Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Here are six things I expect from my wife.

This will give ladies an idea of what men want from them

1. I expect my wife to respect me 

We all know that respect is the greatest need of a man. Every wife should strive to honor and respect her husband.

This will go a long way to make your husband honor you as well because you always reap what you sow.

2. I expect my wife to support and encourage my ministry/career

My wife should be my greatest and Number one fan of course!

As a wife, you should support, encourage, and strengthen your husband to to go forth and fulfill destiny and purpose.

Whether he’s conquering the corporate world or preaching to the masses, you’re the loudest cheerleader in the room.

3. I expect my wife to pray for me always and be my greatest intercessor
Women are powerful prayers.

The genuine prayers of a happy wife will advance your life in no small measure.

Wives, pray for your husband!

Be the intercessor ninja he never knew he needed. Your prayers are like a magic potion, brewing success and happiness.

4. I expect my wife to be homely, caring, and loving
A woman who is not homely shows no care, and detests cooking will be a constant source of frustration to the husband.

There is something in women that makes caring natural with them 

Forget about runway models; your catwalk is from the kitchen to the bedroom. Serve love, not just dinner!

5. I expect my wife to look beautiful always 

All men are moved by sight including me!

So, I expect my wife to look good always.
Women, do not get careless with your appearance and your looks. 

Look your best all the time!

All men are moved by sight, so keep that dazzling smile and killer outfit game on point. You never know when the paparazzi (aka your husband) might strike!

6. I expect my wife to keep the bedroom hot 

 Sexual satisfaction is paramount to any marriage that will not collapse.

Wives, do not get careless in this area.

It is an obligation! 

Never use sex as a reward or punishment.

1Co 7:5 (AMP)  

Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other [ of your due marital rights ], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [ to sin ] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.

I will stop here this morning!


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University of Ibadan

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More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

Yesterday I started on this topic and looked at five symptoms of immaturity in your relationship. I will conclude this morning with the remaining five.

Immaturity, though not inherently sinful, serves as a breeding ground for destructive behaviors within the realm of relationships. Our journey takes us through the subtle intricacies that hinder personal growth and consequently erode the foundation of meaningful connections.

Hebrews 12:1 guides us on this expedition: “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” It’s a call to shed the burdens of immaturity, run the race of growth with endurance.

The Greatest Pitfall: Selfishness

At the heart of immaturity lies selfishness. Relationships thrive on love’s sacrificial essence. An immature connection, clouded by self-centeredness, is destined for turbulence.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 beautifully outlines the attributes of love, emphasizing its patience, kindness, and aversion to self-aggrandizement. A relationship devoid of these qualities is a ship sailing against the winds of maturity.

More Symptoms of Immaturity:

  1. Neglecting God and His Principles
    The essence of a relationship is deeply intertwined with divine principles. Failing to prioritize God in the union reflects a lack of maturity. God’s principles are the bedrock, providing stability to the intricate dance of companionship.

    Picture this: God, the relationship superhero, swooping in with a cape made of divine principles. Neglecting that? Well, it’s like trying to fight crime without your superhero suit.
  2. Deceit in the Relationship
    Lies, deceit, and double standards are the hallmarks of immaturity. Sincerity and transparency, on the other hand, signify emotional maturity, paving the way for a relationship rooted in truth.
  3. Financial Instability
    True financial stability extends beyond material possessions. It’s about self-sufficiency, the ability to meet one’s needs without dependency. A mature partner is not meant to be a financial crutch; instead, both contribute to the relationship’s prosperity.
  4. Low Self-Esteem
    A mature individual understands their worth, deriving it from an unwavering self-esteem. Insecurity and seeking external approval are hallmarks of immaturity, capable of wreaking havoc and compromising one’s integrity.
  5. Abusive Behavior
    Any form of abuse, whether verbal, emotional, or physical, is a glaring symptom of immaturity. Relationships are mutual, complementary endeavors where superiority has no place. Abuse dismantles the foundation of shared strength and understanding. Say no to abuse; it’s not in the script!

Shedding the garments of immaturity requires introspection, commitment to growth, and adherence to divine principles. May the journey towards emotional maturity be one guided by self-awareness, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of true love.


Weekly Meetings

University of Ibadan

DACSER is a Dating, Courtship, Sex and Relationship Academy, A Free School of Relationships for University of Ibadan Students powered by Kisses and Huggs Club

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Falling in Love with Yourself

Falling in Love with Yourself

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Falling in Love with Yourself

Embarking on a journey of self-love and enthusiasm for your life might seem like a mere suggestion, but in reality, it is a vital instruction.

Discovering the Wonder Called You

In the hustle of life, it’s common to find joy in the accomplishments, talents, beauty, and intelligence of others. However, the time has come to redirect that excitement towards the marvel that is YOU.

Celebrate the Unique You

Take a moment to gaze into the mirror and celebrate the person staring back at you. Often, we neglect to appreciate ourselves amid the busyness of life, failing to recognize our own uniqueness.

Embracing Life’s Phases

Life unfolds in phases, and each passing moment is irreplaceable. Acknowledge the phase you’re in; it’s a cause for celebration. Capture these moments, pause, and revel in the significance of being the central character of your own story.

Today, a Gift; Tomorrow, a Promise

Acknowledge that your best days are not confined to the past; your best moment is now. While tomorrow remains a promise, today is a gift. Embrace it, for yesterday’s night has passed, and you stand resilient in the present.

