This Is Why Your Love Life Took A Nap

This Is Why Your Love Life Took A Nap

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This Is Why Your Love Life Took A Nap. Marriage wine can often dry up, turn sour or simply lose taste. Relationships can lose the spark, the fun, and the glee! Love can wane, can grow old, and can fast dissipate. Feelings are fickle, never with a forever status. 

What do you do when love seems to wane when the tummy butterflies have all rested their wings, love birds have no more songs when words evoke no more feelings, and the blushing, the dimples, and the smiles have all gone?

 What do you do at such times? This is the subject of our discourse this morning.

You are in courtship and everything seems intense, but recently, you are no longer excited. You don’t even look forward to hearing from each other and yet you still have peace that you are in the right relationship.

You are married, and the marriage bed has gone cold. Sex used to be a trip but right now it is a complete bore. You could almost be reading a novel while you are at it.

And yet the Bible unequivocally advises that

Pro 5:19 (KJV)  Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

What happened? Here are a few things that could steal the wine from the marriage shelf, that could sap out and zap off every fun in the union.

This Is Why Your Love Life Took A Nap
1. When you allow pressures to stifle the pleasure
There will always be pressures, especially pressures from work. Wise husbands and wives learn to leave office pressures at the office and not bring them home.

For those in courtship, do not allow work pressures to swallow up fun communication times, times of bonding, and times of aligning the souls.

Decide to enjoy your courtship through vibrant communication and unhindered flow irrespective of the pressures that be

2. When you allow the hustles and bustles of life to steal your rest in God
Whether you like it or not, there will always be issues to deal with. You must have a commitment to each other in relationship or marriage to put each other first place after God.

3. When you refuse to spend quality time together
Love will wane when you don’t spend time with each other. Nothing will ever replace quality time spent together enriched with destiny discussions and plans for the future.

Those times of fellowship can never be replaced with any other thing For singles in courtship, this quality time must not be tainted with sex and other sexual sins.

With compromise, quality time will become dangerous time, bringing with it, damnation and guilt.

4. When you refuse to give yourself self-development and learn how to please each other
Bringing new wine into a relationship or marriage can be learned. Both parties must give attention to learning.

Study temperaments, weaknesses, and strengths. Learn how to minimize your weaknesses and maximize your strength

5. When you stop praying and the devil starts preying
When the wine finished at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, they had to enlist the help of Jesus. There is no doubt that the supernatural is needed in keeping the fire of the bedroom hot and in bringing fresh wine into relationships and marriages.

Keep your relationship and marriage established on the foundation of prayers!

That is how it is going to last! These are different reasons Why Your Love Life Took A Nap

May God grant more understanding in Jesus’ name

I am refreshed in God

Lord, I ask for new wine in my relationship/marriage   

Pro 5:19 (MSG)  Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose— don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted!

Invest time in your relationship/marriage

Jeremiah 10


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There’s No Going Along With The Crowd

There’s No Going Along With The Crowd

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There’s No Going Along With The Crowd. Our generation is beleaguered with so many pressures that believers are even compromising heavily, and yet the truth is that God will not lower or change his standard because of the peculiarity of our generation or the pressures of our environment. God’s word remains forever.

Look at the following verse:

Eph 4:17 KJV This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,’

The Spirit of God writing through Paul here says, as children of God, we cannot walk as the unbelievers walk. There has to be a distinguishing. We cannot be lumped together. Our light must shine in the midst of darkness. We must stand out. The life of God in us will not allow us to live carelessly.

Message translation says we cannot move with the crowd!

Eph 4:17 MSG And so I insist–and God backs me up on this–that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

You as a child of God cannot flow with the tide. Having done all, you’ve got to stand, unmoved, unshaken, and unyielding to the grip of iniquity.

Verse 20 says: Eph 4:20 KJV But ye have not so learned Christ;

That is not what we learn about Christ when we gave our life to Christ. At what point did we accommodate the devil’s antics into the programme of our lives?

At what point did we think that as a child of God, you can be dating three people at a time?

At what point did we start combining a life of fornication with a life of leading others in worship?

At what point did pastors think they can go free with sleeping with naive church members because they are anointed? That is not how we learned Christ! There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

Eph 5:2 MSG Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.

You’ve got to learn a life of love and not a life of lust. God did not love us in order to get something from us! The moment you say you are in love with a person and then you want something you can get, either money or sex, you have moved from love into lust. People ask me, how can I know whether he or she loves me? That is the answer right there!

Love wants to improve the other person’s life, not deplete it. If you are in a relationship with a person, and your Christian life goes down, watch it. God will not lead you into a relationship where all you have is the anguish of the soul, a life of iniquity, and a life full of lust. You cannot tell me you love a lady whom you have impregnated thrice and paid for abortions. That is not love!

Look at the next verse:

Eph 5:3 MSG Don’t allow love to turn into lust, setting off a downhill slide into sexual promiscuity, filthy practices, or bullying greed.

I will stop here this morning! Good morning! There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

I am a love being. I love like God loves.

