What God Wants Versus What You Want

What God Wants Versus What You Want

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What God Wants Versus What You Want

In the journey of life, whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s easy to get caught up in our own desires and expectations.

We often find ourselves asking, “What do I want?” But as followers of Christ, we must also ask, “What does God want for me?”

The difference between these two perspectives can shape the direction of our lives, relationships, and spiritual growth.

For singles, there may be moments when loneliness feels overwhelming, leading to impatience or even compromise. You might think, if only I had someone now, or why isn’t God moving faster? Yet, God’s timing is perfect, even if it doesn’t align with ours.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

When we surrender our plans to Him, He uses those seasons of waiting to refine us, deepen our faith, and prepare us for His best.

Couples, too, face challenges where personal desires conflict with divine will. Perhaps one spouse prioritizes career over family time, or both partners struggle to agree on major decisions like finances or children. In such cases, seeking God’s guidance becomes essential.

Ephesians 5:21 encourages mutual submission out of reverence for Christ. This means putting aside selfish ambitions and choosing instead to honor God through love and selflessness in marriage.

Ultimately, what God wants transcends fleeting pleasures or temporary satisfaction. He desires intimacy—both with Him and within our relationships.

For singles, this means cultivating a deeper walk with Christ during times of solitude.

For couples, it involves nurturing unity rooted in a shared devotion to God. By aligning our hearts with His purpose, we experience lasting joy and fulfillment that worldly pursuits can not provide.

So today, take a moment to reflect: Are my choices reflecting what I want or what God wants?

Let us pray for discernment, patience, and trust in His sovereign plan. As we yield our wills to Him, He promises blessings far greater than anything we could dream for ourselves.

Loving Wisely – Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Loving Wisely – Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In our journey through life, relationships are one of God’s greatest gifts. Whether you’re single or married, every relationship—whether romantic, platonic, or familial—has the potential to either build us up or tear us down. Today, let’s reflect on how we can recognize toxic relationships and seek God’s wisdom to navigate them.

The Danger of Toxicity

A toxic relationship is one that drains your emotional energy, undermines your self-worth, or leads you away from God’s best for your life. It may not always be obvious at first, but over time, these relationships can cause deep wounds if left unaddressed. As followers of Christ, it’s crucial that we discern between healthy and unhealthy dynamics so we can honor God with our interactions.

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Here are some common warning signs to watch out for:

Control and Manipulation: Does this person try to control your decisions, isolate you from others, or manipulate you into doing things against your will? Healthy relationships respect boundaries and encourage mutual growth.

Reflection: Are there areas where I feel pressured or controlled? Am I allowing someone else to dictate my choices instead of seeking God’s guidance?

Lack of Respect: Is respect absent in words or actions? Name-calling, belittling, or dismissing your feelings are red flags. True love honors and values each other as equals created in God’s image.

Reflection: Do I treat others with dignity and kindness, even when disagreements arise? Do they do the same for me?

Emotional Unavailability: A partner who consistently avoids vulnerability, refuses accountability, or shows no interest in understanding your needs creates an imbalance. Communication should foster connection, not distance.

Reflection: Am I being heard and understood? Am I listening attentively to their heart?

Spiritual Disconnection: If a relationship pulls you away from God or discourages spiritual growth, it’s important to evaluate its impact. Our faith must always remain central because it defines who we are in Christ.

Reflection: Does this relationship draw me closer to God or further away? Am I prioritizing my walk with Him above all else?

Abuse – Physical, Emotional, or Verbal: Any form of abuse is never acceptable. If you experience harm, seek help immediately. You deserve safety and peace.

Reflection: Have I ever felt unsafe or threatened? If so, have I taken steps to protect myself and reach out for support?

God’s Heart for Us

Jesus modeled perfect love by laying down His life for us (John 15:13).

Jhn 15:13 (KJV) Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

His example teaches us what true love looks like—it gives freely, serves sacrificially, and seeks the highest good for others. When we encounter toxicity, whether in ourselves or others, we must remember that transformation begins with repentance and reliance on God.

Steps Toward Healing

If you identify toxicity in your relationship, here’s what you can do:

Pray About It: Bring everything before the Lord. Ask Him for clarity, strength, and courage to make wise decisions.

Set Boundaries: Protect your mental, emotional, and spiritual health by setting clear boundaries. This might mean stepping back temporarily or permanently.

Seek Counsel: Talk to trusted friends, mentors, or pastors about your situation. Professional counseling can also provide valuable insights.

