want.

Sisters, have friends. That is where relationship will develop from. If you don’t have platonic friends, then you are left with strangers to approach you, and most of the time when strangers come, they are looking for sex.

That is why most sisters would say things like “it is always unserious people that approach me.” The question is do you have friends?

For guys, become friends first before you make your intention known. Do you know there would not be issues of ‘nails’ or rejection because you are already friends? She would simply tell you ‘No’ politely because she would not want to offend her friend!

When you are already in love without friendship, the likelihood is that your feelings for him will block every form of reasoning and sense of judgment.

You know he drinks, but you don’t care. You know she smokes, but you close your eyes. There are some character traits you can watch out for while just friends.

It is a simple principle of “make the tree good and the fruits will be good.”  A guy can’t make a good husband if he doesn’t have a good character.

I declare that my steps and relationships are ordered.

Lord, help to get the right friends in Jesus name

Job 19:19 KJV All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.

List the names of your friends.

2King 9-11


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How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage

How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As sister Sube walked down the road, her mind was stormy and depressed. This is in contrast with the calm and unusual tranquil weather. Without was so peaceful, but within were rumblings of the murky waters of despondency!

Every step she took down the road was punctuated with deep-seated sighs. What is her problem? She feels something is wrong with her because nobody is proposing to her and age is no longer on her side!

On the other hand, Brother Zerubabbel too is so worried that he is almost bending over. What is his problem? Brother Zeru is angry with all the so-called sisters because he has proposed to thirteen sisters in the same church and each of them gave him a nail. 

The nails, sorry, the spikes were so painful. It was as if the sisters all had a meeting on him, actually, they did.

The above scenarios are issues that bother on cultivating friendship the right and healthy way.

Never forget that how to get a friend is more important than how to get a lover. Lovers don’t drop from the sky; they are made from friendship as the foundation.

Loving is a process that should start with friendship. Don’t fall in love with someone who is not your friend. It is not advisable to toe the line of ‘love at first sight.’ Why? You can only love who you know! You might have some body chemistry at first sight, but certainly, it is not falling in love like we normally allude.

Love is a spiritual entity that happens not just in the intellectual realm but in the emotional and spiritual realms as well. When you have a one–night stand with a stranger, it is nothing but lust and lack of discipline. You don’t even know the person and yet the moment you are sexually involved, your histories become intertwined, afflictions and demonic influences are exchanged and dangerous habits creep into your life after such reckless sexual encounters.

To be continued…

I declare that my steps and relationships are ordered.

Lord, help to get the right friends in Jesus name

Job 19:19 KJV All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.

List the names of your friends.

2King 9-11


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How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God – Part 3

How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 2 HERE

Make sure he knows God. Make sure he loves God. Make sure his priorities are that of the Lord. That way, you will serve God gladly and not be persecuted all the days of your marriage.

You really don’t want to get married to someone who tells you after your wedding that you should try out a threesome! You really don’t want to get married to a man who says he loves it in the anal.  

That is out rightly demonic and as a wife, you don’t have to risk your health and life! Seek counsel and don’t die in silence! You really don’t want to get married to a man who brings out ropes and other sadistic objects and says he doesn’t really feel it until he ties you up!

For those who are already married and are caught in this thicket of obeying God and disobeying him or obeying him and disobeying God, thereby kicking against the pricks, I want to offer a piece of advice.

First of all, the scripture says you should submit to your own husband. So we see right away that it is wrong for you to listen to one man, maybe your boss, against your husband.

You are to submit to your own husband, not another woman’s husband. Your boss is another woman’s husband.  

So when he is making advances at you, you are to gladly and boldly disobey him. You don’t try to keep a job and then lose your joy!

Then the next thing is that you are to submit as unto the Lord.

What does that mean?

Let’s take a look at other translations.

Wives understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. – Ephesians 5:22 (MSG) 

Whatever will not show your support for God should not be done.

You should politely, “submissively” refuse anything that will violate your conscience, that will set you against your maker and that will give access to the hordes of hell to plummet your destiny!  

For example, he asks you to follow him to a herbalist. That is a direct affront between the kingdom of light and darkness. You are probably the last hope of that family and the last ounce of strength the children are looking up to, so you refuse! If you “submit” to such, it would not be as unto the Lord, and that might put the whole family in eternal danger.

 So, what do you do in such cases?

