The Turbulent Waters of In-Law Drama in Marriage

The Turbulent Waters of In-Law Drama in Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Turbulent Waters of In-Law Drama in Marriage

Hey there, folks! Let’s dive into the wild world of in-law troubles, a topic that has wreaked havoc on marriages, especially in the vibrant African culture.

The Cultural Conundrum

You know, culture and ethnicity are like the spice of life, but hey, remember, the Gospel isn’t playing favorites with any of that. It’s like the GPS for life, guiding us through the twists and turns.

God’s Guidance

Now, picture this: scriptures standing tall as the beacon of truth, illuminating the path in the chaos of in-law drama. Ignore these divine principles, and you’re basically sending out invites for trouble – and who wants that?

God vs. Chaos

It’s a showdown, my friends. Your cultural beliefs on one side, and God’s word on the other. Who’s going to win? Well, hint: siding with culture might land you in the trouble zone.

Team God or Team Chaos

In the epic battle against in-law issues, husbands and wives, listen up – you’ve got two options. You either roll with God’s playbook or throw your own rulebook into the ring. Your call.

The In-Law Richter Scale

Now, let’s get real. The intensity of in-law challenges is like a rollercoaster, different for every marriage. Brace yourself and tackle it as a dynamic duo, because you’re in for a ride.

God’s Blueprint for Marriage

Enter Genesis 2:24, the ultimate relationship handbook. “A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife.” Translation? Your spouse trumps all other ties.

Leaving and Cleaving 101

Husbands, pay attention. You’re not just physically leaving; you’re emotionally and spiritually detaching too. Your wife is now numero uno. It’s not just a suggestion; it’s a responsibility.

The Naked Truth

Hold on, we’re not getting scandalous here. According to Genesis, being “naked” means being open, vulnerable, without shame, but only with your spouse. No third parties allowed, folks!

No Man Should Put Asunder

Now, to Matthew 19:6, where God drops the mic: “What God has joined, let no man put asunder.” Translation? You’re a package deal now, and no meddling hands should break that bond. Not even in-laws

The United Front

Couples, listen close. In God’s eyes, you’re a tag team, a dynamic duo, one flesh. Anyone trying to split you apart is in for a serious reality check.

Parental Reality Check

Parents, you’re on notice too. No playing favorites, no picking sides. Both spouses are a package deal, and any attempt to treat them otherwise is a big no-no.

Diplomacy 101

Tackling in-law issues requires finesse. Let your parents know, with all the wisdom you can muster, that your spouse is the top person in your life. It’s not disrespect; it’s setting the right priorities.

Wisdom from Above

When in doubt, ask the big guy upstairs for wisdom. Never assume you’ve got it all figured out. Trust me, a bit of divine guidance can go a long way.

Alright, folks, that’s a wrap for today. Navigating in-law drama may be tricky, but with a sprinkle of divine wisdom and a dash of love, you can conquer it. Until next time, stay united and keep the love alive!

Before And After Tying The Knot Part 3

Before And After Tying The Knot Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before And After Tying The Knot Part 3

Love Beyond Emotions: The Power of Guiding Principles

Let’s pick up from where we left off yesterday, delving into a crucial aspect of successful marriages.

7. The Nexus of Love and Principles

In the realm of matrimony, love is not an isolated entity; it’s intricately woven with principles. Contrary to the notion that emotional feelings suffice, it’s essential to recognize the distinction between love and fleeting emotions.

Love lacks a substantial foundation without principles. It is these guiding principles that provide the bedrock for a lasting and resilient love. In the tumultuous storms that inevitably hit every marriage, principles become the anchor, ensuring survival.

Life, with its unpredictable twists, affects us all. Drawing inspiration from the biblical perspective, we are declared more than conquerors through Christ. The battles will come, but adherence to principles becomes the pathway to victory.

8. Marriage: A Spiritual Commitment

Some erroneously perceive marriage solely through the lens of emotions. However, it extends far beyond mere emotionalism.

Assuming all is well because of external factors; job security, good health, and a comfortable life, can lead to complacency. Personal experience underscores the danger of becoming lax when everything seems smooth.

Marriage is inherently spiritual before it manifests in the physical realm. An essential prerequisite for a successful union is a willingness to embrace a serious relationship with God.

Every man is the priest of his family. It goes beyond superficial gestures; leadership entails leading the family towards spiritual growth. Both partners must actively participate in studying God’s word, prayer, fasting, tithing, and other covenant practices.

9. Spiritual Unity

True leadership involves more than romantic gestures. Men are called to lead their families to God, speaking in authority over their wives and children.

Reject the notion that only one partner needs to be spiritual. Both parties must be committed prayer warriors, believers in the Bible, and actively engage in spiritual disciplines.

In conclusion, the journey of a successful marriage requires a fusion of love and principles, transcending mere emotional bonds. 

May this insight grant you a deeper understanding as you navigate the intricate path of matrimony.

How to Make Your Husband Love You Forever

How to Make Your Husband Love You Forever

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Take Make Your Husband Love You Forever

Embrace Intimacy for Lasting Connection

In the pursuit of eternal love in marriage, fostering intimacy is a key factor. While some resort to questionable tactics to keep their spouses close, building a genuine connection is the foundation for a strong and enduring relationship.

Recognizing Individual Differences

Understanding that not all men share the same views on fidelity is crucial. Some may perceive relationships as games or sources of entertainment. Therefore, careful consideration before entering into marriage, especially with someone met online, is essential.

Marriage extends beyond fleeting emotions. While feelings may fade, the commitment remains. To ensure a lasting connection, strategic decisions and actions play a pivotal role.

