My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

Reading Time: 6 minutes

My Marriage Was A Mirror of My Father’s Abuse

Ada, a young woman of both beauty and intellect, found herself thrust into a marriage of obligation rather than choice. Her union with Okeke, the son of a wealthy trader, was born from her family’s desperate need to settle hospital bills for her ailing brother. Despite her hopes for a loving partnership, Ada encountered a reality far removed from her dreams.

Okeke, a man hardened by privilege and entitlement, wielded his authority over Ada with a callousness that left scars deeper than physical bruises. From the early days of their marriage, he asserted dominance over every aspect of Ada’s life. His disdain for her dreams and aspirations was palpable, and his treatment of her swung between icy neglect and explosive rage.

Ada, determined to make her marriage work despite the challenges, silently bore the brunt of Okeke’s unpredictable temper. She had always been taught that a woman’s duty was to endure, to keep the peace at any cost. Her own dreams of love and companionship faded into the background as she focused on surviving each day.

When their son Chika was born, Ada hoped that the arrival of their child would soften Okeke’s heart, but it only seemed to amplify his cruelty. Okeke viewed Chika as an extension of himself, a legacy to mold in his own image. He showed little interest in fatherhood beyond the superficial, leaving Ada to navigate the complexities of parenting alone.

As Chika grew older, he became a witness to his parents’ tumultuous relationship. He saw the fear in his mother’s eyes and the cold detachment in his father’s demeanor. Despite Ada’s efforts to shield him from the worst of Okeke’s outbursts, Chika’s young mind couldn’t help but absorb the tension that permeated their home.

Tragically, Okeke’s life was claimed by a terminal illness when Chika was just five years old. In the aftermath, Ada found herself thrust into a new nightmare. Okeke’s family, always suspicious of her humble origins and blaming her for their son’s illness, made it clear that she was no longer welcome in their midst. With Chika in tow, Ada was forced to leave the comfort of the only home she had known, picking up the pieces of a shattered life.

Desperate and destitute, Ada was vulnerable when Emeka, a man from her community, offered her a lifeline in the form of marriage. Emeka was kind at first, offering the stability and security that Ada desperately craved. Yet, beneath his charming facade lurked a darkness that Ada had grown all too familiar with.

Emeka’s abuse started subtly, with cutting remarks and possessive behavior. Ada, scarred by her previous experiences, initially dismissed it as her own paranoia. But as their marriage progressed, Emeka’s true nature emerged in full force. He controlled Ada’s every move, isolating her from her friends and family, and subjected her to verbal and physical abuse behind closed doors.

Chika, now a sensitive and withdrawn boy, bore witness to the renewed cycle of violence in his mother’s life. He saw her bruises and heard her tearful apologies, feeling powerless to protect her from Emeka’s wrath. The once vibrant and athletic boy retreated into himself, finding solace only in books and solitary activities that shield him from the harsh realities of his home life.

Despite her own suffering, Ada remained determined to shield Chika from the worst of Emeka’s abuse. She patched up his wounds, both physical and emotional, and whispered words of comfort in the darkness of their shared bedroom. But as Chika grew older, resentment and anger simmered beneath his calm exterior. He despised Emeka for the pain he inflicted on his mother, yet felt helpless against the looming presence of his stepfather.

Amidst the chaos of their home life, Chika discovered an outlet for his frustrations on the sports field. His natural athleticism and determination caught the attention of his school’s coaches, propelling him into the spotlight as a rising star in various track and field events. Ada watched with bated breath as her son found temporary reprieve in his achievements, hoping against hope that it would provide him with an escape route from their turbulent reality.

Chika’s talents soon earned him accolades beyond their small town. He represented his school, then his state, in regional competitions, his speed and agility becoming a source of pride and hope for Ada. When he was selected to represent his country in an international competition, it felt like a miracle—a chance for Chika to break free from the suffocating grip of their past.

But even as Chika soared to new heights on the track, the scars of his upbringing continued to haunt him. The specter of his stepfather’s abuse lingered in his subconscious, shaping his interactions and relationships in ways he couldn’t fully comprehend.