You seek counsel. You pray in the Spirit. You keep walking in love and refuse to enter into strife.

If you do this, you will eventually have the victory and your husband will respect you more for this because he will realize it later. But if you listen to him, he will blame you when he realizes his mistakes; he will blame you for not stopping him from plunging the whole family into regrettable depths!

I will not miss it in marriage

Oh Lord, lead me to that person you have designed for me

Wives understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. – Ephesians 5:22 (MSG) 

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Eph 5


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How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God – Part 2

How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 1 HERE

The statement “I am your husband to be, you must obey everything I say whether you like it or not” is a fallacy.

Yes, you should obey because you will eventually have to submit after marriage, but you are to refuse any form of oppression, compromise and violation of God’s word.

I will give you another example.

He desperately is in need of money. He suggests you take money that doesn’t belong to you in your place of work because you head the accounting section. Technically, he is asking you to steal.

If you go ahead to do that in love, it is most likely he would not marry you, because the very seed that would scatter the relationship has been sown.

On another level, you would have offended God in your bid to keep a lover, and come to think of it, it is not your supposed “acts” of love that keeps the relationship, it is God’s favour. The question then is that why would you want to lose God’s favour because you want to keep the guy?

You don’t kick against the lover of your soul to keep the lover of your body!

So, this is clear, it is a wrong man that will insist that you compromise your faith and desecrate the covenant.

Walk away from that man without regrets. Walk away from such a man offering thanksgiving to God that you discovered such traits before walking down the aisle.

It is good for you to leave a wrong man as soon as you can because if the wrong man doesn’t go, the right man will not show up.

Some ladies try to wait for the right man while they hold on to the wrong man in case the right man doesn’t show up. The reality is that the right man is never going to show up like that. God doesn’t want you double dating!

This is why we also say you should know who you are getting married to before you walk down the aisle.

To be continued tomorrow

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, help me to trust you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Pray for insight

John 3


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How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God

How To Please Your Lover Without Displeasing God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sally is caught in a cross-fire. She really wanted to submit to her husband, but then some of the things her boo wanted her to do clearly contradicts the scriptures. What should she do? Cooperate with her boo and risk losing God’s favour or hold unto God while her love life collapses and her homes boils?

Even in courtship, the lady is often caught in between pleasing him and pleasing Him!

Let’s take a look at the scriptures.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. – Ephesians 5:22 (KJV)

So we see clearly and succinctly here that a wife is supposed to submit to her husband. It never says that a lady should submit to her own fiancé!

So, when he says you must come over and spend weekends, you don’t have to obey and end up jeopardizing your relationship with God in your bid to “submit’

I am saying in essence that in a dating or courtship situation, you are to absolutely follow God and not man!

If whatever your fiancé wants done is as unto the Lord, there wouldn’t be any problem there. You should gladly submit, even if you are not married yet.

But when it clearly violates your conscience, makes you feel guilty, makes you cry and dissipates God’s anointing in your life, you are to leave that guy alone before he wrecks your destiny.

Now, let’s see some examples here.

He asks you to send your nude pictures or else he would end the relationship. Something is not quite right.

There is some level of perversion that is being shown there. There is some traits of a compromised heart coming up there.

In this case, let your “No’ be emphatic and clear. If he walks away because of that, let him walk, he is not your husband.

If you do it and listen to him, this is not submission in any way, it is more of foolishness. If he is asking for nude before marriage, what will he ask for if he ever gets to marry you?

If you go ahead and do it in a bid to keep him, it shows your own depth of devotion to God. it shows that somewhere in your heart, you don’t really trust God.

If you do, you will never do anything that displeases God in other to please your boo. If you do such things, you just sowed a seed into that relationship and opened the door for the devil to afflict.

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, help me to trust you.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Pray for insight

John 3


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What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 2 HERE

Most importantly, a blessed man or woman can cast out demons. He or she can take charge of the spiritual milieu of the house. That is what you should go for.

Not a man or woman that will drag you to a herbalist’s house in your hour of need.

You need a blessed man or woman that can speak in tongues! Not just hot legs, but hot legs plus hot heart for God. That is what you need.

What is the purpose of marrying a beautiful lady with an empty head?

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful face on an empty head. – Proverbs 11:22 (MSG)

Hey, ladies, KHC daughters, listen to me, you need a man that can intreat the Lord for you!

