A Virtuous woman puts the word of God first place, she is hard-working, and she is enterprising. She stirs up her gift. She is a believer, full of hope. She is a dreamer. She is a helper indeed. She is a wife not a knife. She is a supporter. She is an achiever. She is not a compromiser. She stands for the truth, she is full of integrity.
That is the woman to be! That is the woman to be or to go for! She can only be found by the man that God has prepared for her, so she is not desperate. She is patient to see God unveil His plan for her!
Not everybody is qualified to have her. A man that lacks self-control is not her potential candidate. It takes a king to have a queen. A deceptive man is not her candidate. A man that cannot zip up is not her attraction.
She is not tipped or trapped by a guy who is willing to compromise her virtue in order to satisfy his lust. She refuses to be fooled over and over again by a man who is only a sweet talker but a God hater! She will always go for a man that fears God!
If you find yourself falling short as a woman, don’t resign to fate, but rather start over in God. Make up your mind to make your life significant and to do it God’s way. And God will help you!
Here is the clincher, in every lady and woman is that seed of virtue! It doesn’t matter where you are now or where you have been, God sees you with the eyes of what you can be and what He has created you to be and not what you have done and that is why Jesus died for you while you are yet a sinner, so rise up with every fiber of your being and cry aloud: The virtuous woman in me is coming out!
I will do it God’s way! Respond to His love today and watch your life receive a turnaround!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a unique individual with a purpose to pursue and fulfill, I will forge ahead in destiny, the devil cannot hold me down.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Remove the mental block and limitation that exist only in your mind.
A virtuous woman is chaste. She is not available to everybody. She keeps herself for her husband. She is not generous with her body. Her price is far above rubies, she would not sell her body or give in to sex because of some amount of money.
She protects her body because she knows such things are wrong and that she would also be offending God. She does not fool herself.
She doesn’t party or frolic around. She is conscious of spiritual things. She has self-control. She develops herself before marriage. She is God-conscious.
She might have gone through some abuse, but she refuses to give up and be counted as one of the unfortunate statistics. She is a fighter. She knows that God would not consult her past to determine her future.
She might have had an abusive past, but she is willing to let her past go in order to master her future. She knows that she might have become the offspring of her past because of circumstances, but she can rebel and become the parent of her future.
She knows that the best days are ahead of her, so she pays the price for sexual sanctity by saying No to pre-marital sex. She respects her body, so others have no choice but also to respect her. She is The Proverbs 31 Woman
She knows that her source of strength is the word of God. She does not look for acceptance or love from guys; she seeks it from God because that is where it can only come from. She is truthful and she does not double-date.
She knows that double-dating is a rehearsal for adultery. She carries herself with dignity and will not allow every Tom and Jerry to fondle her body which is the temple of God!
She is a prayer machine! She prays for her fiancée and coming marriage. She knows that prayers and God’s word will solve every riddle, dissolve every enigma and bring solutions to impossible cases. The Proverbs 31 Woman
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a unique individual with a purpose to pursue and fulfill.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Remove the mental block and limitations that exist only in your mind.
‘Virtuous’ from the Hebrew word ‘Chayil’ means excellence, strength, ability, efficiency and force.
The Bible talks about a Virtuous woman see how the scripture puts it;
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. –Proverbs 31:10 (KJV)
She is the woman considered ‘balanced.’ She has her acts together. She has wisdom and strength and the force of an army. She is the epitome of Christian virtue in feminine form. She is the one who has discovered the secret of drawing strength from her maker and Lord.
She is gracious and elegant in every way, strong within and she stands for what she believes. She is a woman who knows her individuality and uniqueness and yet submits her will, desires, and opinions to her husband.
She is not trapped, hindered, or subservient. She is just submissive. She is not limited or restricted, she is simply fantastic.
All these may not sound like what you see in your fiancée or what you are now as a lady, but there is a hidden desire in every lady to become the Proverbs 31 woman.
God does not focus on our past, or concentrate on how fragile we are in the present. God looks out with pleasure and sees what we are capable of becoming in the future.
We are all ‘projects in progress’ God is still very much at work within us, healing the wounds from our past and strengthening our weak hands. Don’t allow anybody to abuse or despise you. Don’t condemn yourself. Only one person can condemn you, and that is God! But he has refused to do that!
