Stopping The Operations Of the Strange Woman – Part 2

Stopping The Operations Of the Strange Woman – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Don’t fool around with a strange woman! Go and settle with your spouse!

Why go on a regular and consistent lunchtime with someone you are not married to?

Why keep having special moments together with someone apart from your spouse? You will trap yourself like that once your emotions are involved.

Some men will go ahead and say they are strong and they are spiritual.

Well look at verse 26 in King James Version:

For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. (Proverbs 7:26 KJV)

Beware! You say you are spiritual? Is that why you will go and drop her off at her house and then talk for about two hours everyday while your wife is waiting at home? That is not a wise thing to do! By the time you will gladly give her money and yet refuse to provide for your family at home, she already had you!

Dear Pastor, when you are always with her, in the office, behind close doors, she is your P.A, she is your secretary, she is your organizer, she accompanies you to meetings, and you spend more time with her than you do with your spouse, you enjoy talking with her and she makes you laugh while you think your wife is a bore, I don’t care how spiritual you are or how many visions you see per day, you have just set up yourself for a great fall!

The other time, I had to handle a case of the pastor who was sleeping with his wife’s younger sister regularly, and would still preach on the pulpit against fornication and adultery! The wife would go to work and leave both of them at home.

The man was far-gone, on the expressway to hell, but didn’t know! The younger sister kept saying it was the Pastor forcing him, yet she refused to leave the house! Strange! The man had to be referred to his spiritual father to help restore him.

What are you still doing in that kind of relationship where you keep trampling in the principles of God and then coming up with lame excuses that she was the one?

Take a cue from the last verse:

Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. (Proverbs 7:27 KJV)

If her house leads to hell and chambers of death, simply quit going there! Disconnect from that sinful relationship! Lobatan! Relationship is by choice, not by force!

Ladies, when somebody is asking you out in a lesbian relationship, it is strange! Run for your life! That is not God’s order!

May God deliver you from the strange woman.

I am delivered from the strange woman.

Lord, deliver me from the strange woman.

Soon she has him eating out of her hand, bewitched by her honeyed speech. (Proverbs 7:21 Message)

Praise your spouse.

Deut 28

What A Man Wants From His Wife

What A Man Wants From His Wife

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Notice I did not write what every man deserves, but what every man wants. Those are two different things.

Every man has what he is looking for in a spouse; but these are some in a general sense.

Tomorrow, I will write about what every woman wants

1. A wife, not a knife
There is a difference between a wife and a knife. A knife cuts and lacerates. Such is Job’s wife who looked at him in the height of his crisis and pain and told him to curse God and die!

A wife does not give up. A good wife stays there and believes the best for her husband and home.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12 KJV)

2. A companion, not a competitor
A man wants a companion in his wife. There is a difference between championship and companionship. A home is not a WWE arena. No man will feel good who thinks his wife is out to compete with him.

Competitive spirit between a couple defeats the very reason for marriage.

3. A help; not a hell
You tell some men to repent of their sins or else they will go to hell. They simply laugh and tell you there is no hell hotter than the ones their wives are giving them at home. Sounds humorous, but is actually sad to hear.

Every man needs genuine help. He may not own up to it if he is overly egocentric, but the truth remains he needs help.

A woman was created to help the man. But when she decides to give him hell at home, all will not be well.

Sometimes, it is the man that pushes the woman to this point, but it is not always a good place to be in.

A joke was told of the devil invading a particular club and everybody ran away including the club owner except one man.

The devil was surprised. So he asked him,

“Are you not scared? Everybody is running from me and you are just sitting there?”
The man sips his drink and calmly replied,
“I am not scared of you. What can you do? I have been married to your sister for seven years, what else can you do that she has not done?

4. A friend, not a fraud
Every man needs a friend. A friend is always there for you. A friend loves genuinely. Friends talk and communicate. Friends cover each other’s back. Friends want to be around each other. Friends look forward to being together.

There is no point getting married to somebody whose guts you hate.

Are you still your husband’s friend? If not, do all you can to become friends again.

If there is a courtship or marriage where the couple is no longer friends, crisis is in the corner.

5. A playmate, not a co-tenant
Every man loves to play. There is a recreational tendency in every man. If he doesn’t see it in his wife, he would hang around the boys in town!

Ever wondered why your husband would leave a large LCD, curved Samsung TV at home to go and watch football in a club on a smaller TV? It is the ‘play” in the watching, the comments, the laughter, the conversations that ensues while the game is going on.

It is not wise to get so busy and leave him all alone to watch his football. Get interested; learn the names…and you will be amazed!

I receive the wisdom of God to advance my marriage

Father, help me to be a wife indeed.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12 KJV)

Support your spouse all the way.

Ps 127


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Five Kinds Of Woman A Man May End Up With

Five Kinds Of Woman A Man May End Up With

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In today’s devotional, we’ll be looking at five kinds of women a man may end up with. Let’s delve into it right away

1. The Choleric wife

She is known to be energetic, sharp-mouthed, unemotional with words and actions, and can survive on her own.

She needs no external motivation or encouragement. She can be very independent and this can lead to friction between couples.

Usually, a choleric wife will have a husband of the opposite temperament. Hence, they should learn to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.

2. The Career wife

This is a woman at the top echelon of her career, so she can often become prideful if care is not taken.

The husband should be secure enough to let his wife go for the best and ultimate in her career.

There are husbands who can be so threatened with the progress of their wives. This is a wrong heart. Let her be, and let her go for the best. 

The keyword here is honor. As long as the wife does not get proud.

3. The stubborn wife

Some wives can be stubborn o! From counseling experiences, I have seen wives that would stand on their opinion even when you show them the scriptures. There are stubborn men as well o!

How do you know a stubborn wife?

Stubborn wives don’t talk much, they just won’t budge. They will just be looking at you like Lucozade, but what they will do is what they will do.

This is not good as well. It is not beneficial for the prayer life of the couple.

4. The manipulative wife

The manipulative wife has several weapons in her arsenal including crying, throwing tantrums, withdrawing, talking endlessly, refusing jeru trip, nagging, until she gets what she wants.

She always wants the man at her beck and call.

This may go on for a while especially if the husband is on the calm side, but one day, he would definitely react.

5. The insistent wife

The insistent wife is hard, difficult and doesn’t listen to anything apart from what she knows or wants.

Her major weapon is anger.

She always wants to be told what she wants to hear and she picks up a quarrel with anybody that dares go against what she feels.

Her husband lives in perpetual fear of what could happen next.

This is a wrong attitude that could be detrimental to the marriage.

The problem is that what she knows is limited and what she wants can often be a wrong desire.

We are all work in progress and nobody knows it all. Meekness or being teachable is a great virtue in marriage.

Husband and wife should strive to live considerably with one another.

Put yourselves in one another’s shoes.

This is where maturity is.

1Pe 3:1 (AMPC)
IN LIKE manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [ subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them, and adapt yourselves to them ], so that even if any do not obey the Word [ of God ], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [ godly ] lives of their wives,

1Pe 3:7 (AMPC)
In the same way you married men should live considerately with [ your wives ], with an intelligent recognition [ of the marriage relation ], honoring the woman as [ physically ] the weaker, but [ realizing that you ] are joint heirs of the grace (God’s unmerited favor) of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered and cut off. [ Otherwise you cannot pray effectively. ]

May God bless your marriage.

I will be submissive

Lord, teach me to love my husband

1Pe 3:1 (MSG) The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated

Honour your husband

Prov 18