Further down in the chapter we are studying, that was what Isaac did for his wife!

And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. – Genesis 25:21 (KJV)

Message Translation says Isaac prayed hard. You need a man/woman that can pray hard when you are down!

Two weeks before I got married, my wife collapsed and was hospitalized. It was an attack. My in laws did not know what to do. She was on drip for three days and had not opened her eyes.

When they told me over the qphone (those old NITEL boxes), I traveled to Abeokuta where she was, and discharged her. I put a stop to the attacks and asked that the life of God flow int her. She opened her eyes, sat up and asked for food. Even the doctor was amazed at the power of God.

That did not happen because I was a Pastor, it happened because I could intreat the Lord. That is part of the blessing!

I will have to stop here this morning.

May heaven assist you to find that blessed special man or woman!

Put your hands on your head, go ahead and speak in tongues a little.

I call your relationship blessed. I call your courtship blessed. I call your marriage blessed. I call your family blessed. I call your home blessed. I call your children blessed.

Now, I pray for you, by the unction on me this morning as I write, everything that looks like a curse, everything that is a departure from God’s promises over you and yours, is removed in Jesus name!

I have been commanded to bless, so with God’s authority over my life and ministry, this morning, I call you blessed!

Go out today declaring that you are blessed and see what the Lord will do today and in the next seven days!

I am blessed so I attract the blessed.

Lord I receive the gift of a blessed man

1Pe 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous

Pray for a blessed man

John 10


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What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 2

What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 1 HERE

There are Josephs, Samsons and there are Amnons!

There are women who bring help and there are those who bring hell. There are wives and there are knives!

There are those who delight in your God and those who deride your faith.

There are Deborahs and there are Delilahs! There are Sarahs and there are Jezebels.

I say this with all sense of responsibility and humility, if I had married the wrong person, I will not be in ministry today. I know that because a lot of ministries have become miseries.

A lot of gifts and callings have been silenced and hibernated in the kitchen forever because of the wrong choice!

A lot of glorious callings have been guillotined, hung, and suspended because of the wrong choice.

Now, Pastor what do I look for in a man or a lady?

It is very simple.
Look for a man or woman that is BLESSED!

Don’t look for money or comfort alone, look for the blessing first.

If he or she is not blessed, the money will all disappear. And even if it doesn’t disappear, joy will be far away.

The blessing! That is what to look for.

Look for a man that will not be threatened of you and will bring out the best in you.

Look for a woman that will complement you and not distract you in this journey.

Look for a man who loves God, he will truly love you.

Let’s take a look at just one example.

And Abraham gave ALL that he had unto Isaac. – Genesis 25:5 (KJV)

What is the “All” that Abraham gave to Isaac?

It is called the blessing!

The blessing makes all that a man does to prosper just like a curse can make all that a man does to come to null and void.

But if Abraham gave all to Isaac, what then did he give to all other sons?

But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave GIFTS and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country. – Genesis 25:6 (KJV)

He gave all other sons all kinds of gifts which in today’s world would include cars, houses, lands, and so on.

But to Isaac, he gave ALL, and ALL is the Blessing!

Look for a blessed man, not a man who has a car but is not blessed.

The blessed man will eventually get all the cars and houses and the jets!

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage

Oh Lord, lead me to that person you have designed for me

And Abraham gave ALL that he had unto Isaac. – Genesis 25:5 (KJV) 

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Genesis 25


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What To Do Before Saying “I Do

What To Do Before Saying “I Do

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sally, a God-loving babe is single, sassy, smart and searching! She has many suitors, but she just can’t seem to decide what she should really go for. She knows God loves her and is assured of that, but she is yet to find the man that will truly love her. Who should one really go for? What is it that must not be negotiated?

Before saying “I do,” what should one do?

Before walking down the aisle with the loved one, the sweetheart, the fedora, the rose, the lily, what should one really look out for?

What should a man look for in a lady or what should a lady look for in a man?

This is our bone of contention this morning and we are going to have to crack it by the Holy Spirit.

In relationship and marriage decisions, there is something that should not be negotiated. This is what we are looking at this morning.

If you missed yesterday’s devotional, go HERE

There is something that you should watch out for that if you cannot see, you should talk to your lower limbs and pick a race.

You cannot marry everybody or just anybody. In the scriptures, God is particular about where the children of Israel should marry from.