Choose Forgiveness: If possible, extend grace and forgiveness without condoning harmful behavior. Remember, forgiveness doesn’t mean staying in a harmful situation; it means releasing bitterness to God.

Trust God’s Timing: Let go of fear and trust that God has something better planned for you. He promises restoration and redemption (Jeremiah 29:11).


For those who are single, know that waiting on God’s timing is an act of faith. Don’t settle for less than His best. Instead, focus on growing spiritually, emotionally, and mentally during this season. Pray that God would prepare both your heart and the hearts of those around you for meaningful, godly relationships.


For couples, remember that marriage requires constant effort and communication. Be intentional about nurturing your relationship with God together. Lean on Scripture, prayer, and community to strengthen your bond and overcome challenges.

Even in the Waiting, God Is Still Good

Even in the Waiting, God Is Still Good

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Waiting is never easy. Whether you’re waiting for a job, a breakthrough, the right person, or even clarity on what to do next, it can feel really exhausting. You pray, hope, and wonder when things will finally change. But here’s the truth: God’s goodness isn’t on pause just because you’re in a waiting season. He didn’t bring you this far to just leave you, you are never alone, He’s still with you. He is just as faithful in the process as He is in the promise.

Lamentations 3:25 – The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.

If you’re single and waiting for the right person, it’s easy to feel discouraged, wonder if God sees your desire, or even be tempted to compromise. In this season, the waiting can feel endless and uncertain. But your waiting isn’t wasted. It’s the place where God is shaping you, preparing you, and strengthening your trust in Him. What may feel like a delay is often His way of protecting you or getting you ready for something far better than you can imagine.

The truth is, you can’t rush God’s timing.

Though it may tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3.

If it’s not the appointed time, no amount of force will make it happen, but when the time is right, nothing can stop it. As Isaiah 60:22 says, “I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”

So don’t give up in the waiting. Don’t force what isn’t ready. Keep trusting, keep growing, and keep believing because when God moves, it will be worth every moment you waited and more!

Dear Val! (My letter on Valentine’s Day)

Dear Val! (My letter on Valentine’s Day)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Valentine’s Day is here again—the season of red roses, candlelit dinners, and grand romantic gestures. Everywhere you turn, social media is flooded with sweet messages, couples showing off their love, singles showing off their bae/boo, and businesses selling the idea that love must be proved with expensive gifts and intimate moments. But here’s my candid advice for you—something to chew on even before the day goes far.

What is true love?
This is the question that should stay in your heart throughout today. Judge everything that comes your way with this question.

Many [young] people feel pressure on this day—pressure to be in a relationship, to impress, and, most sadly, to compromise their values. The world has painted a picture that love must be expressed through physical intimacy—and we are buying it, simply because we want to “belong” to the world—but God’s Word tells us otherwise.

The Bible tells us what True love truly is. True love is patient. True love honors. True love waits.

Any acclaimed love that buys you a gift and wants to unwrap you as you unwrap the gift is not true love. A straight warning here: Don’t carry yourself and go to places where it’s easy to compromise—his house, her house, lowly lit joints, etc. I saw a post recently by a pastor that made sense to me. He said that it is those who go close to a pit that have a greater tendency to fall in!

The Bible is clear: Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). It doesn’t say “walk” or “resist”—it says flee! Why? Because sexual sin is not just another mistake; it affects your body, soul, and relationship with God.

Don’t go to strange places. Be overly careful, because the demon of lust will be operating strongly today, and compromising will be easier. So, take my advice, whether single or married: flee from every appearance of evil.

If you’re single, don’t let loneliness push you into something you’ll regret. If you’re in a relationship, don’t let the expectations of the world override God’s standards. If you’re married, what exactly are you looking for with that man/woman that is not your spouse? Why those chats? Why that expectation/desire in your heart this Valentine’s Day? Like, why? Kill it now! It will burn you!

Singles and couples, our strength to say no to nonsense comes from staying rooted in God’s Word and surrounding ourselves with godly friends. Find a church program and attend this evening, and after service, go home—go home with no one! Unless you’re married, then go home with your spouse.

Dear singles, remember that your worth is not in a relationship status but in Christ. Don’t be pressured today. This Valentine’s Day, choose to celebrate love the right way—pure, honorable, and pleasing to God. Instead of falling for worldly pressure, why not show love in a way that truly matters? Serve, encourage, and remind others of the greatest love of all: God’s unfailing love for us. Preach the love of Jesus to someone today!

