Confession For Your Marriage
This is to be taken together by the couple. My marriage is blessed. My spouse and I are led by the Spirit of God. When we pray together in unity, our prayers are powerful and we get results. We make every effort to establish peace and harmony in our home. Together we...

Financial Breakthrough Confession and Prayer
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You for N/$______. I have this money in my heavenly account as a result of my seeds sown and I am withdrawing this amount now. I believe I receive N/$________. As in Mark 11:23-24, I believe it in my heart and confess now that it...

Daily Confessions For Husbands
Lord, I thank you for my wife and the mother of my children. I thank you for giving me such a great woman as my wife. Lord, I declare that I am taught how to live considerably with my wife, I have intelligent recognition of the marriage relationship, I honour my wife...

Daily Confessions For Wives
My father, I thank you for the man you have given unto me as my husband and my crown. I am submissive to my husband, I adapt myself and I defer to him as the head of the family, just like Jesus is the head of the church. I have reverence for my husband; I...

KHC Confession For Singles
I am sanctified, I belong to Kisses and Huggs Club, I belong to God's kingdom, I am a member of the unshakable kingdom. I am unshaken, undaunted, and undismayed. in the face of contradictions. I will not compromise, I am satisfied with God, I am gratified with Jesus,...