There’s No Going Along With The Crowd

There’s No Going Along With The Crowd

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There’s No Going Along With The Crowd. Our generation is beleaguered with so many pressures that believers are even compromising heavily, and yet the truth is that God will not lower or change his standard because of the peculiarity of our generation or the pressures of our environment. God’s word remains forever.

Look at the following verse:

Eph 4:17 KJV This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,’

The Spirit of God writing through Paul here says, as children of God, we cannot walk as the unbelievers walk. There has to be a distinguishing. We cannot be lumped together. Our light must shine in the midst of darkness. We must stand out. The life of God in us will not allow us to live carelessly.

Message translation says we cannot move with the crowd!

Eph 4:17 MSG And so I insist–and God backs me up on this–that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

You as a child of God cannot flow with the tide. Having done all, you’ve got to stand, unmoved, unshaken, and unyielding to the grip of iniquity.

Verse 20 says: Eph 4:20 KJV But ye have not so learned Christ;

That is not what we learn about Christ when we gave our life to Christ. At what point did we accommodate the devil’s antics into the programme of our lives?

At what point did we think that as a child of God, you can be dating three people at a time?

At what point did we start combining a life of fornication with a life of leading others in worship?

At what point did pastors think they can go free with sleeping with naive church members because they are anointed? That is not how we learned Christ! There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

Eph 5:2 MSG Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.

You’ve got to learn a life of love and not a life of lust. God did not love us in order to get something from us! The moment you say you are in love with a person and then you want something you can get, either money or sex, you have moved from love into lust. People ask me, how can I know whether he or she loves me? That is the answer right there!

Love wants to improve the other person’s life, not deplete it. If you are in a relationship with a person, and your Christian life goes down, watch it. God will not lead you into a relationship where all you have is the anguish of the soul, a life of iniquity, and a life full of lust. You cannot tell me you love a lady whom you have impregnated thrice and paid for abortions. That is not love!

Look at the next verse:

Eph 5:3 MSG Don’t allow love to turn into lust, setting off a downhill slide into sexual promiscuity, filthy practices, or bullying greed.

I will stop here this morning! Good morning! There’s No Going Along With The Crowd!

I am a love being. I love like God loves.

Lord, show me how to imitate you through your word 

Eph 5:4 GNB – Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather you should give thanks to God.

Read a book today

Acts 13 – 14


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I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land

I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I Woke Up With A Dream: Unrest In the Land. Dreams and visions are valid languages of God through which He often chooses to communicate to us. The Holy Spirit will reveal and bring warnings as needs be from time to time.

You will recall that Joseph had dreams. You will also recall that Joseph had a dream in which He was instructed to run away with Jesus. Have you ever thought why God would ask Joseph to run away as against protecting them without having to run?

Peter had a trance in Acts 10

It was somewhat of unrest and I am calling on us to Let’s Pray Against Unrest In Nigeria

People and vehicles were still able to move about but in panic. I saw crowds. I saw people running and trying to escape from something. What it was, I don’t know exactly.

I saw people crushed under the weight of others running and trying to escape.

I saw people fall into ditches and sink below the ground. There was pandemonium. There were a few deaths here and there.

It looked like unrest, not a war situation. Riots and unrest, and the accompanying violence and looting that follows.

People were kind of animated and excited, and yet you could see fear and panic at the same time. It was also a picture of confusion. Maybe you want to call it civil unrest. However, there were casualties. 

I believe strongly this is a prophetic dream.

This is calling on the body of Christ to pray! This kind of dream will come because God wants us to pray to avert the plans of the devil at such a time as this.

While I will in no way impose my convictions on people, I feel strongly that God is asking the body of Christ to pray about this!

May our nation be preserved in God. May God give us a leader after His own heart!

May Nigeria be great again! Let’s Pray Against Unrest In Nigeria

We will not be thrown into confusion 

Lord, heal our Nation

2Ch 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Pray for Nigeria 

2Ch 7


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The Weapon of Delilah Today

The Weapon of Delilah Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Weapon of Delilah Today. We started on this yesterday. We will conclude today. The next question is how did Delilah get Samson eventually despite that Samson knew she wanted to deliver him to his enemies? You see it right there!

Jdg 16:16 KJV And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;

She pressed him with words! This is The Weapon of Delilah Today

The lesson here is simple. Once you can see that a person is not the type of person to relate with, disconnect fast. If you give some allowance, you will be pressed with ‘words!’

See The Message Translation

Jdg 16:16 (MSG) She kept at it day after day, nagging and tormenting him. Finally, he was fed up—he couldn’t take another minute of it.

Words are spirits! The moment you start going out on an innocent date with that inappropriate person, you will be pressed with words. Your soul will be so much vexed and before you know it, you’ve started eating what you know will kill you!

If he or she is not a child of God, run! If he or she is not your spouse, run! If you allow yourself to be pressed with words, you will compromise!

The second card that Delilah played is here:
Jdg 16:15 MSG She said, “How can you say ‘I love you’ when you won’t even trust me? Three times now you’ve toyed with me, like a cat with a mouse, refusing to tell me the secret of your great strength.”

How many times have you heard that from folk demanding sex in a courtship?

“If you really love me, bla…bla…bla.”

I have shown you two strategies that were used to ‘finish’ The Weapon of Delilah Today. Samson’s destiny! Delilah here can be a guy or a lady.

Learn from that wisdom. A word is enough for the wise. May God grant you the wisdom and strength to run away from every ‘Delilah’ in your life!

I am protected

Lord, shield me from enemies who say they are friends

Joh 15:12 (KJV)   This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 

Study the life of Samson

Acts 9


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How To Deal With Delilahs Today

How To Deal With Delilahs Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How To Deal With Delilahs Today. The story of Samson and Delilah will never cease to amaze me. Samson was called by God, anointed, and appointed. He was one of the privileged few whose birth was announced by an angel! His birth and assignment were that significant.