It was during this tumultuous period that Chika met Abigail, a fellow athlete with a kind heart and a gentle spirit. Abigail saw beyond Chika’s stoic facade, recognizing the pain and vulnerability that lay beneath. They found solace in each other’s company, their shared passion for sports providing a bond that transcended words.

Yet, as their relationship deepened, Chika found himself wrestling with unfamiliar emotions. The bitterness and anguish he had endured at the hands of Emeka seemed to seep into his own soul, tainting his interactions with Abigail. He withdrew into himself, pushing her away with harsh words and thoughtless actions, mirroring the hurtful patterns he had witnessed all his life.

Abigail, bewildered and hurt by Chika’s sudden transformation, confronted him with compassion and honesty. She refused to accept his abusive behavior, challenging him to confront the demons that threatened to derail their budding relationship. It was a wake-up call for Chika, a painful reckoning with the legacy of pain and violence that had shaped his understanding of love and intimacy.

With Abigail’s unwavering support, Chika took the first tentative steps towards healing. He sought therapy and counseling, unraveling the tangled knots of his past traumas with each session. It was a journey fraught with setbacks and breakthroughs, moments of despair followed by glimpses of hope.

As Chika delved deeper into his own healing process, he discovered a newfound purpose in helping others who had experienced similar hardships. He volunteered at local shelters and youth centers, offering guidance and support to young boys and girls who, like him, had known the sting of abuse and neglect. His athletic prowess became a tool for empowerment, inspiring others to believe in their own strength and resilience.


Meanwhile, Ada found her own path to healing and empowerment. Through sheer determination and unwavering faith, she rebuilt her life from the ground up. She pursued higher education, securing a stable job that provided financial independence and stability for herself and Chika. With each obstacle she overcame, Ada grew stronger in spirit, reclaiming the sense of agency that had been stripped away during her tumultuous marriages.

As Chika and Ada’s individual journeys of healing converged, their bond as mother and son deepened into a partnership built on mutual respect and admiration. Chika’s transformation from a frightened boy into a compassionate and empathetic young man filled Ada’s heart with pride and gratitude. Together, they celebrated each milestone—Chika’s academic achievements, his continued success in athletics, and his burgeoning career as a mentor and advocate for abuse survivors.

In time, Chika found the courage to confront Emeka, not out of vengeance, but out of a desire for closure and forgiveness. Their meeting was fraught with tension and painful memories, but Chika emerged from it with a newfound sense of liberation. He no longer carried the weight of his stepfather’s abuse like a millstone around his neck. Instead, he embraced his own journey of healing, knowing that he had the power to break the cycle of violence that had threatened to consume him.

With Abigail by his side, Chika forged a path forward—one defined by compassion, understanding, and a commitment to justice. Together, they founded a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic abuse, offering resources and refuge to those in need. Their work became a beacon of hope in their community, inspiring others to speak out against injustice and champion the rights of the vulnerable.

As Chika and Abigail’s love story blossomed into marriage, Ada found herself at peace, knowing that her son had found a partner who cherished and supported him unconditionally. She watched with pride as Chika and Abigail welcomed their own children into the world, raising them in a home filled with love, respect, and empathy.

Ada, too, found love in her later years—a kind and gentle man who saw her strength and admired her resilience. Their union was one of equals, built on mutual trust and shared values. Together, they embarked on new adventures, savoring the simple joys of companionship and companionship.

1. The Cycle of Abuse and Healing:

Ada and Chika’s story vividly illustrates how abuse can perpetuate itself through generations if left unaddressed.

2. Have Courage to Seek Help:

Both Ada and Chika demonstrated immense courage in seeking help to break free from their past traumas.

3. Breaking the Silence:

Ada and Chika’s openness about their experiences with abuse helped break the silence surrounding domestic violence.

4. Choosing Healthy Relationships:

Abigail’s unconditional love and support became a catalyst for Chika’s healing, while Ada found happiness in a relationship built on mutual respect and equality.

5. Empathy and Compassion:

Chika’s transformation into a mentor and advocate highlights the profound impact of empathy and compassion.

6. Forgiveness and Closure:

Both Ada and Chika’s journeys involved confronting their pasts, including forgiving those who had hurt them.