I’m rooting for you. ❤️

Your brother in Christ.

How God Demonstrates His Love for His Children

How God Demonstrates His Love for His Children

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God’s love is the foundation of our faith. It is not just an abstract concept but a reality that He constantly reveals in our lives.

His love is evident in everything He does because love is an action word.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The love of God comes with actions each time He expresses it to us. He’s so intentional about you and I that He gave us dominion and access through His son (Jesus Christ) whom He made our advocate.

How does God demonstrate His love for His children?

God demonstrates His love for His children in many ways, and the Bible is full of examples of His deep and unchanging love through:

1. Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice

God’s greatest demonstration of love is sending Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and the second in trinity yet He gave Him out for the atonement of our sins. (Romans 5:8)

2. Adoption after Redemption

After the redemption Jesus Christ brought to us, we were now called sons and daughters of God which is an incredible access to God. God doesn’t just love us, He adopts us into His family.  

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are.

The day we give our life to Christ is the signage of our adoption.

3. Provision for our Needs  

God cares about every detail of our lives, including our daily needs. The word of God says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) He is ever ready to show up for us in time of need. All that we need is to ask so we can receive from Him.

In conclusion, no matter where you are in life, single or married, employed or unemployed, trust in His love, it is always present, always faithful, and always enough.


Guarding Against Lust and Sexual Temptation on Valentine’s Day

Guarding Against Lust and Sexual Temptation on Valentine’s Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the world often glorifies romantic love with images of passion, intimacy, and physical attraction. While celebrating love is beautiful, Christians must remain vigilant against the pitfalls of lust and sexual temptation that can overshadow God’s design for relationships.

This day can become a minefield for those who are single or in relationships but lack biblical boundaries. However, with prayerful preparation and reliance on God’s strength, we can navigate this season with purity and integrity.

The Bible warns us about the dangers of lust in passages like Matthew 5:28, where Jesus says, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

These words challenge us to guard our hearts and minds from wandering into areas that dishonor God and ourselves. On Valentine’s Day, when society emphasizes physical affection and romantic gestures, it’s crucial to remember that true love aligns with God’s will—it prioritizes respect, self-control, and commitment.

To protect yourself during this time, start by setting clear boundaries. If you’re single, avoid placing yourself in situations that could lead to temptation. Surround yourself with accountability partners who encourage you to stay focused on God’s plan for your life. For those in relationships, communicate openly with your partner about what honors God and establish mutual expectations for how you’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day without crossing inappropriate lines.

Additionally, fill your mind with godly thoughts. Philippians 4:8 reminds us, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely—think about such things.” Replace worldly narratives about love and sex with the truth found in Scripture.

Meditate on verses like Song of Solomon, which celebrates marital intimacy within the context of covenantal love, or Ephesians 5:25, where husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church.

Lastly, lean heavily on prayer. Ask God to strengthen your resolve and give you the wisdom to resist temptation. Remember, He provides a way out of every trial (1 Corinthians 10:13) and desires for you to experience freedom from sin.

This Valentine’s Day, let your love reflect God’s holiness and purpose. By guarding your heart and mind, you honor Him and prepare yourself for the kind of love He intends—for eternity.

How To Live Above The Pressure to Conform

How To Live Above The Pressure to Conform

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Bible warns us not to conform for a reason—it’s because conforming is easier. The pressure to fit in is constant. There’s pressure to get married, have kids, build a career, start a business, travel the world, and so on.

But God has given us a way out: the renewal of our minds.

Romans 12:2 (AMP) And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

One of the key ways to experience transformation is by growing spiritually. If you’re still struggling with the basics—fasting, tithing, praying, meditating—how will you stand firm when the pressure comes?

Spiritual maturity doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a journey worth taking. The more you grow in your walk with God, the less pressure the world will have over you. Instead of being swayed by expectations, you’ll stand firm in God’s will for your life.

A Battle-Proven Strategy for Your Life’s Journey

A Battle-Proven Strategy for Your Life’s Journey

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Battles are won through strategies. No military man would go to war without a strategy in mind. Things may change on the battlefield, but he would never go there with a blank mind.

Joshua had a strategy.

Jos 7:2-3 [NIV] Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is near Beth Aven to the east of Bethel, and told them, “Go up and spy out the region.” So the men went up and spied out Ai. When they returned to Joshua, they said, “Not all the army will have to go up against Ai. Send two or three thousand men to take it and do not weary the whole army, for only a few people live there.”

