Reading Time: 2 minutes

Beyond learning at school, you get to relate with other individuals. Therefore you must learn how to be a responsible student. There are teachers, non-teaching staff, and your fellow students to relate with at school.

Every school has rules and regulations guiding its operations and existence. Students are meant to obey these rules and regulations at all times.

As a student, the first way to show responsibility is by obeying the rules and regulations of your school. Yes, to be a responsible student, you should obey the rules.

Obey your leaders, and accept their authority. They take care of you because they are responsible for you. Obey them so that they may do this work joyfully and not complain about you. (Causing them to complain would not be to your advantage.)

Heb 13:17 [GW]

You should also ensure that you help other students to obey the laws of the school. When a fellow student is doing something contrary to school rules, you should tell him it’s against the rules. That way you have done your part.

Do not also follow other students to break the rules. Rather than do this, report to the teachers. Be a responsible student.

In class, ensure you are not causing distractions or joining others to do so. Your class is part of the school and whatever rules the class teacher lays down should be obeyed.

These are just some ways you can show responsibility at school.

May God guide your hearts towards obeying rules and regulations at school. Amen.

Lord, give me the grace to be a responsible student at school. Amen.

Action point:
Do you know your school rules and regulations? If yes, are you obeying them? If no, get them and read so you can start obeying them.

I am an obedient child. I obey laid down rules and regulations.

Read yesterday’s article here


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