7. Self-discovery and Personal Growth:

Ada and Chika’s paths to healing were journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.

Breaking the Chains: Rise Above Bitterness

Breaking the Chains: Rise Above Bitterness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Breaking the Chains: Rise Above Bitterness

Back in the early days of our marriage, around 2002, my wife and I got into a quarrel that dragged on for days. Strangely, I can’t recall what sparked it. However, during this dispute, something remarkable happened: I experienced a spiritual awakening. For the first time, I glimpsed into the realm of the supernatural and saw the deep-seated animosity that the devil and his followers harbor toward marriages and families. It was eye-opening to witness the lengths to which the devil would go to sow discord and disrupt relationships. Fortunately, the quarrel between my wife and me was resolved swiftly thereafter.

If God were to grant you a glimpse into the spiritual realm, you’d find yourself softening swiftly. All the anger and aggression would dissipate as you realize you’ve been under demonic sway. Demons are indeed real. While the physical world may seem bustling, the spiritual realm is even more so.

Understand, there exist powerful malevolent forces, opposing courtships and marriages, aiming to sow doubt and discord. These evil spirits seek to manipulate your thoughts, feeding you assumptions that could jeopardize your marriage.

The real question is: will you align your destiny with hell? As a child of God, the devil cannot intrude into your life, family, or home unless you invite him in. Remember, the devil has already been defeated. However, by disregarding God’s principles, you inadvertently open the door for his influence.

A child of God cannot be possessed by a demon but can experience oppression. This oppression can pave the way for yielding to demonic influences. In your relationships, marriage, and home, it’s crucial to steer clear of certain pitfalls. These missteps can swiftly open the door, providing the devil with an opportunity to wreak havoc. One such mistake to avoid is harboring bitterness towards each other.

Don’t get bitter at each other

Bitterness should be shunned like a plague, for it is far more destructive. When bitterness takes root, it becomes a barrier to receiving help, as even prayers go unanswered. It’s not merely a fleeting emotion; it’s a deep-seated root that, if left unchecked, can lead to further devastation. Reflect on the scriptures for guidance in this matter.

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (Hebrews 12:15 KJV)


When bitterness takes hold, it can cause God’s grace to falter, a perilous position to find oneself in.
It warns of trouble ahead, as bitterness only begets more trouble. Ultimately, many will be tainted by its influence, leading to impulsive actions. In marriages, it can affect the children, while in single life, it may disrupt academic and career pursuits.

It all begins with getting hurt. You may have an expectation, perhaps awaiting an apology, but none comes. As you grapple with this, another hurt follows, compounded by the absence of an apology. Then, another action adds to the hurt, perpetuating the cycle.

These accumulated hurts can evoke a range of emotions, from feeling unloved to harboring hatred toward the very person you’re meant to love. Before you know it, the devil steps in, planting seeds of suggestions and assumptions. Remember, the devil is a deceitful liar, the originator of falsehoods incapable of speaking the truth.

Embracing and believing these assumptions leads to a hardening of the heart, gradually plunging you into depression and despair. In this state, where scripture and God’s love are pushed aside, the sole focus becomes proving a point, paving the way for bitterness to take hold. In the grip of bitterness, your spouse becomes perceived as the enemy, ensnaring you in a trap.

The wife withdraws emotionally, while the husband’s anger escalates, exacerbating the situation. Bitterness clouds judgment, leading to regrettable decisions.

When trapped in bitterness, there are paths to freedom.

1. Prayer is key

Engage in fervent prayer to clear the mind and open yourself to God’s guidance, which offers a way out.

2. Patience

Patience is paramount when dealing with a bitter spouse. It requires an abundance of patience to guide them out of their bitterness. In cases where both parties harbor bitterness, it’s crucial to set aside hostilities and collaborate towards resolution.

3. Forgiveness

Additionally, swift forgiveness is imperative. Only through quick forgiveness can prayers find their efficacy.

4. Humility

Humility plays a pivotal role as well. Rather than asserting dominance, humility fosters an environment conducive to reconciliation.

