Joshua and God also had their own adventures together! As we continue this series, we will be looking at the life of Joshua today.
After the death of Moses, the Israelites needed a new leader.
After the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them- to give to the Israelites. (Joshua 1:1-2 NIV)
Moses died before he got to the Promised Land and God needed to fulfill His promise to Abraham. So, God chose Joshua to continue from where Moses had stopped. Since he had been an aide to Moses, he was the best fit for the job of leading the descendants of Jacob to the promised land. And so it became Joshua and God.
Joshua also fought many wars to win land for his kinsmen. God also showed and used His great power during this period. Through praise, he had the wall of Jericho fall down so that the Israelites could defeat the people of Jericho. The Jordan also parted for the Israelites to walk through it just like the Red Sea, in the time of Moses. The sun stood still so the Israelites could win their fight against the Amorites (chapter 10) and victories over many more battles. It was in Joshua’s time that each tribe of Israel received their portion of the land promised them by God. This is part of the adventures of Joshua and God.
God was with Joshua just like He was with Moses. He did everything He promised. He gave provision and protection as always. On any adventure, God always watches over His children.
An adventure is filled with many electrifying, great and interesting moments. There will be periods when the fun reaches sky-high and totally takes your breath away. And moments when you think this has got to be the coolest thing you have ever seen or experienced in your life. Much like how some cool people in the bible felt when they took an adventure with God.
Did I just hear you ask if God likes an adventure? He definitely does. What did you think happened during creation? God was on an adventure- He was creating experiences, things, animals, trees, people, the sun, moon and much more.
What if God had called you when He was about to create the world? How would you have felt if you were there when He was creating the world? How would you have reacted when He created the animals? If you were there, what would you have done? When you saw the sun and moon, how would you feel? What questions would you have asked Him? How would you feel on that adventure with God?
On the first day, when He created light, would you have asked Him why? When He rested on the seventh day, would you have asked Him why? And even asked Him, why He stopped at seven?
Going on an adventure with God can never be uneventful or boring. It definitely will be full of fascinating events, people and situations. Or what do you think?
In our new series we will look at adventures with God and how it turned out for the people that followed God.
May the Lord take you on adventures with Him. Amen.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for your love for adventure. As I read about some of them, help me to appreciate your mighty power. Adventure with God is my lot In Jesus’ name, amen.
Action point: Put on your power of imagination as the journey begins tomorrow.