Pray, pray, and pray some more. It is more than just religious advice. It is a tried and true method that has worked for many years. When a guy prays for his wife, he grows closer to God and relieves his wife of stress.
This also works perfectly in a courtship situation! Pray a lot for your lover! My spouse and I prayed a lot together while we were students at the University and this helped us a lot!
When a man realizes that his wife lacks certain virtues, he should turn to prayer. No amount of pestering will change that. No amount of lecturing will persuade her otherwise.
Only God can transform our marriages into what He intended them to be, and prayer is one of the routes through which God accomplishes it.
When you pray, you bring God into the picture and give him the authority to accomplish whatever He wants with your marriage.
Eph 5:25-28 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
It is the husband’s obligation to ensure that his wife becomes everything God intended her to be.
As a wife, request that your husband pray for you. Request that he places his hands on you and speaks words into your life. He doesn’t have to be a pastor to bless you!
It makes you naturally submissive and allows the spouse to serve as the priest God has called him to be.
It will also help to reduce constant squabbles. You can’t expect someone who is battling with you to always pray for you.
Make it a point to pray for your lover or spouse, and you will see the transformation that God will bring.
Life as a married couple is extremely demanding and requires a lot of wisdom.
There are many areas you should focus on as couples. This morning, I will be identifying just a few of these areas as we all make up our minds to work on our marriages. Singles should learn from this too as a preparation for their wedding.
Pay attention to these details, and your marriage will flourish.
Focus On These Areas In Marriage
1. You should never make your partner feel threatened.
Marriage is a collaboration, not a boss-bondmaid relationship. Nobody is better or worse than anyone else.
Learn to value one another as human beings first. The husband is the head of the household, but it does not make him superior.
The wife is to submit but that does not mean she should be muted and silenced in the home.
Husbands must come into that place of maturity to give wings to their wives to fly while wives must learn to be a help meet indeed by fully submitting to their wives and respecting them.
Focus On These Areas In Marriage
2. Never allow for adultery or infidelity.
It is never worth it, no matter how much you are tempted. Adultery will always be regarded as a dumb sin.
Extramarital affairs are frequently extremely expensive. Nothing compares to the cost of shattered trust.
Stay together and eliminate every emotional interference.
3. Never deny each other.
Don’t deprive your spouse of the enjoyment God intended for sex in marriage. Try various styles. Proper hygiene is also essential.
On the other hand, singles are to keep their bodies under and not indulge in sexual compromise.
The biblical instruction remains the same, sex should be kept till after the wedding! God is not about to change that injunction!
Focus On These Areas In Marriage
4. Maintaining secrets in a marriage is a dead end.
It is likely that you withhold certain sensitive subjects from your spouse for a better time. But no secrets, please. Be open and be transparent with one another. Whatever is covered never heals, and moreover, if your partner had to discover themselves, the trust would have been broken.
If this has happened once, forgive and move on but learn from it!
The Bible instructs us to judge ourselves so that we are not judged. In other words, judge yourself always!
According to the Bible,
1Co 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
So, in a practical sense, let us utilize yardsticks to evaluate ourselves.
1. How has my prayer and devotional life been?
This, to a considerable measure, decides your connection with God. Have you remained consistent? If you haven’t already, you should make new promises to do so.
If you want your relationship with your lover to be successful, you must first fall in love with God! That’s a lot of wisdom for you!
The Judge and The Judged Of Your Love Life
2. Have I been walking in love?
You are a person. You’ve got toes. There are other people. They have unintentionally stepped on your lovely toes. However, you must forgive and go on.
Do you have somebody on your unforgiving list? You must let go. Don’t allow someone to stymie your spiritual development, since an unforgiving attitude will.
What fresh things have they done for you? How much pain have they inflicted on you that Jesus did not experience? Do you realize the devil fights those he fears? Don’t you realize it’s your fantastic future that’s at stake? What if your family threw you into the pit? What if your family led you to become a houseboy/housegirl? Joseph went through all that!
Forgive and let go, my dear. You will have better days ahead of you. Refuse to be sour. If you do not forgive, your heavenly Father will not forgive you, according to Jesus.