For singles, the process remains the same. If bitterness and hurts permeate your relationship or courtship, seeking help and mentorship is essential to uproot the bitterness. It’s imperative not to proceed down the aisle burdened by bitterness.

How Best To Use Your Words

How Best To Use Your Words

Reading Time: < 1 minute

CHILDREN – How Best To Use Your Words

Words are powerful. Once spoken, they can’t be unspoken. The reason you have to be careful about what you say or who you say it to.

On a faithful day, Jude looked his classmate in the face and called him a drunk. Not only that, told him he was a bastard.

Everyone thought it was a joke, because no one expected such from Jude.

Mr Johnson, his class teacher was shocked. He couldn’t believe his ears. Why would he use such harsh words on his classmate? Earnest?

How could he? He had taught him so many times about using his words to bless and not curse people.

Although Jude later said he was joking, the damage had already been done. How was he going to unsay what he had already said? What an expensive joke.

When you make coarse jokes at others all for the fun of it, it reflects back on your parents. People will think your parents haven’t taught you about manners.

You bring shame, embarrassment, and disgrace to them. People will call them irresponsible and probably say that to their faces.

So, when next you want to make a bad joke, remember your parents.

May God help you to remember How Best To Use Your Words, Amen.

Lord, help me not to bring shame, disgrace, and embarrassment to my parents.

Action plan:
Ask God for the grace to help you choose your words well.

I choose to bless only with my words.

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Laughing Your Way To Victory

Laughing Your Way To Victory

Reading Time: 2 minutes


A little deviation from our wisdom series this morning, I want to show us one way we can maintain our sanity in this present world.

The devil aims at filling our minds with negative things, that is why almost everywhere you look, there is one form of sad news or the other.

Social media, print media and other forms are equally not helping matters. One can almost begin to wonder why you were born in this generation.

The plan of the devil is to weary us till we become sick, tired, and even suicidal. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

There is an age-long, profound, medicine found in the bible that I want to prescribe to you this morning. Whenever you feel down, depressed, sick, angry, unloved, or any negative feeling, just use this medication and I assure you, you will be fine.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. – Pro 17:22

God wants you quick, alive, and active. The devil wants you depressed, gloomy, and broken. The scripture tells us laughter is good. It is healthy. It has some curative powers.

Sometimes, just take off your gaze from the test you failed, the bully in school, the teacher that hardly smiles, the stress of the assembly ground, and just laugh out loud.

As a matter of fact, it has been proven that children are more prone to laughter than adults. Do you also know that God himself laughs?

In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. – Ps 2:4 [CEV]

So what is your excuse? When last did you have a good laugh?

Go ahead and laugh over that situation because you have the victory already. Glory!

Father in Jesus name, always give me reasons to laugh.

Go ahead and laugh out loud

I choose to laugh always. I am not depressed, sad or gloomy. The joy of the Lord is my strength.

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How To Be Directed By The Lord

How To Be Directed By The Lord

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, one of the benefits of being a child of God is being directed by him. How cool is it to have God tell you how best to do something, and then you realize it turns out right?

God loves to direct his children. God loves to give us instructions that help us arrive at the right answer all the time.

See what the bible says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. –Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

There are conditions to having God lead and direct you, it’s clearly written in this verse. Let me show you.

1. To have God direct you, you have to trust him. Trusting God means that you do not doubt what he says to you and regardless of the instruction you are given, you have to believe that since it’s God who is asking you to do it, it means it will turn out right.

2. For God to direct you, you have to lean on his understanding, not yours. This means that you rely totally on God’s wisdom and not yours, God has to be sure that you believe he knows better than you do, and that his wisdom is ultimate.

3. The last thing is to acknowledge God. Acknowledge that there is a God that is all-powerful and all-knowing, who watches over us all. God is keeping an eye on every person in the world and he is guiding and shielding us all at the same time.

After we have done these three things then God will direct us. How will God direct you?  

1. Through the Bible

2. Through the Holy Spirit in you

3. Through your Parents

Trust God today and he will direct you, and tell you the right thing to do all the time.

Oh Lord, help me to trust in you

Pray to God for direction.

I trust the leading of the Lord for my life

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