Today's Devotional For Singles & Couples

You Are Carrying Something

You are carrying something Some time ago, I went to pick up my son from his school. As busy as the road was, I had no issue crossing it since I was alone. On my way back, with my son, I was more careful about crossing the same road.I stood there for a very long time,...

God, On His Throne

God, On His Throne! In the vastness of life’s challenges, it can be easy to feel small and insignificant. The storms of uncertainty, pain, or fear may rage around us, threatening to overwhelm our faith. But in those moments, we must remember this profound truth: God...

The Hunter, The Predator, and The Farmer

The Hunter, The Predator, and The Farmer. Today's devotional is not only targeted at educating men but also at helping women know what types of men to avoid. There are three kinds of men. 1. The Hunters 2. The Predators 3. The farmers Married couples can also greatly...

Is God Sitting at Your Relationship Table?

Imagine you’re at a dinner table, having a deep and meaningful conversation with someone you love. The atmosphere is just right, the emotions are real, and everything feels perfect. But have you ever stopped to ask, Is God even invited to this table? A lot of people...

Love or Just Mere Attention? Be on Guard!

I hate to be the “killjoy” right now, but I’m just helping you. Listen. Sometimes, what we call “love” isn’t really love. It’s just a craving for attention that is being met. You’re screaming “You’re in love with so, so, and so” but it may just be you enjoying the...

5 Reasons You Should Not Break Her Heart

Breaking someone’s heart is a serious matter, especially when it involves someone who has trusted you with their deepest emotions. Here are five biblical and heartfelt reasons you should never break her heart: 1. Her Heart Is a Sacred Trust When someone gives you...

How To Build Spiritual Capacity

How To Build Spiritual Capacity There is a level God desires His children to reach, which is a depth of understanding of the things of the Spirit. Growth is not optional; it is essential for where God is taking us.   Meanwhile, no one truly knows the strength within...

You Are Enough

You Are Enough It’s easy to get caught up in seeking validation. Whether it’s through relationships, social media, career success, or the approval of family and friends, we often feel like we need someone else to confirm our worth. I am here to tell you that...

Your Miracle Is Closer Than You Think

Your Miracle Is Closer Than You Think This morning, I want to write to those experiencing one form of delay or the other, especially in marriage. I'm sure you know the feeling. When it seems as though all your friends are married and doing fine but you are still...

Five Qualities a Husband Cannot Resist from His Wife

Five Qualities a Husband Cannot Resist from His Wife Marriage is one of God’s most beautiful designs, meant to reflect the love and unity between Christ and His Church (Ephesians 5:25-33). While every relationship has its unique dynamics, there are certain qualities a...

The Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast is a timeless fairy tale that explores themes of love, transformation, and inner beauty. The story follows a young woman named Beauty, who sacrifices her freedom to live in a mysterious castle to save her father from the wrath of a fearsome Beast....

Loneliness Shi-Marries

Loneliness Shi-Marries Loneliness is a powerful feeling. Like desperation, it can make people settle for less—for relationships they know aren’t right. They do this just to fill the empty space in their hearts. However, if you make a decision based on loneliness, it...

How To Prevent Your Relationship From Failing

Many people enter relationships with high hopes, only to watch them crumble. But why does this happen? Is love not enough? The truth is, love alone does not sustain a relationship. Wisdom, commitment, and divine guidance do. First, you need to understand that marriage...

Letting Go and Moving Forward

Letting Go and Moving Forward Letting go of past hurts is easier said than done. You may have prayed about it, tried to move on, or even told yourself that you’re over it. But then, something happens, a familiar situation, a certain name, a random memory, and...

Loving Your Wife, Submitting to Your Husband

Loving Your Wife, Submitting to Your Husband In Ephesians 5:22-33, the Apostle Paul provides profound guidance on marriage that reflects Christ’s relationship with the Church. For husbands, the call is clear: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church...

Your Spouse is Around The Corner

I have come to realize that choosing a spouse is not as spookyas some people make it to feel. If you can just follow God all through, the journey will be less complicated. Also, I have realized that more often than not, your spouse is very much around you. Godis not...

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