However, he had a terrible weakness, and that is women! Samson was a womanizer. He would see a woman and completely lose his bearing. His erection would become his direction.

Jdg 16:1 KJV
Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her.

He was uncontrollable when it came to girls! Despite that he was anointed and appointed, he eventually became a disappointment because he would not deal with his weakness.

He was so undisciplined that all he needed to lose his bearing was just to ‘see’ a woman. At one time, he saw a lady and he could not speak his language correctly! He said, “…get her for me to wife!”

Jdg 14:2 KJV
And he came up, and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines: now therefore get her for me to wife.

This is the kind of person Samson was. The result? His eyes were gouged out and he was caught off in the midst of his days.

How To Deal With Delilahs Today. Delilah wanted to find out the secret of Samson’s power with the intent of killing him. Samson knew Delilah wanted to set him up and yet he refused to disconnect from her. Three times, Samson deceived Delilah about the secret of his power, and those three times, the Philistines came upon him to kill him, so Samson knew really well what was Delilah’s intention. Yet he clung to Delilah and would not let go.

How many of us are in this kind of scenario today? We find ourselves in an ungodly relationship, that we know is heavily compromised and yet we would not let go! You find yourself to be in love with a person that constantly abuses you and yet you did not run for your life. You find yourself in love with the one that is not in love with you. You find yourself to be in love with a person that does not value you. You find yourself in love with a person that beats you up at any little provocation and yet you cling to that relationship.

You can see that the person you are amorously in love with is leading you straight to hell, yet you cling to the person. You can see that the person you love is about to introduce you into the world of illicit drug use, and yet you stay there professing your love! You can see that the person you met in the church is not really a child of God by virtue of what he or she has done to you and with you and yet you refuse to heed warnings.

My advice to you this morning is simple. Don’t become another Samson. You are gifted, don’t let it end with asking God to let you die! Don’t let it culminate in you being delivered right into your enemies’ hands. Don’t let it get to the point where your spiritual eyes are dismembered, and you can longer behold the perfect law of liberty! Don’t let it be that the brother or sister that has been greatly used by God is now a pitiable sight to behold.

Run for your life! If Samson had run, maybe he would have been saved. But his undisciplined life led him to his death. Flee! That is what the scripture says. When the scripture says run, do not say ‘let’s reason together!’ This is How To Deal With Delilahs Today

I am kept by God’s power

Lord, protect me from evil

Psa 119:22 (KJV)  Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept thy testimonies.

Stay away from sin 

Acts 7


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A Conversation On Feelings And Guilt

A Conversation On Feelings And Guilt

Reading Time: 5 minutes

A Conversation On Feelings, Sex, And Guilt. Buddy, with a lot in his mind, a lanky handsome guy of twenty-five years of age goes to his mentor’s office for some talk. George is about forty years old, a leader in the church, a man of one wife and no more, and a man who truly loves God.

Buddy: Good evening sir

George: Eh…Buddy, how are you doing? (Lowering his eyeglasses)

Buddy: I am cool

George: So, how has it been?

Buddy: I’ve got stuff on my mind and I need to see you, sir

George: Right, (Pushing his book away) I am all ears

Buddy: You know my fiancee?

George: Remi? How is she doing? Has she gotten a job?

Buddy: Yes, she is working in a Bank now

George: So, what is the problem?

Buddy: You know we compromised once?

George: Yes, I remember

Buddy: And you prayed for us and restored us and all that

George: Yes, and I am sure God forgave you

Buddy: But my problem is that anytime we are together, irrespective of what we are discussing, my body misbehaves. I feel like grabbing her, sincerely.

George: But did you grab her?

Buddy: No

George: So you are doing great

Buddy: But this feeling, I mean, my eyes are almost red all the time, not because I smoke cigars, but because my body is smoking. And she doesn’t seem to have an idea. Sometimes, she touches me, and then she looks at me intently, innocently though, but my God, you know she is beautiful!

George: Yeah, I understand.

Buddy: So these feelings, I really don’t want to mess up again. How can I eliminate the feelings? This thing of sin, I sometimes and ridiculously feel like cutting it off.

George: It is not a thing of sin. It is a gift of God.

Buddy: Waoh!

George: You see, that is not where the problem is. The problem is not your manhood. When it gets engorged with blood and changes in size when you see the one you love, it means you are perfectly normal. The problem is not down there; it’s up here. (touching his forehead)

Buddy: How do you mean?

George: The problem is with your mind.

Buddy: How do you mean?

George: If there is anything you feel like cutting off, it should be your mind.

Buddy: So how do I do that?

George: God never says you should cut off your mind. He says you should renew your mind. He tells you that you can have the mind of Christ.

Buddy: How do I do that?

George: The more of God’s word you listen to, the more your mind is renewed. The more your mind is renewed, the more you come to appreciate God’s word and the more you get revelation knowledge. The more revelation knowledge you get, the more you are strengthened in your inner man. The more might you have in your inner man, the more you are able to put your body under.

Buddy: Umnnnn

George: The feelings you have are okay. I have those feelings sometimes. I sometimes even have those feelings towards somebody I perceive as beautiful aside from my wife.

Buddy: Are you serious?

George: Yes, but after marriage, you are permitted only to admire, and not desire! So you don’t act out those feelings. Those feelings are brought about in my mind through my thoughts. So I consciously dispel those thoughts, casting down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

Buddy: How do you cast down those thoughts?

George: By thinking about what God says concerning that situation and saying them out. That is why it is good to read your Bible regularly. The point of being tempted is not when you start looking for your concordance.

Buddy: I see. Are you telling me even after marriage, I will still feel like going out with others apart from my wife?

George: The devil continues to tempt you, especially in the areas of your weaknesses, but when you resist him, he will leave you alone for a while. You resist him the same way Jesus resisted him…It is written.

Buddy: But Jesus was never tempted by women

George: Read your Bible very well. He was tempted at all points, so says the scripture.

Buddy: Ok, give me an example of where you think he must have been tempted by women.

