Little Children, Believe In Yourself

Little Children, Believe In Yourself

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Little children, believe in yourself. The book of Philippians has a wonderful verse you can commit to memory as children.

The thirteenth verse of the fourth chapter tells you what you can do as a child or follower of Christ.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”

(Phil. 4:13 KJV)

Let’s see another version so you understand it well. 

Imagine the possibilities you have access to do with this verse. The writer is showing you that you can do all you desire to as long as you have Jesus. Therefore my little children, believe!

Your strength doesn’t come from you, your possessions, friends, families, or education. It comes from Jesus. He gives you the strength to move on and accomplish everything you need to accomplish.

If there is a huge task or challenge in front of you, remember this verse. Say and believe it. Jesus will show you how to carry it out with ease. My little children, believe.

It doesn’t mean that you won’t do your part. You pray and act according to the leading of Jesus.

May Jesus continue to strengthen you. Amen.

Lord, Jesus, please I need your strength to do ……… (mention that thing). Help me. Amen.

Action point:
Write down this verse and recite it. Ask Jesus for His help.

I am helped of God in Jesus name.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Who You Carry Determines Who You Marry

Who You Carry Determines Who You Marry

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Single or married, you dare not approach the vicinity of God’s presence in the old Testament. Even the priests who go to offer sacrifices once a year on behalf of the people had to do so in trepidation and fear. Ropes will be tied to their legs in case they died and they would simply be pulled out.

Such was the case in the old Testament.

In the new testament, it’s simply amazing. Not only could we approach God’s presence, but we are also told to come boldly.

E shock you? There is more. This same God we could not come near in Old Testament becomes a God we carry! What?

Take a look at the scripture.

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Colossians 1:27 KJV

Christ is now in us and He is the hope of that glory. In other words, we can taste that glory once He is in us because He is the hope of that glory.

We are now supernatural beings. We cannot be defeated. We cannot be delayed maritally. We carry God! And who we carry ultimately determines who we marry.

There is no fear that our spouse won’t show up. Nobody can refuse you because you carry God whom no mortal can resist.

You carry God, so you cannot attract a time-waster, an empty Casanova, or a suitor with an ulterior motive.

You simply live with this understanding. You relish in it. You dive into it and the reality of that supernatural life becomes our experience.

You say it to yourself and confess it till it becomes your experience.

May God grant more understanding!

I carry God

Lord, open my eyes to see and know who I am

Col 1:27 (AMP) To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of [realizing the] glory.

Study the bible reading for the day

Col 1


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What Christ Has Called You To Be – Study

What Christ Has Called You To Be – Study

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Good students attend class regularly, pay attention during class, ask questions when they don’t understand, study after school, and repeat the process over and over till they achieve excellent grades.

Jesus has called you to be a good student of the word of God. He expects you to read and study the bible well over and over till you become excellent at it.

The bible can help you understand so many things about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Heaven, life, emotions, thoughts, actions, people, and so much more.

The bible gives you practical ways to understand your walk with Christ. It teaches you how to do so with many examples starting from the old testament to the new testament.

“Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my way.” Psalm 119:105 ICB

“All scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching how to live right. Using the scriptures, the person who serves God will be ready and will have everything he needs to do every good work” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. ICB

Everything you need for your walk with Christ can be found in God’s word. Jesus wants you to use all of it to become a strong, sensible, and informed Christian. One who can understand what is not good and how to deal with bad thoughts and stay away from bad friends.

I pray that the Lord will help you to read and study the word. Amen.

Lord, Jesus, I want to be a student of the word. Teach me as I read and study Your word. In Your mighty name I pray, amen.

Action plan:
Pick your bible, a writing pad and a pen and start to study the word.


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What Christ Has Called You To Be – Part 3

What Christ Has Called You To Be – Part 3

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Not everyone around you is saved. Some people still don’t know about Jesus Christ. They may never have heard about Him before. They could have heard but not accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Some of these people may not even be around you. They could be far from you, maybe countries away. Though you can’t reach them, your prayers can.

Spend time daily in prayers for the unsaved. Pray that they will meet with Jesus Christ in one way or another. Ask that God will send His spirit to convince them or that they will meet with someone that would introduce them to Jesus. People get to meet Jesus in many different ways.

In the story of Phillip and the eunuch, the Holy Spirit took Phillip straight to meet the man in his carriage. If the disciple had not met the man, he wouldn’t have been born-again. He was reading what he couldn’t understand and needed someone to explain to him.

Some people may have heard about Jesus Christ but need to learn more about Him. Your prayers can make them get such knowledge through someone. It’s called intercession. Your interceding on their behalf, asking the Holy Spirit to convict and convince them of who Jesus is.

May the Holy Spirit give you a heart of intercession. Amen.

Lord, I commit the unsaved into Your hands. Let them meet with Jesus. Amen,

Action Point:
Say a prayer for the unsaved today and always.


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Christ Has Called You To Give To The Poor and Needy

Christ Has Called You To Give To The Poor and Needy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When did I see You, Jesus Christ and gave you food?”

When you gave that hungry boy in your class food to eat at school.”

“When did I give you my clothes to wear?”

“When you gave that girl on your street your old clothes.”

The sentences above are scripted from Matthew 25:34-36.

“then the king will say to the good people on his right, ‘come. My Father has given you his blessing. Come and receive the kingdom God has prepared for you since the world was made. I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’” Matt. 25: 34-36 ICB

If you read further down this chapter you will see what the people asked him and his response to them.

Jesus Christ has called you to be help for others. Give to people and not grudgingly. Give with joy because that is the best way to give.

Imagine Jesus Christ telling you this when you finally meet him? How wonderful does it sound? It sounds great to me!

Don’t look down on the poor and needy. Instead, be a help to them. Share with others who don’t have as much as you do. Give your time and effort towards helping a classmate understand a lesson at school. Comfort a friend who has lost a loved one. Follow a friend to visit a sick family member in the hospital. Pray for a friend whose family is going through a hard financial period. Ask your parents if you can take foodstuff to them.

What you can do for the poor and needy is plenty. Ask the Lord for how to help them.

May the Lord make you a helper to the poor and needy. Amen.

My Lord, Jesus Christ, teach me to give to others. Show me ways I can be of help to the poor and needy. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Action point:
Is there a friend or neighbor who you think will need some of the clothes you don’t wear anymore? Ask your parents for approval first.


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