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SINGLES- The Proverbs 31 Woman

A Virtuous woman puts the word of God first place, she is hard-working, and she is enterprising. She stirs up her gift. She is a believer, full of hope. She is a dreamer. She is a helper indeed. She is a wife not a knife. She is a supporter. She is an achiever. She is not a compromiser. She stands for the truth, she is full of integrity.

That is the woman to be! That is the woman to be or to go for! She can only be found by the man that God has prepared for her, so she is not desperate. She is patient to see God unveil His plan for her!

Not everybody is qualified to have her. A man that lacks self-control is not her potential candidate. It takes a king to have a queen. A deceptive man is not her candidate. A man that cannot zip up is not her attraction.

She is not tipped or trapped by a guy who is willing to compromise her virtue in order to satisfy his lust. She refuses to be fooled over and over again by a man who is only a sweet talker but a God hater! She will always go for a man that fears God!

If you find yourself falling short as a woman, don’t resign to fate, but rather start over in God. Make up your mind to make your life significant and to do it God’s way. And God will help you!

Here is the clincher, in every lady and woman is that seed of virtue! It doesn’t matter where you are now or where you have been, God sees you with the eyes of what you can be and what He has created you to be and not what you have done and that is why Jesus died for you while you are yet a sinner, so rise up with every fiber of your being and cry aloud: The virtuous woman in me is coming out!

I will do it God’s way! Respond to His love today and watch your life receive a turnaround!

 I am a unique individual with a purpose to pursue and fulfill, I will forge ahead in destiny, the devil cannot hold me down.

Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)

Remove the mental block and limitation that exist only in your mind.

Job 25-29


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