George: Ok. I will do just that. Do you remember when the lady with the alabaster box began to pour oil on his feet and then began to rub his feet with her hair?

Buddy: Oh!

George: So you agree now, he was tempted at all points…but the scripture says the prince of this world hath nothing in him. He refused to fall into any traps.

Buddy: Lord, help me.

George: He has helped you already. He sent you a helper. So when you take advantage of that help, you will be kept safe.

Buddy: How?

George: Did you read in your scripture where it says, Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh? The Holy Spirit is your helper.

Buddy: Yes, I remember

George: That is it.

Buddy: One more thing. That time my fiancee and I compromised…it wasn’t her fault. It was mine. I was the one that put pressure on her

George: Why are you still talking about what God has forgotten?

Buddy: How can God forget? I understand the part about forgiving, but forgetting?

George: You see, He said your iniquities would I remember no more

Buddy: How is that possible?

George: It is made possible by the blood of Jesus.

Buddy: You mean he has completely forgotten about it

George: Yes, when you go back and ask for forgiveness the second time, He is wondering. It’s no longer in your records. But you complicate matters when you go back into that sin and it becomes habitual.

Buddy: So what about this guilt I still feel

George: That’s the devil, trying to make you feel worthless so that your prayers can be hindered.

Buddy: God help me

George: You know the Bible says “let us now come BOLDLY unto the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need?”

Buddy: Yes

George: He tries to rob you of that boldness by reminding you of sins that God has forgotten and forgiven

Buddy: So how do I deal with that?

George: By quoting and meditating on what the scripture says.

Buddy: I hear!

George: You can wait and you can hold on.

Buddy: Yes I know, God help me.

George: Every time you compromise, you lose something. Something dies.

Buddy: I know

George: Sin is a destiny destroyer. But the power of sin is broken. What the devil is contending with is your glorious future. So you don’t mess up a permanent blessing with a temporary pleasure of a few minutes like Esau did.

Buddy: I will wait

George: Sin shall no longer have dominion, so says the scripture.

Buddy: One other thing…she sometimes wears provocative and tantalizing clothes…

George: Tell her, not accusingly, but let her know that she doesn’t have to show her cleavage or laps to you. She needs to know how she can help you.

Buddy: And you know she is light in complexion…

George: I know…but let her know that men are moved by sight…including you. Don’t suffer in silence or pretend or act spiritually when you are burning inside.

Buddy: I will tell her…she would just think I am a miserable sinner

George: No, she would respect you more…because she suddenly sees that you are willing to preserve virtue rather than fulfill the lust of the flesh. That would bring trust. It will cement your relationship more. Good things come to those who wait.

Buddy: Thank you, Uncle

George: You are welcome! We just had a Conversation On Feelings, Sex, And Guilt

Buddy: Thanks for your time. What about Auntie…

George: She is resting…we just came back from an outing, today is her birthday.

Buddy: Oh….kindly wish her Happy Birthday on my behalf…

George: Will do just that

Buddy: Ok then.

George: Yeah, see you later.

This is the end of A Conversation On Feelings, Sex, And Guilt

I will wait. I will not compromise

Father, let your Holy Spirit be my helper indeed, that I may walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV)

Make amends where necessary

Luke 23


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I Wish I Knew This During Our Courtship

I Wish I Knew This During Our Courtship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I Wish I Knew This During Our Courtship. I wish I knew we were supposed to be different. I got engaged to my wife in the year 1996. That was a long time ago. I was born again, with ministry in view, but I was an ignoramus when it came to the issues of temperament.

You see; knowledge is power. I am a quick, nimble person when it comes to how I do my things. My wife is not like that; she is deliberate in doing her things.

So, having waited for her like three times, and almost getting late for fellowship, (We lived in the same hall – male and female section!) I got angry. So I would lecture her and all that. Then I stumbled on the book by Tim LaHaye on temperament, and that book delivered me.

I understood that we are supposed to be different. I saw that it was actually our differences that got us attracted to each other in the first place because opposites attract.

However, after being lost in love and you are now awake, and your eyes are cleared, the very ‘opposites’ that attracted you in the first place now becomes an irritation and many relationships do not get past this stage!

Understand that you are supposed to celebrate your point of differences because that is how the balance would be achieved in your relationship and marriage later on. What would the world look like if everybody were like you? It would be so boring! I Wish I Knew This During Our Courtship

Many husbands ignorantly try to “change” their wives to be like them. It will not likely happen!

You can learn from each other over the years, and even exchange temperaments at some points, but you are going to be different in thought patterns, opinions, and so on.

Know this and know peace! Celebrate your differences and let weaknesses be covered by each other’s strengths.

No spouse is useless. Everybody is bringing something vital to the table.

Work together and harness your strengths. Minimize your weaknesses and you will be a power couple eventually.

I hope you are blessed this morning. Good morning! This is What I Wish I Knew During Our Courtship

I seek relevant knowledge. God’s word gives me light

Lord, teach me wisdom in areas where I lack in Jesus’ name

A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.  Proverbs 24:5 KJV

Celebrate each other.

Mark 13


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He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These. As I said, problems don’t just show from the blues. They have always been there and would have been hinted at because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

We looked at two yesterday, let’s dive into the remaining today.

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

3. Out of all my girlfriends, you are the best

This is often a logical way to manipulate the emotions of the lady. As a lady, I don’t really know what you are doing with someone who tells you out rightly that you are not the only one he is seeing. Are you encouraging adultery after marriage and giving him a go-ahead? Men don’t really change after marriage! When a man has the guts to tell you that he has several ladies as lovers including you, then as a lady you should have the guts to walk away from such affliction!

4. We don’t have to tell anybody about this relationship

When a guy begins to make this statement, your antenna should go up! Something is defective right there. There are no commitments when he hides the relationship from friends and family. There may be occasions when the parents are not interested in marriage and it is wise to keep quiet for some time, but at least, he should be willing to notify his pastor. What if he doesn’t have a pastor? The answer to that is another question. What are you doing with such a person?