Gideon had one too.

Jud 7:17-18 [NIV] “Watch me,” he told them. “Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon.’”

David, Samson, and every other war veteran in the bible had a strategy they used.

Strategies are meant to be improved over time. You don’t stick to the same old plan you’ve been using. Even if it works for you, there is always room for improvement.

You’ve approached that marriage with the same strategy for years. Yes, you might have had some results, but there are still more grounds to conquer.

You’ve approached that ‘babe’ with the same game plan over the years. This Valentine’s Day, why don’t you change your strategy?

That business hasn’t yielded as expected. It’s time to try something new.

The Israelites had a winning strategy I would love to recommend to us this morning. It can be applied anywhere – business, family, career, finance, and so on.

Jdg 20:18 [ERV] And the children of Israel arose, and went up to Beth-el, and asked counsel of God; and they said, Who shall go up for us first to battle against the children of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah shall go up first.

In all you do, let praise take the lead. I know you are a prayer warrior. I know you are a master strategist, with a doctorate in strategic planning. Let Judah go up first. Read through the scriptures, anywhere they applied this strategy, it worked.

Ps 149:6 [CEV] Praise God with songs on your lips and a sword in your hand.

When you allow praise to take the lead, it translates to a sword in your hand.

May God open your eyes to this truth.

A Little One Shall Become A Thousand

A Little One Shall Become A Thousand

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By now we all know the scripture God gave us and are standing on it for manifestation. The little we know is all that is needed.

While meditating on this scripture, the Holy Spirit told me that this scripture also relates to the family.

Isa 60:22 (KJV) A little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time

When we become truly united in the family, ‘our little’ becomes a thousand. God has designed it so that our interdependence with each other will produce far more than our individual effort, grace, anointing, strength, influence, and productivity.

In God’s arithmetic of marriage, one plus one never equals two. One Plus one equals three. It goes on and on until our one plus one equals ten and multiples of ten. It will always start with the little – husband and wife.

When husbands and wives walk in unity, bringing their unique ideas, graces, and anointing to the table, we don’t have a better idea, we have a completely new idea that is better than either the husband’s or wife’s initial idea.

Unity is not just sameness but complementary. You don’t have to be the same but complement one another. That’s humility and preferring one another to ourselves.

This is the atmosphere for thriving, blossoming, and flourishing. There is a powerful principle in the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. That’s the power of effective listening, first seek to hear before you are heard.

Effective listening brings unity which is necessary for us if our little is going to become a thousand.

Let’s work towards agreement in our marriages. The devil will challenge our agreement and unity. We should be wiser than the devil and not let go of the unity in our marriage. Our fight should be against the devil, for ourselves to defend ourselves.

How beautiful would it be if all marriages could strive and work at attaining this stage where they truly become a thousand?

Great victory will be won for the kingdom of God and great disaster done to the devil’s kingdom.

Consistently Living in the Victory of the Cross

Consistently Living in the Victory of the Cross

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The victory of the Cross is not a one-time event but a daily reality for every believer. The scripture reminds us that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.

2 Peter 1:3 (NIV) – His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

To consistently enjoy this victory, we must embrace two fundamental principles:

1. Knowing Who You Are in Christ

Before we can truly celebrate the victory of the Cross, we need to understand our identity in Christ. This revelational knowledge is the key that unlocks our freedom. When you grasp that you are loved, redeemed, and empowered by God, every life’s battle becomes an opportunity to live out that truth.

In our marriages and relationships, this truth comes into play. Instead of seeking approval or validation solely from one another, we learn to ground our worth in who we are in Christ. This mutual understanding transforms conflict into growth and challenges into stepping stones toward a deeper, more resilient love. Just as the Word nourishes our spirit, a clear knowledge of who we are in Christ becomes the sustenance for every aspect of our lives.

2. Faith

Faith is essential to experiencing God’s victory. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Our belief in His promises like Romans 8:32, which reminds us that He gave His only Son for us builds an unshakeable foundation. Faith is the anchor that holds us steady when life’s storms arise.

Consider the simple yet crucial question: “What are you feeding your mind?” The thoughts we nurture shape our identity and our destiny. In every relationship and marriage, feeding our minds with the truth of God’s Word and meditating on the scriptures, enables us to overcome difficulties with confidence. Even when challenges seem impossible, faith assures us that Christ has overcome the world.

