More Attributes Of The Strange Woman

More Attributes Of The Strange Woman

Reading Time: 2 minutes

4. She will come after you and then bring you into her territory or space for maximum control

I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves (Proverbs 7:15-18 KJV)

She had a plan all the while. She is a planner when it comes to the strange lifestyle. She will go to any extent to get what she wanted. She knows what gifts to buy to weaken the man’s resolve. She is sometimes much older and she uses her money and influence to control her prey!

The modern day “sugar mummy” is a strange woman! Run from a strange life lest strange things begin to happen! The student involved with an “aristo” is also a strange lady!

5. She is an adulterer

For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed (Proverbs 7:19-20 KJV)

Any opportunity when her husband is not around is an opportunity for her to go wild. She does not mind bringing men into her matrimonial home!

I have seen it too many times, the husband is a business man in Japan or Italy, leaves the wife in Nigeria, and she simply has a man that comes into her matrimonial bed daily! While it is not good for a man to abandon his wife for months in the name of business, there is also something strange when a woman can lie, hide, be deceptive and sleeps with other men apart from her husband for whatever reasons.

I tell singles all the time, it starts as a single. The moment you can combine more than one relationship, one in Nigeria, the other in UK, or one in Lagos and the other Abuja, deceiving both sides and promising both a marriage union, there is something really strange about that.

Such lifestyles culminate in agony at the end. It is always good for you to live your life God’s way and you know what, God does not condemn you but simply wants your repentance.

God will strengthen you as you resolve to do what is right.

I will not fall into the trap of the strange woman.

Oh Lord, deliver me from the strange woman.

For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed (Proverbs 7:19-20 KJV)

Are you noticing strange behaviours in the life of someone around you? Take action now.

Prov 7


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What Are The Attributes Of The Strange Woman?

What Are The Attributes Of The Strange Woman?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1. She sees men as preys

So she caught him…(Proverbs 7:13a KJV)

So she caught him…That is a language used when you set a trap and you catch a prey, isn’t it? You see when you are locked up in the embrace of a strange woman; with a woman who is not your spouse and yet will not leave you alone, you have been caught!

You might think you are a good toaster, but nay, you have been caught! You might think you are having some free stuff, but you have been trapped. That is why the Bible says, “she caught him!”

The word “caught” in literal Hebrew is interesting. It is “Chazaq” which means to “fasten upon,” “seize,” “to bind,” amongst other meanings. The next time you are entangled in bed with a strange woman, you are not a champion; you are a prey!

2. Her seduction tactics are aggressive

… and kissed him (Proverbs 7:13b KJV)

She doesn’t waste time and there is no time for rapport. The strange woman will gladly offer her body in one-night stands, with strangers in public toilets and anywhere in exchange for money.

3. She is stubborn and resilient in her seduction

…and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee (Proverbs 7:13-15 KJV)

A strange woman will not give up easily. Do you remember Delilah? She vexed Samson until she got what she wanted. When a guy begins to offer some lame excuses saying, “I never wanted it even for once, she was always the one initiating Jericho trap…well, you are gone! If you were offered Rice cooked with rat poison, and you know, will you eat it and say it was because she served you?

Tomorrow, I will give you more signs of the strange woman. Don’t miss it.

I will not fall into the trap of the strange woman.

Oh Lord, deliver me from the strange woman.

For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey: He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed (Proverbs 7:19-20 KJV)

Are you noticing strange behaviors in the life of someone around you? Take action now.

Prov 7


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How To Know The Right Woman For You

How To Know The Right Woman For You

Reading Time: 3 minutes

1. She will truly love you.
How do you know a woman truly loves you? She will submit to you. Submission is not being subservient or being oppressed, it is a conscious effort of allowing the man to have the final say as the scripture suggests.

One of the most effective ways to influence your husband is to submit. One of the fastest ways to aggravate a man is to remain stubborn and non-submissive. A man is not supposed to lord it over his wife, he is supposed to relate with her lovingly while she respectfully submits. Being submissive is not being muted, she should be able to offer suggestions and use her initiatives, howbeit, the man should have the final say. When you mute your wife, you have just silenced your helper!

2. She will truly and regularly intercede for you.
A woman is a womb-man, and that is what differentiates her from a man. She has the capacity to conceive and then birth. All the confusion in this generation ought not to be. Male and female created he them! Not male and male or female and female. God did not create Adam and Steve. God did not create Eve and Eva. So there should be no issues. A woman is created with a womb, not one acquired through the trans-gender process.