5. I am just managing you and you should thank your stars

When a guy doesn’t love you, he will verbalize it one day, one way or the other. If you are sensitive, you can pick it up from his words. When a guy says he is just managing you, that sounds like wickedness to me. Probably the lady in question has a self-esteem issue, but as a lady, you don’t have any business with anybody that doesn’t value you or appreciate you as a person. After marriage, you don’t want to be treated as a doormat, you want to be valued as a true help.

He Doesn’t Love When He Says These

I will not be deceived

Lord, show me what I don’t know

Mat 12:34 (KJV) O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Disallow your relationship to be sex driven

2 Timothy


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How To Discover He Doesn’t Love You

How To Discover He Doesn’t Love You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Discover He Doesn’t Love You. Problems don’t just erupt like a volcano in relationships and marriage. They have always been there. Sometimes, we simply close our eyes to all the warning signs and red lights because we are in love. It is however wise to be alert and be open to taking heed of all these warning signs.

God is not a wicked God. He will attempt to talk to you through His Holy Spirit and try to warn you about some of these things. It is always good to pay attention and try to listen to what God is trying to say! Here is How To Discover He Doesn’t Love You. It is revealed in the statements he makes! Let’s look at two of them.

1. There is nothing wrong with sex. Everybody does it

When a guy begins to pressurize you to compromise using logic and persuasion tactics, it shows he doesn’t really love you. All he wants is your body and once he gets that, anything can happen. As the lady, you have a responsibility to preserve your virtue by insisting on waiting till after marriage. A guy that truly loves you will be willing to wait as against satisfying his rush of adrenalin at your disadvantage. God’s word is so clear on pre-marital sex and any guy that loves you and fears God should be looking for ways to obey God, not the other way.

2. I may not call you or send SMS often. You have to understand.

When a guy loves you genuinely, he wants to be in touch. He wants to call, send an SMS, or chat. He just wants to stay in touch one way or the other. I know there are times he can get so busy depending on the intensity of his work or the level of attention needed, but I also believe he should be able to talk to his loved one daily, even if it is for five minutes. The only tenable reason is when he is working where there are no networks, which could be rare. Even at that, a guy who is in love will climb mountains; go to the top of buildings, and hold his phone high in the sky searching for a network!

These two statements show How To Discover He Doesn’t Love You. I will write more tomorrow.

I will love my spouse with tender loving care 

Lord, give us a tender heart  


Luke 1:78   (CEV)
God’s love and kindness will shine upon us like the sun that rises in the sky.

Pray over your relationship

Matthew 16


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More Things A Lady Expects From Her Lover

More Things A Lady Expects From Her Lover

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More Things A Lady Expects From Her Lover. There are things a lady expects from her lover that may be oblivious to an average guy. We started on this two days ago and we looked at the following

1. She expects that she would be genuinely loved

2. She expects that he is no longer living in sin

3. She expects him to pray for her

4. She expects that he will not take advantage of her

5. She expects that he is responsible and will be able to care for her 

Let’s take a look at some more.

More Things A Lady Expects From Her Lover

6. She expects him to be romantic 

Every lady wants a romantic man. Most men are really romantic until their wedding!

After the wedding, the romantic button seems to stop functioning. 

And really it should not be so. Being romantic should be part of every man towards her lover.

As singles, being romantic does not include any form of sexual expression. After you have prayed and spoken in tongues, you should speak good words in a romantic way to your loved one.

7. She expects him to be her defender 

What’s the point if you cannot defend her?

You always guard jealously what you prize most, isn’t it? 

Don’t leave her at crucial moments when she needs you. 

Don’t stand with a stranger against your loved one. 

Don’t condemn or try to correct her publicly. 

8. She expects him to protect her from her future in-laws

In-laws are people. And people can be difficult. 

If your parents are the difficult type, you must protect your loved one. 

Don’t leave her at their mercy wherein she starts playing the role of a wife before becoming one. 

9. She expects PDA

Your fiancée expects some public display of affection. 

Not that you ask her to walk ahead of you every time. 

Walk with her. Hold her hands. It won’t lead to sin out there.

It is what you do in the dark and behind closed doors that lead to sin.

10. She expects him to be humorous 

Ladies loved those who make them laugh. 

Not that you should become a comedian, but you should have a great sense of humor. 

Make her laugh. Let her know when you are around, there are no dull moments. She will love you more.

Let her get some hearty laughter from you and not from Basket Mouth and Bovi all the time!

Don’t become a source of depression. The moment you are around, despondency descends. Nah!

The joy of the Lord is your strength. 

Stay joyful. Stay positive.  These are some More Things A Lady Expects From Her Lover

May God grant more understanding

I will take care of my loved one 

Lord, surround me with your favour 

Pro 5:18 (MSG)  
Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man!

Do something special for your loved one

Matthew 10


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Dear Pastor, I Feel God Has Forgotten Me

Dear Pastor, I Feel God Has Forgotten Me

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Pastor, I Feel God Has Forgotten Me. I have a word from the Lord for you this morning. God is going to single you out for his blessing. There are over seven billion people on earth, but God wants to single you out and focus His countenance and loving kindness on you.

Does God single out people? Yes. Just like we see in the following verses.

Luk 4:25-26 (KJV)  
But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;   [26]   But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.

In the midst of famine, when the heaven was shut as it were, and all hope seemed lost, God remembered one woman, singled out from the city of Sarepta.

Wherever you are this morning, hear the voice of the Lord, He will single you to be blessed!

Psa 112:6-8 (MSG) 
No shuffling or stumbling around for this one, But a sterling and solid and lasting reputation.  [7]  Unfazed by rumor and gossip, Heart ready, trusting in GOD,  [8]  Spirit firm, unperturbed, Ever blessed, relaxed among enemies!