Psalm 139:14 – Acknowledging the Marvel of Your Existence

Reflect on Psalm 139:14 (AMP), confess and praise for the fearful and wonderful creation that is you.

Building a Positive Aura

Cultivating a positive environment around you is essential. This not only affects your perception but also makes you appealing to others.

Break free from the shackles of seeking external approval. Living excitedly about your life liberates you from being dependent on others’ opinions. Your joy is not dictated by external validations.

Becoming Your Best Company

Learn to relish your own company. Dance, laugh, and celebrate alone. Being comfortable in your solitude is a powerful reflection of self-love

Self-Recognition: Knowing the Person Under Your Skin

Delve into self-discovery. Can you recognize yourself if placed in another body? Understanding your greatness, beauty, talents, and intelligence is paramount.

Five Paths to Celebrating Yourself

1. Gratitude as a Catalyst

Cultivate a thankful heart; gratitude breeds excitement.

2. Authenticity over Pretense

Live authentically, seeking help when needed. Avoid the trap of a double life.

3. Continuous Learning

Embrace a mindset of constant learning, making informed choices for a better life.

4. Excitement in Knowing God

Discover joy in knowing the creator of your life; a connection with God fuels excitement.

5. Daily Commitment to Better Choices

Your choices define your life. Commit to making positive choices daily, from thoughts to actions.

Even in the face of mistakes or setbacks, refrain from self-condemnation. Instead, use these moments as opportunities for growth, ensuring a continuous journey of excitement about your life. Good morning!

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How Words Can Shape Your Love Life 

How Words Can Shape Your Love Life 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How Words Can Shape Your Love Life 

This morning, I want to delve into a crucial principle outlined in the scriptures, one that guarantees daily victory in our work, relationships, marriages, and life in general.

The power lies in the words we speak. Uttering words with our mouths is a potent force that steers the course of our lives.

These spoken words possess such influence that they can overwhelm our lives, shaping and controlling the events that unfold. Recognizing this, Jesus Christ emphasized the significance of words, stating,

“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63, KJV).

From the moment of birth, we emit sounds as a sign of life. As we grow, words form, marking our progression. In relationships, words play a pivotal role, from expressing romantic interest to exchanging vows on a wedding day. Marriage thrives on a consistent exchange of loving words.

Even in matters of faith, confessing certain words is essential. The act of proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus brings about a powerful experience.

Proverbs 13:2-3 underscores the significance of words in the spiritual realm. Positive affirmations lead to a fruitful life, while negative expressions open the door to destructive forces.

In the spiritual dimension, the devil understands the potency of words. He endeavors to inject negative thoughts, hoping they find verbal expression. Verbalizing negativity transforms thoughts into tangible experiences.

The crucial question to ponder is, “What are you saying?” Proverbs admonishes that by keeping our mouths, we safeguard our lives. Therefore, monitoring our speech becomes imperative.

Avoid statements like:

  • “I don’t even understand my life.”
  • “I am very confused.”
  • “I think there is a curse working against me.”

Negative words give power to undesirable experiences. Refrain from using hurtful words in relationships. Never belittle your partner with demeaning remarks or indulge in verbal abuse.

For singles enduring verbal abuse, seek help. Recognize that such behavior often worsens after marriage. If your intended partner consistently employs hurtful words, consider seeking counseling.

Words are potent and must be used responsibly. Don’t stay in love with someone whose words consistently demotivate and weaken you.

May understanding abound, and may our words be a source of life and encouragement.

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Avoid This Pitfall In Relationship and Marriage

Avoid This Pitfall In Relationship and Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Avoid This Pitfall In Relationship and Marriage 

At a recent marital gathering, a common question surfaced: Is it acceptable for married couples to indulge in pornography? My unequivocal response was a resounding No!

1. The Spiritual Dimension of Pornography

James 1:14-15 cautions against being carried away by one’s lust, leading to sin and eventual death. 

“Pastor, why would you say so? At least, we are married, and we can do anything in the sanctity of our marriage!”

James 1:14-15 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.

There’s an unseen force behind pornography—the strongman of perversion. 

Engaging with it, whether single or married, invites negative spiritual influence. Transference of spirits can occur, impacting your home and family negatively. 

Reject the subtle attempts of the devil to infiltrate your sacred space through disguised pornography.

2. The Gripping Pull of Addiction

Beyond dirtying your heart with explicit content, pornography exerts a formidable pull on your emotions. Addiction becomes a real danger, with the allure of more extreme forms of perversion. 

The initial satisfaction from regular pornography may wane, leading to the exploration of increasingly disturbing territories. This journey not only jeopardizes your sexual life but also poses a significant threat to your marriage and spiritual well-being.

3. Unfair Comparisons within Marriage

One often overlooked consequence is the undue pressure placed on a spouse to match the performances witnessed in pornography. Ignorantly demanding such acts can violate your partner’s conscience and erode the sanctity of your relationship. 

It’s essential to realize that the scenes depicted are often fueled by drugs, numbing the actors’ humanity. 

Requesting your spouse to replicate these acts can lead to strained intimacy, potential infidelity, and a breach of trust.

In conclusion, the pitfalls of introducing pornography into a marriage are numerous and profound. 

Later, we’ll delve into strategies to break free from its grips and restore the sanctity of marital relationships. 

Stay tuned for practical insights on reclaiming a life free from the clutches of pornography. Until then, remain blessed!

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