Systems By Pastor Dunamis (27th February 2022)

Systems By Pastor Dunamis (27th February 2022)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Systems was taught by Rev. Dunamis Okunowo on the 27th of February 2022 at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija-UI Road, Ibadan.

In his teaching, Rev. Dunamis made mention of the following important points:

There is a way of God, and there’s a system of God. An understanding of these ways and systems will bring about your victory in life.

When a system is in place, you will effortlessly grow and get better, without exerting much energy.

There are things you must eliminate from your body in order to be effective in life. Eliminate strife, unforgiving spirit, etc.

When your spiritual nervous system is collapsed, you will be insensitive to the things of God – you will lack an understanding of the times and seasons that God has ordained for you.

Giving is one of the systems that God has put in place for your prosperity.

Every failure you experience is as a result of a system-failure. When you kick against the system, the system will fight you. When you follow a system, you will receive the result that system.

If you want to experience the blessings and miracles of God, you must set your life in order!

Mark 6:38-41 (MSG)

But he was quite serious. “How many loaves of bread do you have? Take an inventory.” That didn’t take long. “Five,” they said, “plus two fish.” Jesus got them all to sit down in groups of fifty or a hundred–they looked like a patchwork quilt of wildflowers spread out on the green grass! He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread to the disciples, and the disciples in turn gave it to the people. He did the same with the fish.

Jesus could not do any miracle till there was order. Immediately they sat down in order, God was ready to bring a miracle into their lives.

What is your financial system?

  • What is your income?
  • How much do you set aside for offerings, tithes, help?
  • How much do you set aside for saving and investing?

What is your emotional system?

  • What is your yardstick for relationships?
  • What do you consider before you date someone?

Your business will not move forward without having a good system in place.

Sit down, think, plan, and strategize.

Everything in life is deliberate; nothing just happens!

To listen to messages of Rev Dunamis, go HERE or HERE


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The Romantic Voice of Your Lover

The Romantic Voice of Your Lover

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. – Song of Solomon 2:10 (KJV) 

The Message Translation says:

My lover has arrived and he’s speaking to me! Get up, my dear friend, fair and beautiful lover—come to me! – Song of Solomon 2:10 (MSG) 

The voice of your lover! There is always something about that voice!

If your lover is not speaking, something is wrong.

My lover has arrived and he’s speaking to me! So says the Message Translation.

You see, the proof of His arrival is His voice whose rich vocals fill the house.

If you want to really know the lover that has “arrived” with you, his or her voice will be busy. If your lover has arrived in his or her heart, if you are truly on the same page, his voice would not be muted.

The moment you have not heard the voice of the one you called your lover for weeks, he has not arrived! You are not on the same page!

If he or she is always busy, and the vocal cords are tied, and the voice is scarce, then something is wrong somewhere.

When married couples have been silent, rendered incommunicado by trivial quarrels and immaturity, that marriage is not in a good state. After silence comes assumptions and innuendos, and assumptions are the lowest form of knowledge. 

Are you really in love? We will know by reason of when you spoke last. We will know if you are talking regularly. We will know if you are just doing surface talks and throwing banters with nothing deep or serious.

We will know if the love is one-sided and lop-sided with only one party doing the calling, the wooing, and the pursuing! We will know if he or she sees your voice as a rant, irritated at your calls, making you look like a nuisance.

That, my dear, is no love!

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not fall in love helplessly.

Ask for the Grace to recognize the voice of your lover

My lover has arrived and he’s speaking to me! Get up, my dear friend, fair and beautiful lover—come to me! – Song of Solomon 2:10 (MSG) 

Are you truly in love? Think about it.

Song of Solomon 2


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Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery. There are steps you take and your destination can be predicted. It is just a matter of time. Every step you take, whether good or bad, is meant to lead to a destination. You cannot be on the path that leads to the house of ‘Mr. Marital Wrong’ and expect to find yourself in ‘Mrs. Marital Bliss apartment.’ It does not work that way in natural things; so don’t expect it to work out in your marriage.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Pro 14:12 KJV)

Here are some steps you avoid taking if you don’t want to find yourself in adultery.

1. Guard your mind

Adultery starts in the mind. The seed first makes its contact with the mind where it is just a seed of simple admiration. You toy with a first glance and then a good look. It is still a ‘secret’ admiration. But like every seed, it has the potential of growing and becoming a forest. Wise men and women guard their minds and kill the seed of adultery. Don’t give it space, suffocate it, it is unnecessary.