She has a womb. She has the same capacity in the spirit realm and she wields tremendous spiritual power if she has a relationship with God. Just like she is endowed to birth in the natural, she is empowered to intercede in the spirit realm. I am not saying men should not pray, because the scripture says men ought to pray, but I am saying a woman can birth things in the spirit realm. If she truly loves you, she will not walk away because of challenges, she will take it up in the place of prayers.

Have you seen the scripture in Hebrews that says –  

“Women received their dead raised to life again…?” (Hebrews 11:35a)

It means a woman can take what appears dead and gone and bring life into it again.

3. She will truly add to you and not deplete you.
A woman not only births, she is also a multiplier. A woman will always multiply what you give her. Give a woman some ingredients and there goes a pot of delicious stew. Give a woman a house and she makes a home out of it. Give a woman spermatozoa, and she brings forth a baby months after. She is just a multiplier.  That is why the scripture says a woman shall compass a man. That is also why the scripture says a woman is a helper to her husband. Not a distraction. A wife; not a knife. A wife helps; a knife cuts and lacerates. There is a difference!

When a lady that loves you comes into your life in marriage, she will add to you. He that findeth a wife findeth good and obtaineth favour! She will truly add favour to your life when she truly loves you. And that is why men should be careful about the kind of seed they plant in a lady. If you sow the wind, she will take it, press down shaken together and give you a whirlwind. If you sow stress into her life, she will give you frustration. Be careful because she is a multiplier!

To be continued

I know the right person to marry

Ask that God leads you in the right direction

Prov 18:22(KJV) Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.

Does she really love you?

Heb 11


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Decide To Please Your Lover And Have Peace Of Mind

Decide To Please Your Lover And Have Peace Of Mind

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have been in courtship for some time, the likelihood is that your lover/fiancé has at one point or the other probably told you, “You don’t respect me!”

You see, you need to understand that the way a man thinks and the way a woman thinks are so different and are miles apart. While the man is thinking, “She doesn’t respect me, the woman is thinking, He doesn’t love me!

One important thing you need to know about men is that they are logical and so tend to interpret most things from logic.

The logic is “I am the head of the house. The decision rests on me. The bucks stop at my table.”

A woman interprets things from a relationship point. Her thoughts are “If he really loves me, he wouldn’t do this or that, he would spend time with me and so on and so forth.

Now, if your fiancee ever looked you in the face and tell you, “You don’t love me,” you don’t need to argue at all. She is the one that is supposed to receive the love and she can’t feel it. Rather than get logical and rant about what you did last year and so on, be humble and try to understand what she is trying to say and what love means to her.

In the same way, if your fiancé tells you repeatedly that you don’t respect him, you don’t need to get hurt or moody over that and manipulate his emotions through silent treatment until he comes to apologize for saying what he feels. Rather than get hurt over that, simply try to enter his brain through loving communication to find out his concept of respect.

To one man, it could be as simple as genuflecting (bending the knee a little). He is simply “traditional” and he has seen his mum and siblings do that for his dad for thirty years. It has been tattooed into his brain and if he voices that out to you as what he wants, be smart enough to do it.

It wouldn’t reduce you, it will bring peace to your home and the surprising thing, after a while he wouldn’t demand that again because in his mindset would be the statement, “My fiancee respects me!”

To some other man, it is cooking a good meal. The important thing is to find out what your fiancé deems as respect and do it!

If you keep getting hurt over everything at your fiancé, after a while he would simply keep quiet and that would impact communication. You wouldn’t want to know the consequences of that.

Study your fiancé. Generally, men don’t talk until they are sure of what they want to do or the decision they want to take. Have you ever asked him about some pressing issues and he refuses to say a word? And you are hurt because he ignored you?

Let me tell you something, he didn’t ignore you. The reality is that he didn’t know what to say or what to do. The proper thing is to say, “Dear, give me some time to think about that.” But most times, when a man is confused, he will simply keep quiet and refuse to say a word. His ego would not allow him to own up and say something like, “Dear, on this issue, I am as confused as you!”

Here is the difference between a man and a woman

A man thinks his way into a decision

A woman talks her way into a decision.

So, there is always tension and difficulty in communication when a woman wants to talk her way into a decision that a man has not thought about!