Victory in Christ isn’t about never facing struggles. It’s about knowing that no matter what comes your way, you’ve already won through Christ. Life will test you in every way possible but don’t lose sight of what the cross secured for you.  See yourself with the lens of the cross!

Stop picking up what God has already taken away. It could be fear, doubt, or past mistakes. Keep feeding your mind with His truth, trust His timing, and hold onto faith even when things don’t look like they’re changing.

God’s victory should be your everyday reality. Live in it, walk in it, and never let life convince you otherwise.

Let’s Boil Our Sons And Eat

Let’s Boil Our Sons And Eat

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let’s Boil Our Sons And Eat

The situation in Israel was terrible, so terrible that MOTHERS entered into an agreement to have their children for lunch. There’s an emphasis on “Mothers” because mothers have a special bond with their children.

And the king said to her, “What is troubling you?” And she answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give your son so that we can eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.’  So we boiled my son and ate him. And the next day I said to her, ‘Give your son so that we can eat him.’ And she has hidden her son”.  2 Kings 6:28-29

If mothers could slaughter their sons for lunch, then the situation was really terrible. And it also reveals to us that a man, if he doesn’t receive grace, can do ANYTHING in his vulnerable seasons.

This is actually a very disturbing story to read, but sometimes life can throw dirty and hard curveballs at you that will make you begin to justify barbaric acts. You can “kill” anyone just to survive, and you can even justify it as “God’s provision.”

“If I’m alive, I can give birth to another son. If I don’t boil my son, I and my son will still die of hunger. It’s better I sacrifice my son so I can live and give birth to another tomorrow. Thank You, LORD, for this wisdom.” One mother would have said, out of severe hunger, justifying the sin she was about to commit and slapping the name of God on it.

What are you currently trying to justify? This is God’s call for you to stop!

One of the moments you have to be extremely careful and double-check every action is in times of dire need… in your low moments. In such times, it will do you good to stay real close to God—to really enquire of God before taking any action—so that you don’t do anything you will regret and pay for later. Many have “boiled their sons” to satisfy their needs. I hope you don’t do so.

After they boiled the first woman’s son and ate, the hunger cleared, and the second woman began thinking well.

“How on earth did we agree to do this?”

So she went and hid her son.

You see that hunger was really the driving force of the barbaric act. Hunger can mess up your life. Hunger can make you do terrible things you couldn’t have imagined yourself doing. So, I counsel again:

In your times of dire need, stay close to God. Allow God to purify you constantly. Don’t take actions hastily—sit on decisions and allow God to direct you.

Finally, come to the throne of grace and receive grace.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4‬:16‬ [NKJV]‬‬

There’s Grace available for you. You can receive grace for the season you’re currently in. You can receive grace.


Receive grace!

Five Ways To Live Above Guilt

Five Ways To Live Above Guilt

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Five Ways To Live Above Guilt

Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough for God? No matter how much you pray, worship, or try to live right, there’s always a lingering feeling of guilt, doubt, or spiritual failure.  If so, let me break the good news to you that you’re not alone.  

Many believers struggle with the thought that they are not truly godly and that they’re somehow a disappointment to God. That feeling doesn’t come from God, it’s the enemy messing with your mind.  

One of Satan’s greatest strategies is deception. He knows he cannot take away your salvation, so he works hard to make you think you’re not worthy of God’s love. His goal is to make you believe a lie so that you live in defeat rather than the victory Christ has already won for you.  

That’s why the Bible admits to us

1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

If the enemy can make you doubt God’s love, he knows he can weaken your faith.

You see, your mistakes, struggles, and doubts can not separate you from God’s love. God’s love is constant, consistent, and unchanging.

Romans 8:38-39 that: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Now that you know the enemy’s tactics, here’s how you can fight back:  

1. Renew your mind with God’s word daily

The enemy thrives in ignorance, but God’s Word is your weapon. (Romans 12:2)  

2. Reject condemnation

Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit to lead you back to God, but condemnation comes from the devil to push you away from God. Learn to recognize the difference.

3. Guard your thoughts

When negative thoughts come, don’t entertain them. Instead, do what is in 2 Corinthians 10:5. Counter lies with truth. When the enemy says, You’re not godly, remind him: I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21).

4. Stay in a community

Isolation makes you an easy target for the enemy. Stay connected with other believers who can encourage and uplift you.  

5. Pray and resist the enemy

Prayer isn’t just talking to God; it’s also spiritual warfare. Fight negative thoughts in the place of prayer.