Dear Pastor, I Feel God Has Forgotten Me. In the midst of contradictions and opposition, in the midst of seemingly lack and famine, God is remembering you!

God is coming for you. Just you!

He is going to give you individual attention. 

I see God focusing His love and benevolence on you. Just you!

There are no two people that are exactly the same. Even the most identical twins have been seen to have deep innate variances. 

And God treats you so. 

There is nothing like God blessing you generally.

He wants to favor you specifically.

That Is why in the book of Acts, when the cloven tongue of fire rested upon them, it was not a general cloven tongue, but it rested upon them individually!

Each man had a cloven tongue of fire!

God knows your name!

He has your name tattooed! Did I still hear you say “Dear Pastor, I Feel God Has Forgotten Me?”

Isa 49:15 (AMP)  [ And the Lord answered ] Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you.

Mothers may forget, despite the deep maternal instincts, but what God has for you is beyond maternal instincts.

It is deeper. God said without mincing words, “I will never forget you!

Events may play out as to suggest that God has forgotten, but His words reverberate strongly to you this morning, His divine sweet, and resolute voice, “I will never forget you!

Then the next verse says:

Isa 49:16 (AMP) 
Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands; [ O Zion ] your walls are continually before Me.

So, in the palm of God’s hands, your picture is the DP!

What? Glory! And guess what, God is not about to change his DP!

Not just on one palm, but on both hands!

Waoh! Do you sense a rush of God’s love? That revelation is enough to blast the devil off your turf! You are especially loved by God! And He is visiting you this morning, today, this week, and this month in the name of Jesus!

Get ready as you embrace and settle down in the love of God. You will not regret it. You will not be ashamed.

You will not be disconcerted. Help is here for you! Believe it. Accept the word of the Lord this morning And that will be your experience in Jesus’ name! Be blessed!

We love you! And God loves you even more!

I am not forgotten!

Lord, teach me to embrace your love   

Isa 49:16 (GW)  

I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are always in my presence.

Affirm yourself in God today!

Matthew 4


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What A Lady Expects From Her Lover

What A Lady Expects From Her Lover

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What A Lady Expects From Her Lover. We are going to be looking at five things that a lady expects from her lover.

1. She expects that she would be genuinely loved
Every lady wants to be loved. The need for love can be so strong that ladies can give their body to get it, but sadly, they never get it that way. Love can never be gotten on the platform of sexual compromise.

Husbands love your wife, so says the scripture because God knows this is a great need of women. If you are not going to love her genuinely, let her be!

Don’t leave that beautiful, vivacious lady depressed, despondent and disappointed! Love her genuinely!

2. She expects that he is no longer living in sin
A believer does not live habitually in sin. He can make mistakes, but that is different from a habitual sinful lifestyle. He is not constantly talking about some hyper-grace message in other to keep living in sexual sins. 

Rom 6:1-2 (KJV) 
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  [2]  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

She does not want the man that would spend hours trying to show her in the Bible why sexual sin is not really a sin!

3. She expects him to pray for her
Every lady wants a priest! A priest, not a pest! Honestly as a man, if you cannot pray for her, if you cannot take spiritual responsibility and provide spiritual leadership, leave her alone!

Don’t tag along into marriage with that attitude. Being a man is not just about pointing your nozzle and filing tanks all over the place, it is about leadership and modeling God to her and the children.

 It’s a huge responsibility! What Else Does A Lady Expect from her Lover?

4. She expects that he will not take advantage of her
She wants a man that will not take advantage of her! She wants a protector, a man of integrity, a head, not a headache, a gardener, not a scavenger. Are you in that lady’s life to take advantage of her? Don’t do it, remember seed time and harvest.

A lady expects you will not capitalize on her weaknesses to set her up. She expects you will not use all info about her against her eventually. 

5. She expects that he is responsible and will be able to care for her
Finally, a lady expects to be cared for. As a man, be responsible. If you are out of job, find a work.  Sometimes, the loss of a job or inability to get a job while your other friends are getting could be an avenue to lead you into the discovery of God’s purpose for your life.

It takes a wicked man to willfully and deliberately rip apart a lady’s once peaceful life. God judges such things! If you are not going to care for her, stop telling her lies.

If you want her as a side chick, you will bring chaos into your life and her own. Ladies, allowing yourself to be labelled as a side-chick is an embarrassment on your dignity in God.

Disallow such. Why be a side-chick when you can be the main and the only chick?

Your husband cometh!  Do not give up on God! These are What A Lady Expects From Her Lover. Be blessed

I will not be shortchanged 

Lord, surround me with your favour

Rom 6:1 (MSG)  
So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving?

Read a good book on relationships

Mark 4 – 5


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How To Praise Your Way Into Marriage.

How To Praise Your Way Into Marriage.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Praise Your Way Into Marriage. When the devil wants to finish a person, he would plant bitterness in the person’s heart.

It could be bitterness toward men or towards God.

However, it is, bitterness will cripple every good thing that God is trying to do in your life.

Heb 12:15 (KJV)  

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

The grace of God over a man would fail when bitterness is allowed. 

Grace for finances will fail.

Grace to have a good marriage will fail. 

Grace to succeed in business will fail. 

Grace for financial abundance will fail.

Not only that, bitterness will not only affect the one that is bitter, the scripture says it will cause many to be defiled.

And then, the scripture calls it the root of bitterness!

Roots are hidden, but they are there!

Roots are not visible, but they are responsible for everything happening to the plant.

Their invisibility should never be interpreted as impotence.

This is the same way it is, bitterness will not show on the face, but it will take over that person’s life.

Like the root within the soil, the fruits will come forth.

Like the bitterness within the heart, the fruits will wreak havoc. 

Just as the root is responsible for the kind of fruits that eventually come forth, bitterness will ensure that wrong fruits come forth.

Bitterness would literally cause praise to be suffocated.

Learn to laugh like a little child!

Don’t let the bitterness of past relationships and disappointments of the past keep you from the reality of today’s praise!