Learn about him and there would be fewer conflicts. This is why a lot of marriages crack and most courtships dissolve.

In the same vein, study your fiancee and simply do what she wants as long as there is no scriptural contradiction. Find out the love language of your lover and speak it. Spend time with her and give her attention! And have peace of mind!

May God grant more understanding.

I understand my partner properly.

Pray for wisdom to understand your lover.

Eph 1:18 (KJV)The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Start speaking the language of your lover

Rom 4


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How To Find That Babe And Really Care For Her

How To Find That Babe And Really Care For Her

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the greatest challenges that a man will face is how to care of his wife. This is not because a man is reluctant to do so, but simply because the definition of care in a man’s brain is sometimes exact opposite of how a lady defines care. I am not talking about when you’ve just fallen in love. Mostly at that time, your eyes are not open to reality then. At the times when you’ve just fallen in love, everything he does is okay and everything she does is okay!

A woman sees C-A-R-E as availability, attention and some good money! A man often sees C-A-R-E as money, money and money, and that is where the problem is?

Didn’t I just send you money? How can you say I don’t care? Didn’t I just send you to Dubai?  You see, a woman that truly loves you doesn’t mind going to Dubai, but she doesn’t want to go alone! She wants to go with you!

I know there are some women who see C-A-R-E as money, money and money! This isn’t a genuine love, and at the end of the day, they are still frustrated despite the money because the real need is never met!

This is the bane of ladies who are of marriageable age, but refuse to love and be loved appropriately because of some man who is giving them money or who rents an apartment for them somewhere.

You call them big girls, but they are really small inside! The big girls are not the ones spending some ill-gotten money that they accumulated from using their bodies as a commodity; the big girls are the ones who refuse to compromise in the face of provocation, who decides to stand up for God!

If you are engaged to a lady who never asks for your time and attention but only wants you to send her money, you should really be worried! She is probably getting the emotional fulfillment somewhere else and you are just a tool in her hands, to get money!

On the other hand, if a lady never stresses you for money but only asks that you call regularly and be there for her, she really loves you! Though, there could be an extreme of this as well, when the lady in question is overly needy because of past experiences and self-esteem issues.

So how do you take care of lady? Be there for her. Take care of her by spending time with her. But, I have to provide for her, so I am busy and I have to be away! Yes, but you have to create time out of no time, to be available for her. May you not get the money and then lose her!

You need to understand that it is a need of hers! Initially she might not complain because the money is always there, but after a while, she would rather let you have her than the money having her.

Why do you think some rich women get depressed? Haven’t you seen ladies living in palatial mansions who are so unhappy and depressed?

Money answereth all things…that it can answer!

Like it is often said, can money buy sleep? Nay, it may buy waterbed, not sleep!

Can money buy a good heart, nay, it may get a beautiful face, not necessarily a good heart. One of the worst things that can happen to a man is a stunningly beautiful face sitting on an evil heart! Conversely, one of the greatest tragedies that can happen to a woman is a stupendously rich man and a handsome face sitting on an abusive, egocentric and violent man!

His money buys your body, your mouth and your mind! You can’t even think for yourself, that is not marriage! Sadly this is where a lot of ladies find themselves! A lady called me sometimes ago weeping profusely; that she has all the money but she cannot spend! She was living in a prison!

It is for this reason that when you are talking of a relationship or marriage with a person, the most singular important factor is God’s choice for you!

And then some people will come up with some funny ideas like; what if God gives me somebody I don’t love? What you don’t know is that God is not man, that arithmetic or geometry will never be.

That God will lead you to somebody you hate all your life? It never happens like that! You will always love what God offers because He gives you the best! Yes, initially you may not cooperate with God’s plan because of selfishness and greed, but when you come to embrace God’s plan, you will see the wisdom of God, and you will be full of praises to God!

Only God knows the man or woman that will last the whole journey with you. Only God knows the one that will pack his or her load along the way. Only God knows the one that might pull the trigger on you five years later. Only God knows the one that wouldn’t mind using you for some ritual… because God looks into the heart…while you are looking at the bank account and the face! You see why it is important you follow God’s direction?

What if you are already married and you feel you made a mistake? Stay there and correct that mistake, with prayers, good attitudes, wisdom and a lot of maturity, God can heal your marriage and make it good!

May God help us all!

I am not confused. I am being led of God

Lord lead me into that place by your side.

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. (Psalms 5:3 KJV)

Study God’s word

Heb 10


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