Believe in yourself! You are the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31; the writer just wanted you to have the honour of putting your name there by yourself. Remember, the one who formed you said ‘you are very good!’
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I discover and develop my God-given gifts and talents.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Remove the mental block and limitations that exist only in your mind.
It’s possible to be a proverbs 31 woman, join us as we unravel her qualities and what made her stand out in her generation
14. She overlooks offenses and labels them as distractions
It is wisdom to overlook offenses. She has mastered the art of knowing how to treat offenses and anything that causes bitterness.
15. She is unstoppable even with a delay
She knows how to ride upon the wind of delay to make progress in life. She realizes that delay is not denial.
16. She is generational in thinking. Not living for today
She understands that her seeds are meant to be generational. Her seeds of time, money, service and work of her hands are to go into her future to cause a change.
17. She stands with her husband in thick and thin.
She has learnt how to abase and abound. She does not leave her husband when the wind is contrary. She is faithful and committed to her husband. She is the angel sent to her husband.
Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE
18. She is Royalty personified in looks and words.
She makes Jesus attractive to all that see and hear her. She carries herself with dignity and honor. In everything she does, royalty is part of her.
19. She sees to the welfare of her parents because she knows this can affect her own marriage negatively
She balances her love life between her parents, her children, and her husband. Everybody has a fair share of her love
20. She loves her children through her husband and not vice versa. She is first a good wife before being a good mother.
She knows the right order of things in God. She knows her calling is first to her husband before her children
21. She is a team player who knows how to keep her boundaries
She knows very well her complementary roles and functions in it well. She understands boundaries and knows how to keep them.
May God give you more understanding.
God bless your marriage.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a virtuous woman
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord Jesus, help me to be an award-winning woman
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Proverbs 31:11[NLT]Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.
The Proverbs 31 woman is certainly a superwoman; I used to think no woman can beat her record. Sometimes I used to feel like it is impossible for one person to have it all figured out as she does. Then, there was a time I just concluded that it cannot be a real contemporary woman of our time.
At another time, I didn’t like to read about the proverb 31 woman because she showed me how inadequate I was. All these different emotions and thoughts went through my mind at different stages of my twenty-two years marriage experience.
Now, I think I am wiser and more secure. When I read Proverbs 31, I read with the mind of; ‘it’s possible, let me glean wisdom, work and walk towards becoming better.
Here is wisdom to glean. Please do read through proverbs 31.
1. She is 100% committed to her husband’s vision.
We are to reorder our steps if you love your kids more than your husband. The right order is to be 100% committed to your husband. You have a covenant responsibility towards him. You are to care for your children.
2. She watches and prays over her entire household like Mother Hen.
Be like a watchdog. We have a male and female Caucasian dog, and it is amazing that it is the female that is always barking and restlessly watching the gate. Why? Because of her puppies, she has her little ones to protect.
3. She makes a giant out of every dwarf that lives under her roof. She also does not dim people’s star
She brings out the better of everyone, not only her children but everyone that comes in contact with her.
4. She invests more than she spends. Nothing diminishes in her hands. She is too busy-minded.
Don’t be a consumer alone. Don’t be a CAN (Consumer Association of Nigeria). Try and create wealth, produce something, multiple things. Do business.
Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE
5. She is hard working. No room for idleness or gossip.
Being a woman is not synonymous with being a gossip. Be productive, use your time wisely. If you are not caring for the children, be tending the home, care for your husband, pray in tongues for creative ideas, a woman has her plate full, there is a lot to do. Make no room for gossip.
6. She fears God, serving faithfully, tithing dutifully, assisting the less privileged.
She takes her services to God seriously. She knows that God is at the center of everything and he is the one that holds it all together.
7. She does not refuse her Husband Jeru trip for whatever reason.
She is fully aware that Jeru trip is a core course at the university of marriage. She does everything, yet does not neglect and take with levity her roles and duties. She doesn’t fail in her core course.
I will continue tomorrow by God’s Grace.
May God bless our marriage
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I receive strength to be who God has made me to be
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Pray for a submissive heart
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Decide to work on your marriage