In the contemporary world of 2022 and beyond, what do you look for?

After being involved in ministry work and pastoring for over two decades, with countless experiences in counseling sessions, I can tell you a few things.

After being married for twenty-two years plus, my eyes have seen a little. I have listened to countless brides crying and agonizing over the phone over their regrettable choices in marriage. I have listened to mature men break down like little boys because of the frustration experienced from their wives.

 In the world of relationships and marriage, all men are not equal or the same. There are men and there are mean men.

There are honest men who speak with integrity and there are froward men whose mouths speak deceit and lies.

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not say I do to the wrong person

Oh Lord, do the best for me

And Abraham gave ALL that he had unto Isaac. – Genesis 25:5 (KJV) 

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The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work Part 4

The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work Part 4

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

9. God’s word will renew your mind and make you become a better person

Are you wondering how you make some changes especially concerning old habits that seemed ingrained in you and tattooed on your mind? God’s word is the way out. The word of God brings transformation. It can lift a man from the miry clay to the mountain top.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2 KJV)

10. God’s word will help you to know your rights in God and get the best in your relationship, marriage and home.

Finally, it is in God’s word that you get to know and discover your rights in God and lay claim on them. You are not to be overcome by sin again. The bond of iniquity ought not to have a hold on you again. Its power has been broken. Sin shall no longer lord it over you. You are no longer the sinner trying to be righteous, you are the righteous whom the devil is trying to trap.

The power of lack, insufficiency, and poverty has been broken in your life. You have all things in God right now. The power of sicknesses and diseases has been crushed in your life! That cancer has no place in your body. That arthritis is no longer your portion. That heart condition has been taken care of…all these truths and more are what belong to you as a child of God.

When you study God’s word and discover what He has done for you when his body hung on the cross, you will have the boldness to demand what belongs to you in God!

May God grant you more understanding!

I pray for you this morning, every tree in your life and destiny that my God has not planted, be uprooted now in Jesus name!

I am a student of the word

Ask for the grace to stay with the word

Josh 1:8[NET]This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.

Decide to obey God’s word

Josh 1


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The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work – Part 3  

The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work – Part 3  

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday..

4 God’s word will become light and direction to help you choose as a single.

There is rigour in direction. Life is about decisions, but that is not all to it. Good life is about making the right decisions. The frailty of our human nature is overcome when we rely on God to lead us in our choice of marriage partner. ‘The Lord is my shepherd’ becomes a living story of our life when we embrace His word.

5. God’s word will bring stability to your relationship and marriage.

As you put God’s word in your heart, it will help your discernment in knowing the right people and the wrong ones. In a relationship or marriage, you need stability. You need God’s help to have a successful marriage. You need a wisdom from above that will not make your marriage follow the usual pattern of separations and divorce.

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure. (Isaiah 33:6 KJV)

6. God’s word will regulate and help maintain your relationship and marriage when you follow its principles.

Following the principles of God gleaned from His word will help to regulate your relationship or marriage from the hullabaloo of marital journey.

7. God’s word will help you to have peace of mind in that relationship or marriage

God’s word brings peace. It helps put the couple at rest and delivers them from cheating on each other. It helps the couple to be satisfied with each other, and saves them from the pits that the enemy might have dug on their paths.

8. God’s word will help you to raise your children

When you train a child in the way he should go in the principles and systems of God, he will not depart from those principles when he grows up.

Rather than worry about the overwhelming peer pressure that an average youth is exposed to, show that youth the ways of God and his or her destiny will be preserved.

I am a student of the word.

Oh Lord, make me a word addict

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Put the above points to use

Jos 1


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The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work – Part 2

The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3 KJV)

Here are ten things that God’s word will do for you.

1. God’s word will clean up your past

It doesn’t matter what your past looked like, the word of God, anointed in and of itself, will wipe the slate clean for you! It is almost unbelievable and incredible to the human mind, but in one stroke of sacrifice, Jesus paid the price on your behalf. The past should never hold you to ransom again. You have been made free. The mistakes of yester-years can no longer bear its fangs at you today!

2. God’s word will birth hope for your future 

After your past is forgiven and forgotten, the same word of God will birth hope in you. This hope is a necessary ingredient to help you receive the fullness of God. All of a sudden, light dawns on your heart and hope comes alive, that it is not over, after all.

