When You’re Ready for Marriage

When You’re Ready for Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When You’re Ready for Marriage. Let’s take a look at some hints that show you are really ready for marriage.

1. You are not lonely.

This is because marriage is never the solution for loneliness. You can be married and be lonely! Ask some married folk. You are not ready for marriage if you are lonely. Adam was not lonely; he was alone. Loneliness and being alone are not the same thing.

Marriage is never meant to alleviate loneliness; rather, it is meant to supplement and provide companionship.

If you look up the word “helper,” you’ll see what I mean.

Genesis 2:18 (KJV) 
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

The Amplified Bible calls it a helper and then expands on that word.

Genesis 2:18 (AMPC)
Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.

When You’re Ready for Marriage

2. You are not looking for house help.

A woman is to be a helper rather than a house help The definitions have been established. They are not the same thing.

Depending on the circumstances, she can do the laundry, but she is not a dry cleaner or washing machine.

She hasn’t come to work her hands to the bone while her husband watches the news and football.

This is especially crucial now since there are so many career women.

If the young couple does not have housekeepers or anyone else to assist them, they must both face the labor and not delegate it to one side. This is what real love is!

This does not diminish the wife’s hard work and industriousness, as demonstrated by the virtuous woman, but it also does not render the husband superfluous in the home.

There should be “labor division” in love!

hen You’re Ready for Marriage

And this is why single should not spend weekends with boyfriends in order to secure a wedding.

That is not how it works.

You’ll have more sex (which is sinful) )and less meaningful conversations to develop your marital aspirations.

The time that should be spent getting to know each other and examining character flaws is instead spent wrapped up in each other’s embrace, in passionate sex, which is why difficulties arise after the wedding.

You never got to know that person with you on the bed.

We will continue on this later!

Good morning!


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Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit

Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit. Today is the last devotional in the series we have been having from some days back.

We have been looking at the following topics. Read them in case you missed them.

Today we look at an important aspect for the wife. Why you should not close your spirit. 

There might be reason to, you may be justified, you may think that is the only option, but I beg in you in the name of Jesus or let me just put it in Kings James Version, I Beseech you, Do not close your spirit!

In the event you have done so, pursue the path of healing and let God bring restoration! 

Why should you? Here are a few reasons!

Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit

1. Hell, instead of Help

When you close your spirit against your husband, you simply welcome hell instead of providing the help that you are meant to be to your husband! This will not be your story in Jesus’ name! 

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Joy will gradually wither, love will be feigned, life will become boring and a once excited and vivacious couple will become mere human caricatures, just going through the motions! 

These will affect the entire family on a level you won’t appreciate! Do not close your spirit, rather resolve the issues! 

Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit

2. Leaving, instead of Cleaving 

Listen to me, dear wives, when you are joined together in holy matrimony, you actually become one flesh! Not one spirit. One flesh! The question is, how do you close yourself up to yourself? It’s literally impossible. 

When you are “cleaved” already in marriage,  it’s tearing apart when you try to “leave” and that comes with a lot of pain and anguish.

It will affect his finances and ultimately your finances. What you are meting out to him in the form of reactions will ultimately come back to you and the children. It’s not worth it!


Why You Should Not Close Your Spirit

3. Vulnerable, instead of Enviable 

You are meant to be an enviable couple, a model to others, and who others should look up to.

Closing up your spirit will impact you sexually, and that will even make you more vulnerable. Yielding to these vulnerabilities is like opening the door for the devil to cause even more havoc! 

It is not worth it! 

Go for counseling, therapy, or whatever you need to do so that you can heal and welcome peace back to your home! If you need some form of therapy, reach out to my wife and I and we might be able to help. By all means, do not keep quiet and continue t get bitter! You can’t afford bitterness!

Hebrews 12:15 (KJV)
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

See it amplified version

Hebrews 12:15 (AMPC)
Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it–

Good morning! 


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Why She Can Close Her Spirit Part 2 

Why She Can Close Her Spirit Part 2 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Your Lover Can Close Her Spirit Part 2. We started on this series two days ago and we have looked at two other devotionals in the series. If you missed them, find them below.

And also:

This morning, we are looking at the second part of Why Your Lover Can Close Her Spirit. Let’s dive into it.

2. When you make her feel foolish and stupid.

When you constantly imply that your wife is ignorant and dumb, she will be hurt.

You don’t always say it, but it’s clear from your body language and the way you discard whatever she suggests.

Sometimes a husband will not even listen to her opinion.

She is to be seen rather than heard? That is never God’s intention for marriage.

In reality, she is your helper!

Only if you had listened to her “dumb” or “stupid” ideas would you have saved a lot of money sometimes!

She may not be logical, but she is instinctive.

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You know the man you want to partner with in business, but she will tell you based on an intuition that the man will mess things up. Yes, she won’t have facts but you will find out she is often right. It’s intuition.

She has no proof, no precedent, but she has intuition!

Don’t dismiss your her gut instinct!