Praise is powerful. You must learn How To Praise Your Way Into Marriage. 

Thank God for where you are. 

Thank God for where He is taking you.

Praise your way out of rejection.

Praise your way out of delay.

Praise your way out of generational curses. 

Praise your way out of diabolical influences.

Praise is a potent weapon.

Praise puts a sword into your hands. 

Psa 149:6-9 (KJV)  
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;  [7]  To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;  [8]  To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;  [9]  To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

The moment high praises are in your mouth, a two-edged sword will be placed in your heart!

You don’t need to take vengeance on people, praise will handle it.

Praise will punish destiny offenders.

Praise will bind erring kings with chains.

Praise will execute the judgment written.

All saints have this honor.

What honour?

To praise your way into victory.

To lift up your voice without lifting your hands.

Praise! This is How To Praise Your Way Into Marriage. 

Keep praising!

You will surely see that salvation of God in Jesus’ name!

I am a God-praiser

Lord, give me reasons to praise you for the rest of my life

Psa 149:5 (KJV)  Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

Schedule a praise time for today!

Luke 1; John 1


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How To Tongue Your Way Into Marriage

How To Tongue Your Way Into Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How To Tongue Your Way Into Marriage. I practically tongued my way into marriage! Literally! There is tremendous power available for you as a believer, to get anything you want, to create the kind of life you want, and to superimpose the grace and power of God upon any situation. 

You can have victory every time and anytime, only if you know the vast power that lies in your belly.

“Oh, common Pastor, I am not for that tongue business! I am good as I am!”

 Well, you may be ignorant! Really!

“How can I be speaking some strange language?”

Because there are strange troubles in this world!

“Well, how can I be saying something I don’t understand?”

Because there are impossible situations you wouldn’t understand!”

“So I will now be speaking a little child?”

Unless you come as a child, you really cannot receive anything!

Mar 10:15 (MSG) 
Mark this: Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.”

That’s quite punchy! Arrogant people have no place here!

And the combination of ignorance and arrogance is not a nice idea!

How To Tongue Your Way Into Marriage

Isa 28:11-12 (KJV) 
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.  [12]  To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

The scripture says there is a rest that awaits you as you pray in the Spirit.

Rest from delays, from broken hearts, disappointing relationships, and rest from froward men who are liars!

Rest from strange women as well! If you have been weary from the stress that comes with wrong relationships, there is a rest and a refreshing.

But the sad part is the concluding part, YET THEY WOULD NOT HEAR!

Don’t be part of those that would not hear! They prefer to do things their own way, so that rest eludes them.

They prefer to experiment with online dating, so refreshing is far! There is nothing like cyber-refreshing!

They prefer to learn from experiences rather than from wisdom, wasting many years of falling in love with a man that was never in love and then all ending in frustration!

There is rest! It is in the place of speaking in tongues There is a rest and a refreshing!

It is in the place of taking time and spending time in God’s presence and praying in the Holy Ghost!

I am not talking about thirty minutes, but some hours of sustained praying in the Holy Ghost, moving heavens on your behalf, causing a rain of favor to come upon you, causing heaven to move on your behalf, and releasing unprecedented blessings like never before!

There is a hurricane of favor and blessing you can only access as you stir the river, for out of your belly shall rise rivers of living water!

Rather than complaint, pray in the Spirit. Rather than get depressed and despondent, pray! I pray that you receive strength now to pray! This is How To Tongue Your Way Into Marriage

You will enter into that rest in marriage in Jesus’ name!

Waters of refreshing will move over your soul, life, and destiny! Rejuvenation and fresh energy are your portions in Jesus’ name!

Your love life will not be a waste!

I am refreshed 

Lord, give me rest in my relationship      

Isa 28:11 (CEV) 
So, the Lord will speak to his people in strange sounds and foreign languages.

Find a place to pray!



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Here’s What To Do When All Fails

Here’s What To Do When All Fails

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here’s What To Do When All Fails. Sandy believes something is wrong with her. Her biological clock ticks without consideration.  How she wished she could do with a Pause button. Relationships after relationships are failing. Nothing seems to be working.

She will begin a relationship and everything seems to be working fine, but then, in a moment and without warnings, it crashes. And then it happens again and again.

Each time, she approaches a new relationship, trusting, believing, and praying that it would work out. But nothing worked, except that she was getting worked up.

What do you do as a child of God at such times? How do you get out of the rut of failure after failure?

That is what I want to teach you this morning with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s What To Do When All Fails
Letting Go of All Offences
The important thing is to get rid of all offenses and every form of bitterness. If you romance with bitterness, it will stop any good thing you might be trying to start.

Heb 12:15 (KJV)  Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

The scripture calls it a root. You don’t get to see the root of a plant, but it is surely there.

Bitterness can be submerged in the belly without showing forth its dangerous fruits until much later when more damage would have been done. 

I know your “Ex” hurt you and did the unbelievable and unthinkable! But that is not enough for you to now discard the blessing!

Don’t stop yourself as a result of that!

Your parents did this and that.

One friend betrayed you.

The other person stabbed you in the back, and then in the front!

The list is endless, but whatever anybody has done to you, you must make up your mind to forgive!

Let God handle it. Let God fight for you!

Don’t allow the emotions of hatred to have the better part of you.

You really don’t want anybody’s foolishness to become your own folly.

Bitterness can scatter that new relationship.

The Bible says bitterness is a root and can spring up from nowhere, and many other relationships, opportunities, and doors will be defiled!

John the Baptist died because of offense. When he had a problem with his spiritual leader, his spiritual head, his physical head followed. Don’t let the daughter of one insignificant child of the devil request for your head. Don’t let your head become one of the awards on a prize giving day!

Deal with bitterness. Confront it.

Bitterness and iniquity are cousins. They work together.

Act 8:23 (KJV)  For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.

Ask God to help you.

If you have to cry, gladly do that so that your destiny can gather motion.

Extra luggage will attract extra costs. You don’t need that luggage that is weighing you down.