3. God’s word will produce faith in your heart to conquer the world.

Faith comes by hearing God’s word. As you hear and read more of God’s word, faith will rise in you. Why is faith so important? It is with faith that you will wrought victory in God!

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:4 KJV)

See it in Message Translation:

Every God–begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. (1 John 5:4 Message)

Did you see that? Faith that comes through God’s word has the power to bring the world and its systems to its knees! Glory to God!

I am a student of the word

Ask for the grace to stay with the word

Josh 1:8[NET]This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.

Decide to obey God’s word

Josh 1


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The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work

The One Thing That Will Make Your Relationship Work

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tonight wasn’t a good one for Angie. The sublimity of the night couldn’t reach her soul. The night was calm and rested, but the tranquility of the night was a far cry from the turbulence and storm raging in her heart. She has just been jilted, after offering several sexual escapades. The pain in her heart was deep, the lacerations within her elicited endless tears that cascaded down her powdery face, to the very foundation of her makeup.

Only one person can assuage the waters of agony meandering in her soul and that is her dad. She called him severally, but to no avail. She knew if she could just reach her dad, his deep words from his deep voice will lift her soul from the pit of regret.

In the same way, there is something God has given us that if we can just reach out to that in our moment of troubles, tests, and trials, we will always be bailed out. And that is God’s word!

God’s word is powerful. As a single or married couple, you should surround yourself with that word. Listen to tapes, read books, read it online, hear it in church, and by all means, keep feeding your inner man. Your success and stature in life are predicated on your studious habit of God’s word.

And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. (Joshua 1:8 Message)

Do you know that some of the frustrations that you are going through right now as a single or married couple can be terminated by God’s word? Do you know that some of the greatest questions in your heart right now can be answered when you read and study God’s word?

Do you know that some of the greatest puzzles and enigma in your heart can be dissolved by God’s word? Do you know some of the hidden things that seemed oblivious and far-fetched can be unraveled and brought to the fore by God’s word?

May God grant you more understanding!

I am a student of the word. I do this one thing passionately.

Ask for the grace to do this one thing

Josh 1:8[NET]This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.

Decide to do this one thing

Josh 1


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What Is a Virtuous Woman? – 7 Characteristics – Part 2

What Is a Virtuous Woman? – 7 Characteristics – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What kind of woman have we been studying?

Read on…

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. Pro 12:4 (KJV)


A virtuous woman respects and serves God first by deepening her faith, attending church, and actively serving the community. She honors and obeys the will of God in all things.


A virtuous woman is patient. She knows that God’s timing is perfect and will not rush Him. When faced with difficult circumstances, she trusts that God has a plan and waits patiently to see what He will do.


Kindness is an attribute of a virtuous woman. She cares for those who are hurting or in need without expecting anything in return. A virtuous woman is gentle and patient with others and doesn’t allow her emotions to control her actions, but instead she remains humble.


A virtuous woman is humble because she does not boast or brag about her accomplishments. She does not compare herself to others and she is generous with her praise and compliments.

A virtuous woman is careful to remember that it is not about her, but that she has been given gifts in order to make other people’s lives better.


A virtuous woman is diligent. She is not lazy or wasteful, but she works hard and looks for ways to improve. This characteristic of a virtuous woman is one that can be seen in all over the scriptures.


A virtuous woman is grateful. She is thankful for the things she has and knows that all good things come from God. A virtuous woman doesn’t take anything for granted and she gives thanks to God for her everyday blessings. She is not petty and demanding.


Love is one of the most important qualities of a virtuous woman.
Many people think that love is a feeling, but it goes much deeper than that.
Love requires patience, kindness, humility, diligence, and graciousness. A virtuous woman who loves deeply understands the meaning of sacrificial love and lives it out in her actions to those around her.


A virtuous woman is a woman who is virtuous in every way. She has many different traits that make her who she is.

She is kind to everyone and never gets angry, even if she is wronged. She is humble and doesn’t always need praise. She has a strong personality, but knows how to stay calm when it’s needed.

She always tries to do what is right and what she believes God wants her to do. She is diligent, diligent, diligent in all her work. She never gives up and always strives to be better.

I am a virtuous woman.

Oh Lord, make me diligent in all I do.

Proverbs 31:26 (KJV) She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Decide to be virtuous

Prov 31


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