Why Your Lover Can Close Her Spirit Part 2.

3. When you make her a laughingstock

If you make your wife the target of crude jokes in front of your friends and family, she will be hurt.

Only a foolish husband would do such a thing! You’re supposed to protect her and project her, not embarrass her at every turn!

Make it clear to everyone, especially your parents, that you are proud of your wife.

Biting words and mocking her about her weight and appearance will easily wound her.

Constantly harping on her flabby tummy will not result in a tummy tuck operation!


Why Your Lover Can Close Her Spirit Part 2.

Take her to the gym or do a home workout with her!

She had that flabby tummy because she carried your baby in it for months, so treat her well!

And, dear lady, do all in your power to please your husband when he starts bugging you about your weight.

He is moved by what he sees! It is important to look your best not only for him but also for your health!

In Jesus’ name, God will help you!


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Why She Can Close Her Spirit 

Why She Can Close Her Spirit 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why She Can Close Her Spirit. Yesterday, we looked at signs showing a wife has closed up her spirit against her husband.

We identified and explained the following five signs:

1. She begins to criticize you

2. You disagree on everything.

3. When she goes silent for several days

4. She pretends to be fatigued.

5. Her expression is always downcast.

These are surely not good places to be for the couple. Some of these tell-tale signs are also relevant even as singles in courtship, and you must seek counsel urgently when you notice any of them. It will be detrimental to ignore them and proceed to the wedding. 

If you miss yesterday’s devotional, find it below

Why She Can Close Her Spirit 

Today, I’ll continue along that theme as we analyze what can cause a wife’s spirit to close down.

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1. When you continually and unrepentantly disregard her needs

When you repeatedly overlook your wife’s most basic wants, she will be hurt and come to believe that you never loved her.

This sensation can deteriorate to the point when she develops an emotional defense, the pinnacle of which is closing her spirit.

You see, in order to love your wife, you must do so on her terms, not yours.

This is primarily due to the fact that a man’s needs differ significantly from those of a woman.

So, while satisfying her requirements, it is frequently simple to interpret her needs based on your own, but this is not always the case.

Priorities differ, particularly at the emotional level.


Why She Can Close Her Spirit 

Allow her to explain her needs to you; you’ll be surprised that what’s vital to her is irrelevant to you!

As a result, the challenge is to concentrate on what may seem minor to you but is a major concern for her.

That is the definition of selflessness!

Her primary needs are always around attention and quality time!

May God bless your relationship and marriage


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Is Your Wife’s Spirit Closed?

Is Your Wife’s Spirit Closed?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is Your Wife’s Spirit Closed Against You?

One of the most unpleasant points in a marriage is when a wife closes down her spirit.

Women are often more profound than men.

What a man may dismiss as a harmless jest may cause a lady to suffer for days.

What you believe is a joke could become a source of contention in your marriage if you are not careful.

Amo 3:3 (KJV)
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

How will they move forward, how will they grow, and how will progress be made until they agree?

Is Your Wife’s Spirit Closed?

When a wife closes her spirit, prayers become ineffective, fasting becomes ineffective, and God’s favor is not assured.

What are they?

What are the telltale symptoms that a wife’s spirit has closed?

If you can locate two or three of the following, you should pay attention to your marriage and your wife.

1. She begins to criticize you

She used to be a fan of yours. She used to approach problems objectively. She used to give advice in her own unique style. But, over time, if you see she is simply criticizing, without really considering what you are saying, she is undoubtedly upset.

2. You disagree on everything.

When nothing you say makes sense, she rejects anything you say, and she appears unwilling to agree with you on anything, she has most likely closed down her spirit.

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Is Your Wife’s Spirit Closed?

3. When she goes silent for several days

Something is wrong if your wife abruptly withdraws and says nothing, contributes nothing and appears withdrawn.

She becomes quiet and withdraws inside her shell to express her dissatisfaction.

4. She pretends to be fatigued.

When it comes to the time to make love, she gives one of two reasons.

She tries to avoid it, and when she can’t, she lies down and lets you do what you want, but she’s bored, sad, and disconnected.

While you’re doing this, she could nearly be reading a novel. It indicates that she is in pain.


5. Her expression is always downcast.

Her facial expressions, countenance, and mien have changed from what they were.

Her formerly vibrant smile and excitement have all faded into apparent rage and pain on her face.

She lets you know she is uncomfortable and distant when you are with friends or people you respect.

These are symptoms that she is unhappy, in pain, injured, nursing emotional wounds, and that her spirit is quickly closing down.

This is not a good place for a husband to be because your spiritual efficacy will suffer, your oil will be depleted, and your productivity will suffer.

This is not a healthy situation for the wife since her susceptibility, as well as her husband’s vulnerability, will develop and they will be easily caught

It is not where God wants you to be as a wife.

After discussing the warning signals, what are the fundamental causes and how may they be avoided?

I pray that God would bring relief to every troubled marriage and that God will intervene and bring healing in Jesus’ name.


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