With those dangerous emotions, you cannot fly like an eagle.

That is why a suitcase is weighed when you want to fly in the air. But as long as you remain on the ground, nobody really cares about your luggage.

May your destiny not be permanently assigned to the ground. May you mount up like an eagle! May you fulfill destiny!

There are people reading this who just went through a breakup. You have been disappointed, left in the cold, abandoned, and discarded like unwanted trash.

Don’t cry too much, a little is okay. Don’t sulk, rather deal with your heart. Protect your heart from bitterness.

And let God compensate you for the loss! I pray that God will give you more understanding!

Be blessed and have a beautiful, productive, and blessed day in Jesus’ name!

We love you and we celebrate you!

Greatness beckons, you will not miss it! Here’s What To Do When All Fails

I am free from all offenses 

Lord, heal me and cleanse my heart of all hurts and bitterness    

Eph 4:31 (KJV)  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:stickers

Forgive all who hurt you

Nehemiah 6-7


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Are All Men Scum?

Are All Men Scum?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are All Men Scum? All men are scum! Really? If that is what you believe, that is what you might keep attracting! All men are not scum! You cannot use a personal experience to summarize everybody! 

Most men will ‘toast’ you and promise you heaven and earth, but a faithful man who can find?

Most men will tell you they are the best, but a faithful man who can find?

Most men will claim they love you more than anybody, more than their mothers, but a faithful man who can find?

Most men will tell you how much they will take care of you, but a faithful man who can find?

Are All Men Scum?

No be today dem day find man way go day faithful o! E don dey since Bible time! See am!

Pro 20:6 KJV
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

The word from which ‘faithful’ is translated from the Greek is ‘emun’ which means ‘trusty’ or ‘trustworthiness.’ In essence, the question above is ‘most men are good toasters, but who can find a man that can be trusted?

David made the situation worse when he said

Psa 12:1 KJV
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.

Are there good husbands at this age? Will one ever find a man that will love God and love his wife as well?

Are there still men who will not compromise and cheat on their wives? Are there still men that will not pounce on the tempting house girl? Are there still men that will remain faithful even if they have traveled to places where sex is available and almost free?

Well, there are still faithful men! Elijah went before God and said he is the only one that remains. God said, ‘you are wrong, there are still thousands that would not bow to Baal.’

The issue is that the moment you conclude in your heart that “all men are evil,’ that is the kind of men you keep attracting! You see, you cannot make conclusions about men generally because of a few bad trends and experiences with men.

There are still faithful men, and there is a man that God has for you!

If you will trust God to lead you and guide you in making decisions, he will surely help you out.

But if you decide to do it your own way, try to buy your way into a man’s heart by offering your body, it usually wouldn’t work out because that is not God’s order. Are All Men Scum?

I receive the grace to do it God’s way and not my way

Ask God for wisdom and direction in your daily affairs 

Psa 12:1 (AMPC) HELP, LORD! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men.

Study “faithfulness” in the scriptures

Psalm 12


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One Prayer That Shouldn’t Leave You

One Prayer That Shouldn’t Leave You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One Prayer That Shouldn’t Leave You. Things are not going fine. You are not happy. You don’t even know where the problem is coming from.

You have prayed, fasted and even sought counsel and nothing seems to be working.

You are even at the point of compromising your faith or you have even done so out of frustration and done what you knew was clearly wrong!

Like it is often said, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Well at this point, when you have done all you know to do, and you don’t know what else to do, here is what to do!

Mercy! Lord!

That is One Prayer That Shouldn’t Leave You

I guess when Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing, this is the kind of prayer point he has in mind!

1Th 5:17 (KJV)
Pray without ceasing.

See another translation:

1Th 5:17 (TPT)
Make your life a prayer.

Again this is corroborated in the book of Hebrews.

Heb 4:16 (KJV) Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

If you read it backward, it will say something like this:

In the time of need, you should find grace after obtaining MERCY, by coming boldly to the throne of grace!

Mercy over my relationship!

Mercy over my life!

Mercy over my finances.

Mercy over my decisions.

Consciously ask for His mercy all day long and you will see God intervene in your situation! This is One Prayer That Shouldn’t Leave You

The mercy of God will work for me

Lord, have mercy on me!

Heb 4:16 (AMPC) Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].

Meditate on God’s mercy today!

Heb 4


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Don’t let Anything Faze You!

Don’t let Anything Faze You!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Don’t let Anything Faze You! The present times require that you are resolute in your walk with God and that you know what you are doing!

This present age is hostile to easily deceived people! And yeah, we all know the devil is the master deceiver. He seeks to deceive you by any possible means. The very reason why you have to know what you are doing as a child of God and refuse to be tossed to and fro!

The scripture refers to some people as unscrupulous con men! They are out to exploit the faith! Check it out in the Message Translation.

2Ti 3:13-14 (MSG) Unscrupulous con men will continue to exploit the faith. They’re as deceived as the people they lead astray. As long as they are out there, things can only get worse. [14] But don’t let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers—

Oh, I love it, Don’t let these wicked humans faze you! In other words, in places where you have been deceived, abused, exploited, manipulated, short-changed, jilted, treated unjustly, and so on, do not allow such experiences to expunge you from the faith! Don’t let Anything Faze You!

The devil wants you obliterated from the kingdom! Do not cooperate with that agenda! Do not plug yourself into his evil plot! Rather cooperate with heaven’s agenda and all that is lost will be restored.

Never allow any human being to make you decide against God or loathe the things of God! It says, stick with what you have learned! I pray this week finds you in pleasant places, I pray God hearkens and honours your prayers and I declare that this week, God will fill your mouth with laughter indeed! Don’t let Anything Faze You! Be blessed!

I remain steadfast in God!

Lord, give me the strength to stick with you, no matter what

2Ti 3:14 (TPT) Yet you must continue to advance in strength with the truth wrapped around your heart, being assured by God that he’s the One who has truly taught you all these things.