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

So the next time the enemy tries to bring guilt and mess with your mind, remind him: I belong to Jesus, and nothing you say can change that truth.


The Consequences of Our Choices

The Consequences of Our Choices

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Most of the time, our immediate actions have futuristic consequences, which is why we have to be careful about what we do or what we don’t do. Our choices – whether good or bad, transcend us.

David, for example, chose to go for another man’s wife after murdering him. One would think God’s silence on the matter for over a year meant He approved David’s actions. Well, his choices threw his family into problems as the sword never departed from his house.

What about Abraham, the father of faith? He wanted a permanent solution to his issue of childlessness as the supposed promise of God was taking too long to manifest. Of course, we know he eventually had to send Ishmael away.

I could also talk about Samson, Joseph, Gehazi, Saul, and a host of others whose choices outlived them.

What is my point this morning? It doesn’t end with you. That 5 minutes of pleasure doesn’t end there. That subtle text doesn’t end there. Yes, it is taking longer than you thought but compromising has never solved any problem beforehand.
Ask everyone who has compromised in one way or another. It never ended there. More often than not, the moment you are done compromising, then the issues begin.

Jos 24:15 [NKJV] And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Before you take that decision, think about your children. Think about your assignment. Think about your purpose. Jesus could have easily turned the stones into bread. He not only had the power, he was hungry, but he knew better. He knew his work on earth was more than bread.

Like we say in Nigeria; the food you do not have plans to put in your mouth, do not bring it close to your nose.

May God grant us more understanding, amen.

The Power of Little

The Power of Little

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is amazing how we can overlook the power of the little.

God has the capacity to create anything out of nothing. It is the attribute of the divine.

But for man, there has to be that little to work with. God will never leave you with nothing. It could be gifts, talents, substance, relationships, or even the seed of the word, but there will always be that thing you have to get you to where you ought to be.

That is the principle of the kingdom.

In our scripture for the year, it says,

Isa 60:22 (KJV) A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.

Can you see that? What will become a thousand is the “little.”

That little is always needed.

What is the little that you have but have neglected because you are looking for the “huge” capital to get started?

What is the little gift you have but have simply refused to appreciate?

Well, whatever is not appreciated will depreciate.

You must not only identify and acknowledge your little, but you must be thankful, praise-full, and grateful to God for it.

Do you remember the five loaves and the two fishes?

John 6:5-9 (KJV) When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? [6] And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. [7] Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. [8] One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, [9] There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

Andrew despised and dismissed the little lunch of the little boy, but hey, that was exactly “the little” that Jesus needed to demonstrate God’s wonder on supernatural provision!

Be thankful and grateful for the little this morning, put it in the hands of Jesus like that lunch, and watch a glorious miracle of multiplication unravel in your life! May God open your eyes to see the little!

Good morning!

Abigail – A Woman of Good Understanding

Abigail – A Woman of Good Understanding

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Abigail – A Woman of Good Understanding

Abigail is one of the women in the Bible, with rich lessons to teach and wisdom to glean from.

Her story is in 1 Samuel 25: 1 – end.

Her story teaches us how to handle any difficult relationship. Whether it is a relationship with an employer, an associate, a colleague, a child, a mentor, a mentee, a spouse, or a family member, it’s the same principle and it can be applied for success.

1 Samuel 25:3 [KJV] Now the name of the man was Nabal; and the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance: but the man was churlish and evil in his doings; and he was of the house of Caleb.  

Emotional intelligence, people management, and good understanding were virtues that Abigail possessed. Abigail had a good understanding of herself, her husband, her situation, and her household.

Our focus is not on Nabal’s behavior but on her ability to beautifully manage and navigate the situation.

It is our year of supernatural growth and our emphasis should be growing in the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 [KJV] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.  

The more we learn to develop the fruits of the Spirit, the better our relationships will be even if the persons are “churlish and evil in their doings” like Nabal

We can see her good understanding being displayed in her attitudes, speech, actions, and the quality of her inner life.

Her good understanding helped her to know the times and seasons and how to salvage a situation that would have led to the murder of every life associated with Nabal, both young and old.

The story of Abigail is not just for wives but also for men, who want to know how to manage people.  People are ladders, especially those relationships God brought into your life.

Don’t discard people because of offenses and unforgiveness.  You need to understand that not every man has developed fully in the fruit of the Spirit. They might just be the help you need at certain junctions in your life.