You can admire anybody but desiring someone that is not your spouse is simply uncalled for. Simple innocent admiration can lead to an emotional affair and eventually adultery. At this stage also, you begin to wonder if he/she admires you too, finds you attractive, and enjoys your company. You desire to see him or check him out and consciously make yourself attractive to him/her, you even flaunt your admirable qualities for his/her observation.

2. Guard your heart

The second step into adultery after an unguarded mind is an unguarded heart. The heart is deeper than the mind and at this stage, you develop deeper emotional bonding. You deceive yourself that nothing is going on but in actual fact, this person begins to occupy your thoughts, you even imagine and fantasize your being together, you desire and work out a time to spend together without hesitation.

At this stage, the thoughts of him or her becomes an obsession despite knowing that it is wrong. You start acting it out in your heart. The seed begins to sprout, in no time the fruits will spring forth.

To be continued…

I guard my heart, mind, mouth, and body. I take responsibility for the things I do.

Lord, let the fear and love of God keep me on the right path in Jesus name

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Have a ‘to-do list’ Plan today. Replace every wrong thought with God’s word 

Ezek 18-19


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Understanding Your Reason For Creation

Understanding Your Reason For Creation

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Dear children, I want to show you something I found exciting in the scriptures. I believe it will excite you as well. Do you yet understand the reason for your creation?

I know you might have sometimes wondered why you were brought forth to this earth. Your mind might have wandered far and near as to the reason God made you.

You might have even wished to be born into another country, home, or some other parents.

Hey, listen to me! You are here for a reason. You are here for a purpose.

See what the bible says about you.

My children and I are signs and proofs for the people of Israel. We have been sent by the Lord All-Powerful, who lives on Mount Zion. – Isa 8:18[ERV]

Did you see that? Did that excite you as much as it did me?

You are here as proof of God’s faithfulness.

This means every time someone looks at you, he or she is reminded that God truly exists. Wow!

That neighbor of yours might have been having it rough in school, but merely looking at you gives him hope to forge ahead.

You were sent to the earth by the Lord All-powerful. Which devil can stop you from excelling?

The moment we refuse to step into what God has designed us to be, we are simply short-changing our divine abilities for something less.

I want you to ponder on this verse throughout today.

Read it in several translations so as to have a better understanding of what is being said.

May God give you more understanding in Jesus name, Amen.

Oh Lord, make me a wonder to my generation.

Action Point:
Study the above scripture well.

I am a sign and a wonder to many.

Read yesterday’s article here


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More Things To Passionately Refuse To Settle For 

More Things To Passionately Refuse To Settle For 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

3. Poverty

Poverty is not your portion! Lack is not part of your redemptive package!

Your prayer should be that God should help you obey Him in giving and other instructions.

For constant financial blessings, there are seeds that must be in the ground. It is a universal law that will never be broken as long as you see day and night.

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. – Genesis 8:22 (KJV)

You can break the back of poverty with your seed and your confession, not just with prayers.

So, your prayer should be that God should give you a heart that gives and obeys God promptly. Always listen to what He has to say and do it.

You should reject poverty with every fibre of your being. Refuse to accommodate flashes and pictures of lack and insufficiency!

The devil likes to flood your mind with images of lack and insufficiency. Passionately refuse, reject and divorce those images. Rather, fill your mind with God’s word about increase and prosperity and that becomes your experience.

4. Mediocrity

We serve an excellent God and we are to do things excellently!

God loves excellence.

There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky. – Deu 33:26 (KJV)

He is an excellent God! Everything you do should be done, not with the least energy but with all you have, surpassing expectations and going before the norm.

Oh, when you have that excellence perspective, nobody can just slide into your skirt or trousers! No way!

That excellent spirit abhors chaos, disorder and gate crashing! When a guy wants to gate crash, the excellent spirit in you will not allow such invasion!

Mediocre spirit accommodates nonsense and every kind of violation! Mediocrity celebrates generosity of one’s body!

An excellent spirit births a strong self esteem that makes you secure in who you are in God!

Say with me, “I have an excellent spirit!

May God grant more understanding.

I will no longer be delayed. I cooperate with God.

Pray against the spirit of delay.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Decide to follow God

Rom 8


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