Disconnect from all who are causing you to trip

2Ti 3


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Don’t Fall Like A Pack Of Cards

Don’t Fall Like A Pack Of Cards

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Don’t Fall Like A Pack Of Cards. The pressures are mounting, the environment is intense, the media is saturated with sexualized content, the phones are bombarded with explicit content, and x-rated videos are uploaded daily, available at just a scroll away on your gadgets.

Sex toys are advertised openly, the bum and the breasts are jiggled and wiggled to attract followers; the voluptuousness of the breasts and rotundity of the backside are now money-spinning assets. Nudity is nothing again, indeed, these days are living up to what the scriptures declared:

2Ti 3:1-7 (MSG) Don’t be naive. There are difficult times ahead. [2] As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, [3] dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, [4] treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. [5] They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people. [6] These are the kind of people who smooth-talk themselves into the homes of unstable and needy women and take advantage of them; women who, depressed by their sinfulness, take up with every new religious fad that calls itself “truth.” [7] They get exploited every time and never really learn.

Well, the days are here! But God expects you to raise the standard. He doesn’t expect you to fall like a pack of cards when flipped or drop like hot potatoes at the slightest provocation!

Don’t Fall Like A Pack Of Cards. You are a believer! God’s child! You cannot be sending nudes because you want some clout! You cannot be masturbating like it’s just the norm. You cannot be offering oral like it’s just Oral English!

I don’t want to go on and on, I just want you to wake up this morning to the reality of who you are in Him!

And of course, if you have strolled away from God, you are not condemned. But He won’t condone those acts either.

So go back to your maker. Then let your spirit man be nude with Him. Ask for mercy and rekindle your fire for Him.

Remember this, nobody serves God the right way and loses. He will fight for you. He will favour you and cause all things to work together for your good! Jesus is waiting for you now, this every moment! Get back to Him and rekindle your love for Him! He will fill your inner man with strength at this moment! Go ahead and talk to him now!

Have a fantastic weekend! Don’t Fall Like A Pack Of Cards!

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

Father, create a new spirit within me  

2Ti 3:5 (MSG) They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people.

Clean up today and get new fire!

2Ti 3


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Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me?

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me? Before anybody can love you, believe me, you have to love yourself.

Yes, love yourself!

The most Herculean task anybody can embark on is to start loving persons who do not love themselves.

Oh, what a frustrating journey!

The junctions and stops of that pathway is laced with depression, quarrels, several blue days, and emotional blackmails. That is just to mention a few.

Depression will be constant because the person will be most unhappy, always falling into comparison traps and never appreciating himself or herself.

2Co 10:12 (KJV) For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me?

Constant quarrels will percolate the relationship because the other lover will be mostly confused as to why unhappiness clouds the relationship. It is a truism that men are confused when their lover is unexcited about them.

No energy, no passion, no excitement, no anticipation, just going through the motions! It is noteworthy that a relationship can be like that and yet filled with pre-marital sex! They would think sex would solve the problem but it would actually add to the confusion.

Several blue days because the devil will plow such a mind, make negative suggestions, plant assumptions, dampen the little morale left and fill the mind with condemnation darts. The presence of such a person is an effulgence of negative vibes!

Emotional blackmails because such a person is good at excuses, always explaining why things went that way, blaming others for his woes, and making his or her lover take the blame for the failures.

The beginning of solving this issue is to resolve the identity crisis, take a journey into God’s word to discover what God says about you, start refusing negative thoughts and suggestions from the devil, and start walking in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit means listening to hear God and following His direction and wisdom!

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me? One thing you can also do immediately is to saturate your life with the truth of God’s word. Light will always dispel the darkness!

Lastly, be truthful with yourself and stop living in denial. Nobody is able to deal with any situation while still in denial. Confrontation is part of the process of repentance!

May God bless you today!

I love myself and I understand who I am in Christ 


Lord, open my eyes to see me!

2Co 10:12 (TPT) Of course, we wouldn’t dare to put ourselves in the same class or compare ourselves with those who rate themselves so highly. They compare themselves to one another and make up their own standards to measure themselves by, and then they judge themselves by their own standards. What self-delusion!

Stop the Blame game!

2Co 10


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Communication In Courtship Is A Sign

Communication In Courtship Is A Sign

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Communication In Courtship Is A Sign. George and Sally are in love or so they claim. George had promised Sally marriage immediately they met. Sally’s joy knew no bounds. She was thankful that her “single years” are about to end.

However, rather than for the love to become established and grow, doubt increased in her. George was working in Port- Harcourt while Sally was in Lagos. George stopped calling, practically. Sally was doing the calling, making efforts while George kept saying he was busy.

Communication became a one-way street. Sally became the pursuer as she sensed that George was not going to change.

In no time she came frustrated and she gave up. The relationship came to a resounding crash.

On the part of Sade and Bode, it was Sade that stopped picking calls. Bode was confused since they are at different locations as well. She would say she was tired, she replied to chats with monosyllables, and some were not replied to until three days later. He eventually got the message and moved on!

My point this morning, once communication begins to die, that relationship will die as well.

Don’t spend your courtship years tearing yourselves apart in quarrels here and there because precious moments of communication will be lost.

Once this attitude and habit are taken into marriage, it can really be frustrating.

People in love talk! They want to talk all the time. The moment you see that communication is dwindling, there is an issue there. Communication In Courtship Is A Sign

The moment he tells you he is too busy and that you should already know he loves you, there is a problem.

The moment she is withdrawn and not talking and yet she is talking to others, there is a problem.

The moment you are seen as a nuisance without any cause as it were, there is an issue.

I pray God will grant you wisdom indeed!

Be blessed today in Jesus’ name! Communication In Courtship Is A Sign

I will not be deceived. I am sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Father lead me into your ordained relationship for me and teach me to work at it.

Gen 11:6 (KJV) And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Be committed to your relationship through consistent communication

Gen 11


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