There are some things we have control over and some we don’t have control over. You don’t have control over other people’s behavior but you have control over your attitudes.

It’s all about how you react when others treat you badly.

Being married to Nabal was a lot, but Abigail was a woman who had a good understanding.

Isaiah 11:2 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom and understanding.

I pray the Holy Spirit will impact our lives with Good understanding in Jesus’ mighty name amen

God bless you.

Have a fantastic week ahead of you.

When The Perfect Isn’t Perfect For You

When The Perfect Isn’t Perfect For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When the Perfect” Isn’t Perfect for You

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)

Have you ever been in a relationship where everything seems to be okay on the surface, but there is just this little voice inside you that says something is not right? Maybe you have been in it for so long, that everything is going smoothly, and you stopped questioning it.

Have you asked yourself; Is this the person God has for me? It’s so easy to get into the flow and move with it.

A biblical account that beautifully illustrated how God’s choice often defies human expectation was when Samuel thought Eliab was the perfect choice for a king because he had the look, the stature, and the presence. But God saw differently: “People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

This story reminds us that good is not always God’s best. Like Samuel, we must learn to trust God’s wisdom over our perceptions. Instead of making decisions based on what seems right, we should seek God’s guidance, knowing that His choice will always be greater than our expectations.

Life has a way of presenting us with this picture-perfect view of choices to make in life. Sometimes, in relationships, friendships, or even career paths, we meet people who often seem to be everything that we would have prayed for: kind, loving, responsible, and even God-fearing. But then, as time unfolds, we really get to find out that just because they are a good person does not make them the right person. The difference is found in the divine alignment.

A good person can have great qualities, but the right person is someone God has specifically aligned with your destiny. The right person won’t just make you happy, they will help you grow into the person God has called you to be (Jeremiah 29:11).

Sometimes, we get caught up in our own checklist of what we think we need, but God’s plan is always bigger and better than our expectations. A good person may be kind and loving, but if they’re not meant to walk your journey with you, they could slow you down instead of helping you move forward. Perhaps the clearest sign of all, while a good person may seem perfect on paper, the right person will bring a deep, unshakable peace in your spirit that only God can give (Colossians 3:15).

Good isn’t always God. Just because something looks perfect doesn’t mean it’s meant for you. What seems right in your eyes may not be what’s best for your future. Instead of chasing what looks good, seek what is God-ordained. Pray, listen, and trust His leading because His choice is always better than yours.

He Will Take Another

He Will Take Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He Will Take Another

Time doesn’t really make things better; what happens IN time is what has the power to change the course of actions.

So, if the enemy has stolen from your life, marriage, family, and career last year, he will come to take another this year. Don’t think that the passage of time from 2024 to 2025 will stop him from taking another. He will come for another!

“Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread.” Acts 12‬:2‬-3 [NKJV]‬‬

Herod had killed James, and you would think that was enough and that time would make him stop. It didn’t. When he was done with James, he went for Peter! And had he been able to deal with Peter, he would have gone for another. And then another. And another… until there was none left.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” John 10‬:10 [NKJV]‬‬

But the church stopped that from happening—they stopped the enemy from taking another. How?

“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. Acts 12‬:5 [KJV]‬‬

Prayer was made without ceasing. What changed the narrative was what the church did in time—they made constant prayers.

In this season, things will spiral into more mess if you don’t step in and stop the flow. The enemy will take another if you don’t step in and stop the flow. More things will go wrong in your marriage if you don’t step in and stop the flow. Your life will get worse if you don’t arise and stop the flow.

It’s that year that we arise and declare, “No more!”

Let us pray.

Rain on the Works of Your Hands

Rain on the Works of Your Hands

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rain on the Works of Your Hands

Single or married, we are all believing that God will bless the work of our hands. God is interested in doing this, especially when that work of our hands is in alignment with His purpose for our lives both here and eternally.

The best place we can enjoy God’s blessings is when we are right at the center of His will and purpose for our lives!

The scriptures say here:

Deu 28:12 (KJV) The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

There is a good treasure of God that can be closed or opened. There needs to be cooperation between heaven and earth wherein the land in its season gets rain given from heaven.

The blessing of the work of our hands can be exemplified in the reality of being a victor and not a victim, where you can be the owner of a loan-giving company and not owe several loan sharks who keep calling friends and families with threats.

All of these dynamics can be found in just one verse! This verse needs to be studied, as a panacea to lack and poverty, as a way out of famine!

We all know the chief cause of famine can be a lack of rain, right?

