What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 2 HERE

Most importantly, a blessed man or woman can cast out demons. He or she can take charge of the spiritual milieu of the house. That is what you should go for.

Not a man or woman that will drag you to a herbalist’s house in your hour of need.

You need a blessed man or woman that can speak in tongues! Not just hot legs, but hot legs plus hot heart for God. That is what you need.

What is the purpose of marrying a beautiful lady with an empty head?

Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful face on an empty head. – Proverbs 11:22 (MSG)

Hey, ladies, KHC daughters, listen to me, you need a man that can intreat the Lord for you!

Further down in the chapter we are studying, that was what Isaac did for his wife!

And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. – Genesis 25:21 (KJV)

Message Translation says Isaac prayed hard. You need a man/woman that can pray hard when you are down!

Two weeks before I got married, my wife collapsed and was hospitalized. It was an attack. My in laws did not know what to do. She was on drip for three days and had not opened her eyes.

When they told me over the qphone (those old NITEL boxes), I traveled to Abeokuta where she was, and discharged her. I put a stop to the attacks and asked that the life of God flow int her. She opened her eyes, sat up and asked for food. Even the doctor was amazed at the power of God.

That did not happen because I was a Pastor, it happened because I could intreat the Lord. That is part of the blessing!

I will have to stop here this morning.

May heaven assist you to find that blessed special man or woman!

Put your hands on your head, go ahead and speak in tongues a little.

I call your relationship blessed. I call your courtship blessed. I call your marriage blessed. I call your family blessed. I call your home blessed. I call your children blessed.

Now, I pray for you, by the unction on me this morning as I write, everything that looks like a curse, everything that is a departure from God’s promises over you and yours, is removed in Jesus name!

I have been commanded to bless, so with God’s authority over my life and ministry, this morning, I call you blessed!

Go out today declaring that you are blessed and see what the Lord will do today and in the next seven days!

I am blessed so I attract the blessed.

Lord I receive the gift of a blessed man

1Pe 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous

Pray for a blessed man

John 10


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How To Honor Your Spouse – Part 2

How To Honor Your Spouse – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started this conversation yesterday and looked at how we can give honor to our husband and this can be our gate way to blessing. God has blessings in store for women who understands how to honor their husbands.

Today, I will show us few ways we can express honor to our husbands

1. Do more than is expected or normal for him

We have to do more than is expected. There are normal things that are expected of you as a wife, do more. Care more, love more, be faithful to a fault, be sincere to a fault, respect more than normal or expected.

Don’t just stay with the status quo, don’t just do a little, exert yourself, spend and be spent, give your self wholly.

So love your husband till he says you love too much. Until he says you have done too much, you have not done enough.

2. Take charge to meet their material need

You show your honor and respect for your husband by making yourself responsible to making sure their material needs are meant.

I am sure you will be thinking, are you not supposed to be the one to be taking care of? Your husband will take care of you but you will also look out for his needs. You don’t take him for granted. Let his need be your priority.

3. By acknowledging and recognizing the gifting that is on his inside.

Only you should be able to appreciate and celebrate the gifting of your husband. Even when others do not see any thing good in him, you should celebrate him like a billion dollar. Nobody must celebrate your husband more than you do.

Don’t let any secretary, colleague or mate celebrate your husband more than you do.

Be his number one cheerleader. Be his big fan. Be crazy about him. Laugh at his every joke, be filled with his love evermore.

To be continued…

My marriage is a blessing

Oh Lord, do a miracle in my marriage today.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)

Put the above points to use.

Heb 13


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I Am Preserved By Mercy

I Am Preserved By Mercy

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This morning, I am here to tell you about the mercy of God. This is a very powerful concept that will change your life; great things happen by mercy.

Let’s look at the dictionary definition of the word mercy first.

The Oxford dictionary defines mercy as compassion or forgiveness shown towards an enemy or person in one’s power.

I am sure in one way or the other, you need the forgiveness of your parents and you definitely need the compassion of God.

The mercy of God is so vital that David literarily cried for it several times in the bible.

Withhold not Your tender mercy from me, O Lord; let Your loving-kindness and Your truth continually preserve me! – Psalm 40:11 AMP

What a prayer!

Go ahead and ask for the mercy of God this morning.