The Judge and The Judged Of Your Love Life
3. Have I been compromising?
You occasionally lose your balance. As long as it is a mistake, God makes allowances. Perpetual sin will destroy you. If it was only a mistake, you should seek God for forgiveness and move on.
If you find yourself repeating the same sin over and over, it’s time to put a stop to it. You can’t go on like this. In the name of the Lord, I implore you to make a decision to stop today! Divorce that life on iniquity, disconnect from that bond of iniquity, and decide to live for God!
He does not call the qualified. I was a naive nineteen-year-old when God called me, and I did nothing about it until a few years later when I was graduating from high school. Is God asking you to perform anything that appears to be beyond your abilities? That is how it is!
2. God will speak with you in a pattern.
Study that pattern and pay attention to what He says. God speaks in snippets, as much as you can handle at one moment. As a result, always document.
3. Do not be in a hurry.
When God speaks to you, you are burdened. There is a burden of preparation and a burden of performance. When you try to perform when you should be preparing, you may fail.
4. Be calm when leaving a ministry or church, regardless of how you believe you have been treated.
Be prudent. David never retaliated. He was knowledgeable in his behavior. Do not backbite or gossip. Maintain your cleanliness.
Called Or Sense of Calling?
5. It is folly for you to go up against a man of God who has multiple branches or a stronger ministerial standing than you do.
His many branches can absorb all the conflict for a while, but your new work may not.
6. What do you do when you are enraged by some people in the ministry?
The most stupid thing you can do is start gossiping and spreading your pain. That is what your flesh desires, but it is not what the scripture recommends.
7. So, what are you going to do?
You pray for that individual or people in the Holy Spirit. Intercede on their behalf and sincerely ask God to bless them. The bitterness will fade, and the devil’s plan will fail.
8. Never go anywhere without a spiritual covering.
It’s like a baby who wants to go out without his or her birth parents. It is virtually impossible.
Called Or Sense of Calling?
9. Israel is divided into twelve tribes.
There are tribes in ministry, but no tribalism. Find your tribe or spiritual ancestry since that is where your legacy resides. You will always thrive when you are in the proper company. You can’t be friends with everyone. Do not let your attention wander.
10. Avoid spending time with persons who oppose your calling.
Words are like spirits. There are tongue slanderers. Be an avid reader. Be adaptable while being steadfast.
God’s word is potent. Keep nourishing your inner man with, books, messages, and church sermons. Your life’s success depends on studying God’s word regularly.
And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. (Joshua 1:8 Message)
God’s word can solve some of your frustrations as singles. Do you realize that studying God’s word can solve some of your biggest questions?
Do you know that God’s word can unravel your deepest mysteries? Do you know God’s word may reveal hidden things that were inconceivable?
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3 KJV)
God’s word will do these in your relationships and Marriage.
The Word In Your Marriage
1. It will erase your past!
The anointed word of God will erase your past! Jesus sacrificed himself for you, which is nearly inconceivable.
Never let the past hold you hostage. You’re free. Today, your past mistakes cannot hold you down!
2. It will give you hope.
After forgiving and forgetting, God’s word will offer you hope. Hope is essential to receiving God’s fullness. Suddenly, hope arises in your heart!
The Word In Your Marriage
3. God’s word will instill victory.
God’s message inspires faith. Faith grows as you hear and read God’s word. Why faith? Faith wins in God!
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:4 KJV)
See Message Translation:
Every God–begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. (1 John 5:4 Message)
See that? God’s word-based faith can topple the world and its institutions! Praise God!
4. God’s word will illuminate your path
Direction can be rigorous. The good life is about good judgments. Relying on God to choose a spouse overcomes your human imperfections in marriage because an assurance that God is involved will make forgiveness easy.
5. The Bible will stabilize your marriage.
Embracing God’s word will help you identify good and bad people. Relationships require steadiness. Marriages need God’s help.
You need divine knowledge to avoid divorce and separation.
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure. (Isaiah 33:6 KJV)