Let’s take a look at another transition.

Deu 28:12 (MSG) GOD will throw open the doors of his sky vaults and pour rain on your land on schedule and bless the work you take in hand. You will lend to many nations but you yourself won’t have to take out a loan.

Hey! He will pour out rain on your land on schedule!

Isn’t that powerful?

You will lend to nations and won’t have to take a loan!

A good prayer here is this:

Lord, throw open the sky vaults and pour rain on my land in Jesus’ name!

Good morning!

The Favor of God Over Your Life

The Favor of God Over Your Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Favor of God Over Your Life

I have learnt over time, that there are certain blessings you don’t have to pray for. The scriptures rightly tell us what to do if we want these blessings activated in our lives, finances, and relationships. One of such blessings is the blessing of longevity.

Long life comes from honoring one’s parents.

Eph 6:1-3 [NLT] Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.”

So rather than praying for a long life, focus on honoring your parents- biological and spiritual.

Likewise, the blessing of favor has an instruction attached.

Ps 5:12 [ESV] For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.

This simply means for you to be favored, you have to be righteous. It’s as simple as that. You cannot be living in sin and expect the favor of God to rest upon you.

Let’s see how this verse is explained in another translation

Ps 5:12 [AMPC] For You, Lord, will bless the [uncompromisingly] righteous [him who is upright and in right standing with You]; as with a shield You will surround him with goodwill (pleasure and favor).

A life of compromise cannot attract the favor of God.

Look at Joseph. What made him favored in the prison? It was his life of righteousness that God saw and decided to show him favor.

Gen 39:21 [KJV] But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

While it is good to pray for the favor of God, it is better to lead a life of righteousness.


Should I Marry for Love or Purpose?

Should I Marry for Love or Purpose?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Marriage is an institution created by God for a purpose. It’s one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. This is a world where emotions run high and destiny calls, but many singles still find themselves asking if they should marry for love or purpose.

Genesis 2:18 (NIV) The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

The scripture gave us a reason why it is not good for a man to be alone which is why it said He will make him a helper suitable for him. The gospel truth is that love and purpose work together and every destiny decision must have a strong WHY.

The first thing Adam saw in Eve was her beauty. He was blown away and immediately gave her the name WOMAN. When he was to name the animals that God created, God had to give the instructions, but when he saw his wife, his purpose to oversee, to be fruitful and to multiply began to flow effortlessly, which made him name Eve immediately. Even though he was asleep when she was created out of his ribs, he got her name at first sight and followed through with sweet lines.

Genesis 2:23 (NIV)The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

There has to be a complementation between you and your spouse that allows you to flow naturally in the fulfillment of your purpose with deep love.

So, leaving purpose out for love does not balance with the equation of God.

Here are reasons you should marry for love and purpose.

1. Love without purpose is risky

Love is a powerful force. It makes your heart race, gives you butterflies, and makes you believe in forever. But love alone is not enough to sustain a marriage. Feelings can be fleeting, and what happens when life gets hard? You will no longer feel the excitement you once had. When you make love a choice, your WHYs will reflect and you will be able to sustain better than relying on the feelings of love alone.

Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Marriage without purpose is like a car without fuel. It may look good on the outside, but it won’t go far.  

2. Purpose without love is a struggle

On the other hand, marrying only for purpose, whether it’s for ministry, business, or societal expectations without genuine love can feel like a job instead of a joyful union. If you choose a partner just because they align with your calling but lack deep affection, your marriage may feel forced and duty-bound rather than fulfilling.  

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV) “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

Purpose alone won’t carry you through the days when you need warmth, affection, and deep emotional connection.  

3. Balance love with purpose

The best marriages are those where love and purpose align. Love brings joy, intimacy, and companionship, while purpose gives direction, meaning, and a shared vision. God’s design for marriage is not just about romance or function, it’s about a divine partnership that glorifies Him.  

Before saying “I do,” ask yourself:  

● Does this person truly love me, not just in words but in action?  

● Do we share the same spiritual and life purpose?  

● Will our marriage honor God and advance His kingdom?  

God’s plan for marriage includes love, partnership, and purpose to work together. If you marry only for love, you may wake up one day wondering why you’re together. If you marry only for purpose, you might feel emotionally disconnected and unfulfilled.

It’s only when love and purpose meet that you experience a marriage that is not only joyful but also God-ordained. So, love and the tendency of your purpose fulfillment have to be found in the person you’re choosing for marriage.