Lord, show me how to imitate you through your word 

Eph 5:4 GNB – Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather you should give thanks to God.

Read a book today

Acts 13 – 14


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Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. Our Marriages will not crash in Jesus’ name. However, there are indications or tendencies we should guard against.

These indications are sure signals that marriage will crash.

Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. What are they?

1. When the couple lives in deception
No marriage can be built on deception. Deception is a sandy, fragile, frail, and flaky foundation that would seem to hold a marriage for a while, but will give in, and crash eventually. 

Deception brings with it, false promises and this even becomes intense when both husband and wife are deceiving and lying to each other.

It is a matter of time before the loud crash is heard around and beyond. 

Pro 27:6 (KJV)  Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

It is even worse if the couple knows they are in deception, and they keep encouraging each other rather than seeking help.

2. When the couple lives in isolation
A couple that lives in isolation will die in desolation.

It is not a curse, it is a predictable end.

A couple that has nobody speaking into their lives is at risk.

There must be a place you are drawing from.

Who can you report your spouse to?

If there is nobody, something is not quite right. 

Who mentors your marriage?

Whose marriage models yours?

Find that person prayerfully and stop fighting alone.

There are battles you can fight for days in a marriage that could have been ended by wisdom in a few statements in the heart of someone around you.

Pro 25:12 (KJV)  As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.

A wise reprover is likened to precious jewelry with which you adorn yourself and come out beautifully.

Do you want a beautiful marriage?

Do you desire a beautiful home?

Then my question is, “who is your wise reprover?”

If you have none, then prayerfully find one together and agree on being mentored.

May God give you more understanding! These are the Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash

Be blessed!

I will go for wisdom 

Pray that God will lead you to the right mentor  

Pro 25:12 (MSG)  And a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse 

Romans 11


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This Dream Requires Your Prayers

This Dream Requires Your Prayers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This Dream Requires Your Prayers. Today’s devotionals are basically the same, for singles and married, because of the significance of the message. Dreams and visions are valid languages of God through which He often chooses to communicate to us. The Holy Spirit will reveal and bring warnings as needs be from time to time.

You will recall that Joseph had dreams. You will also recall that Joseph had a dream in which He was instructed to run away with Jesus. Have you ever thought why God would ask Joseph to run away as against protecting them without having to run?

Peter had a trance in Acts 10

It was somewhat of unrest and I am calling on us to Let’s Pray Against Unrest In Nigeria

People and vehicles were still able to move about but in panic. I saw crowds. I saw people running and trying to escape from something. What it was, I don’t know exactly.

I saw people crushed under the weight of others running and trying to escape.

I saw people fall into ditches and sink below the ground. There was pandemonium. There were a few deaths here and there.

It looked like unrest, not a war situation. Riots and unrest, and the accompanying violence and looting that follows.

People were kind of animated and excited, and yet you could see fear and panic at the same time. It was also a picture of confusion. Maybe you want to call it civil unrest. However, there were casualties. 

I believe strongly this is a prophetic dream. This Dream Requires Your Prayers.

This is calling on the body of Christ to pray! This kind of dream will come because God wants us to pray to avert the plans of the devil at such a time as this.

While I will in no way impose my convictions on people, I feel strongly that God is asking the body of Christ to pray about this!

May our nation be preserved in God. May God give us a leader after His own heart!

May Nigeria be great again! This Dream Requires Your Prayers.

We will not be thrown into confusion 

Lord, heal our Nation

2Ch 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Pray for Nigeria 

2Ch 7


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I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land

I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land. Dreams and visions are valid languages of God through which He often chooses to communicate to us. The Holy Spirit will reveal and bring warnings as needs be from time to time.

You will recall that Joseph had dreams. You will also recall that Joseph had a dream in which He was instructed to run away with Jesus. Have you ever thought why God would ask Joseph to run away as against protecting them without having to run?

Peter had a trance in Acts 10

It was somewhat of unrest and I am calling on us to Let’s Pray Against Unrest In Nigeria

People and vehicles were still able to move about but in panic. I saw crowds. I saw people running and trying to escape from something. What it was, I don’t know exactly.

I saw people crushed under the weight of others running and trying to escape.

I saw people fall into ditches and sink below the ground. There was pandemonium. There were a few deaths here and there.

It looked like unrest, not a war situation. Riots and unrest, and the accompanying violence and looting that follows.

People were kind of animated and excited, and yet you could see fear and panic at the same time. It was also a picture of confusion. Maybe you want to call it civil unrest. However, there were casualties. 

I believe strongly this is a prophetic dream.

This is calling on the body of Christ to pray! This kind of dream will come because God wants us to pray to avert the plans of the devil at such a time as this.

While I will in no way impose my convictions on people, I feel strongly that God is asking the body of Christ to pray about this!

May our nation be preserved in God. May God give us a leader after His own heart!

May Nigeria be great again! Let’s Pray Against Unrest In Nigeria

We will not be thrown into confusion 

Lord, heal our Nation

2Ch 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Pray for Nigeria 

2Ch 7


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