Strategies to Secure Your Husband’s Love

1. Prioritize Intimacy

The Bible emphasizes the role of wives in wooing, winning, and protecting their husbands 

Jer 31:22 (AMPC+)

How long will you waver and hesitate [ to return ], O you backsliding daughter? For the Lord has created a new thing in the land [ of Israel ]: a female shall compass (woo, win, and protect) a man.

One impactful way to achieve this is by prioritizing intimacy.

Never Deny His Advances

At the forefront of maintaining a strong connection is never refusing your husband’s sexual advances. Fulfilling his needs day and night contributes significantly to a lasting bond.

Respond positively to his desires, ensuring satisfaction when sought.

Pro 5:19 (KJV) – “Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.”

Timing Matters

Recognize the importance of timing in meeting your husband’s emotional needs. Respond to his desires promptly, especially when he is emotionally vulnerable.

Be attuned to his emotional state and offer intimacy when needed, fostering a healthy marriage bed.

Spontaneity Speaks Volumes

Maintain a spontaneous approach to intimacy. Waiting too long between intimate moments can signal underlying issues within the relationship.

  1. Communication Is Key
    Address any potential issues promptly to ensure a robust and satisfying marital relationship.

Openly communicate your readiness to meet your husband’s needs at any time. Ensure he feels supported and cherished.

Be vocal about your willingness to fulfill his desires spontaneously, fostering a sense of security.

Create a private vocabulary to communicate desires openly without revealing intimate details in public.

3. Initiating Intimacy

Empower yourself to initiate intimate moments. Be the one to make the first move some of the time, demonstrating an active role in maintaining the marital bond. Take charge of initiating intimate moments to strengthen the connection and satisfy your husband’s needs.

In conclusion, nurturing eternal love requires a multifaceted approach. Prioritizing intimacy, clear communication, and taking the initiative are essential components. By embracing these strategies, you can cultivate a lasting bond that withstands the tests of time. Remember, a strong marriage is built on genuine connection and mutual satisfaction.

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

This is the second part of “Why Your Can Wife Can Close Up Emotionally.” If you missed Part 1, see it below:

Understand The Nuances 

In the journey of marriage, understanding the nuances that can either build or hinder emotional closeness is crucial. Let’s continue with some common pitfalls that, when avoided, can contribute to a stronger and more vibrant connection between partners.

1. Don’t make her a laughing stock. Champion Her Confidence

In fostering emotional intimacy, it’s imperative to champion your wife’s confidence. This begins with refraining from subjecting her to crude jokes or making her a laughing stock in front of friends and family.

Embracing Respect and Protection

An astute husband understands the significance of protecting and projecting his wife, steering clear of embarrassment. Publicly affirm your pride in your wife, ensuring everyone, including your parents, knows that she is cherished.

Words Matter

Avoid biting remarks and teasing about her appearance or weight, as such comments can inflict lasting wounds. Instead, encourage a healthy lifestyle by suggesting activities like going to the gym together, and fostering a supportive and positive environment.

2. Avoid projecting her as always wrong while you are not

One major contributor to emotional distance is the constant belief that one partner is always wrong. This misconception can lead to a fractured relationship, hindering the growth of your romantic story.

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Accepting Responsibility

As the head of the household, it’s essential to accept responsibility for inadequacies without consistently blaming your spouse. Assigning blame for every situation can create a divide in the partnership.

Shaping Children’s Behavior

Recognize that attributing every aspect of your children’s behavior to one parent is inaccurate. A balanced acknowledgment of each other’s influence on the children’s actions can lead to a healthier family dynamic.

Conclusion: Nurturing Your Marriage

In conclusion, building emotional closeness requires effort and understanding from both partners. Avoiding actions that diminish confidence and perpetuate false assumptions can pave the way for a more robust and enduring connection.

A Prayer for Your Marriage

May wisdom abound in your journey as a spouse, and may your union be a source of strength and joy. Don’t lose faith in your partner; instead, keep praying and trusting. May divine intervention bring blessings to your marriage!

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May your family be blessed abundantly.

Why Did You Marry Me?

Why Did You Marry Me?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Did You Marry Me?

Pastor Sophia and I did this yesterday via YouTube. Did you miss it?

Find it below and enjoy the lessons, the laughter, and the conversation!

Every single in courtship should intently discuss this – Why do you want to marry me? A sincere in-depth discussion will bring to the fore a lot of revelation and let you be able to to discover a lot about the decision you are about to make.

Interestingly, many couples get “shocked” after the wedding because they discover many things after that!

This is what happens when the relationship gets sexual as singles and obscures the most important things that should be discussed.

Singles in courtship are distracted with outings, sex, fun, and other things that are not important.

Newlyweds and those who have been married for a while should also sit down from time to time to do this – What did you marry me?

It’s a good experience because it is a re-enactment of the core reasons you are together. And in case, distractions are coming in, which is usually the case, the needed rejuvenation can happen as powerful words are uttered to one another.

After all, the wedding day was all about words! 

Thank God for the guests, the Aso-Ebi, the food, the reception, the parties, the gold hand rings, the several vendors contracted…but what joined the couple together were the words! Either in court or church, words were exchanged. Vows were made and after the vows, you became husband and wife. It was all about words! 

If words bring you together, good words uttered in sincerity to one another will also sustain your relationship.

The course of a thing is also the sustainer of that thing. Sit down and talk!

Singles should ask one another, “Why do you want to marry me?”

Couples should ask from time to time, “Why did you marry me?”

Good morning!