This mercy can correct years of mistakes and reset destinies. It can wipe generational issues away and set you on a new course.

Perhaps, you have noticed one or two things about your parents which you are not too comfortable with. Some may be their own doing, some not by their own doing.

You can use the mercy of God to align the future of your family into what you see in the scriptures.

As you go out on your day to day activity, pray that the mercies of God will continually preserve you.

Pray for God’s mercy over your lives, academics, and everything you lay your hands to do and as you pray, believe that your prayers are answered and it will be so.

Lord, let your mercies continually rest upon me in Jesus Name. Amen.

Action Plan:
Pray and confess God’s words always.

I am continually preserved by God’s mercies.

Read yesterday’s article here


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What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 2

What To Do Before Saying “I Do” Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read Part 1 HERE

There are Josephs, Samsons and there are Amnons!

There are women who bring help and there are those who bring hell. There are wives and there are knives!

There are those who delight in your God and those who deride your faith.

There are Deborahs and there are Delilahs! There are Sarahs and there are Jezebels.

I say this with all sense of responsibility and humility, if I had married the wrong person, I will not be in ministry today. I know that because a lot of ministries have become miseries.

A lot of gifts and callings have been silenced and hibernated in the kitchen forever because of the wrong choice!

A lot of glorious callings have been guillotined, hung, and suspended because of the wrong choice.

Now, Pastor what do I look for in a man or a lady?

It is very simple.
Look for a man or woman that is BLESSED!

Don’t look for money or comfort alone, look for the blessing first.

If he or she is not blessed, the money will all disappear. And even if it doesn’t disappear, joy will be far away.

The blessing! That is what to look for.

Look for a man that will not be threatened of you and will bring out the best in you.

Look for a woman that will complement you and not distract you in this journey.

Look for a man who loves God, he will truly love you.

Let’s take a look at just one example.

And Abraham gave ALL that he had unto Isaac. – Genesis 25:5 (KJV)

What is the “All” that Abraham gave to Isaac?

It is called the blessing!

The blessing makes all that a man does to prosper just like a curse can make all that a man does to come to null and void.

But if Abraham gave all to Isaac, what then did he give to all other sons?

But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave GIFTS and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country. – Genesis 25:6 (KJV)

He gave all other sons all kinds of gifts which in today’s world would include cars, houses, lands, and so on.

But to Isaac, he gave ALL, and ALL is the Blessing!

Look for a blessed man, not a man who has a car but is not blessed.

The blessed man will eventually get all the cars and houses and the jets!

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage

Oh Lord, lead me to that person you have designed for me

And Abraham gave ALL that he had unto Isaac. – Genesis 25:5 (KJV) 

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Genesis 25


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How To Honor Your Spouse

How To Honor Your Spouse

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marriage is an honorable institution created by God. People everywhere are supposed to honor their spouse and marriage in the way the deal with the married folks.

Married folks are to honor their own marriage and the marriage of others. That is one of the main reasons God frowns at the sin of adultery.

The wrath of God is actually upon the adulterer and adulteress. If you are involved in this act, please repent, turn around from your sins and the Lord will forgive and cleanse you, in Jesus name.

Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonored); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous. – Heb 13:4 Amp

We need to Honor each other in marriage. The husband must see to it that he honors his spouse – the wife and the wife should see to it that she greatly honors her husband

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; – Rom 12:10 

I want to particularly write to us wives about the missing link of honoring our husbands. This act is gradually missing in this age and we need to go back to scriptures and learn to give honor to our husbands.

In these days of female liberation movement where equality among male and female gender is preached. Our mothers of old knew the secret of Honoring their husbands. They do it in words, thoughts and their actions.

The way we show gratitude to our husbands shows that we honor them. And this honor comes from realizing that your spouse is your head and your crown. That God has placed him in a position of grace and honor.

I need to emphasize this that as a wife, honor is the gateway to your blessing in Marriage. There is much benefits and blessings from God to us if we just learn to honor our own husband the way they are.

Most of us wants to honor them when they are perfect but no, we give honor to them whilst still unperfected. This is our faith work and God in turn honors us back.

I will stop here and continue tomorrow with the six ways we can honor our husbands.

God bless your marriage.

My marriage is a blessing

Oh Lord, do a miracle in my marriage today.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)

Put the above points to use.

Heb 13


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