The Unveiling of Great and Mighty Things

The Unveiling of Great and Mighty Things

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Unveiling of Great and Mighty Things

I intend to share with you one of the scriptures that God revealed to me as a young Christian this morning.

Praying this scripture opened me up to the supernatural. As if the curtains of the heavens were drawn, I became aware of many things, including His direction for my life and His specific desires for me at each moment.

Here is the scripture.

Jer 33:3 (KJV) Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

You know what I love about this? It’s the fact that God promised to answer your prayers immediately, without any delay.

Call upon me, and I will answer you…

Notice that He didn’t promise to fulfill your request, but He simply said He would answer your call!

He will respond! How will he respond?

He is going to reveal things to you!

Great Things!
Mighty Things!

Which you don’t know.

The reality is that what you don’t know is more than what you know. Yet, what you know determines your progress in life.

God said He would show you!

Let’s take a look at other translations.

Jer 33:3 (MSG) ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvellous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’

Wondrous things and marvelous things that you can’t figure out alone, He said He will show you!

People of God, get ready for God this year to show you marvelous and wondrous things, and you will know it is God showing you because they are things you could not figure out on your own!

This will give you an advantage in life and propel you beyond your contemporaries!

I pray that this year will be a year of revelations and insights that will advance you massively in Jesus’ name!

Good morning!

Into the Pit: A Story of Retribution

Into the Pit: A Story of Retribution

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the year winds down and the coming year beckons, I bring you a word of assurance that will anchor your soul in God.

Sometimes, we feel we are not married because of some enemies or mischief makers.

Those who are married often conclude that the strange battles they face, and the uniqueness of their experiences are caused by “village people!”

Sometimes, these singles and couples are correct, and sometimes, they are plain wrong!

But let us assume they are right. Okay?

What does the scripture say about enemies of our soul? Mischief makers. People who hate you for just being you and hate your guts. People you never offended but who disdain you for being alive. What does the Bible say about such enemies? Let us take a look.

Psa 7:15 (KJV) He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.

Wow! Your enemy who made a pit will end up in their own pit!

I even love the way Message Translation puts it in verses 15 and 16

Psa 7:15 (MSG) See that man shoveling day after day, digging, then concealing, his man-trap down that lonely stretch of road? Go back and look again—you’ll see him in it headfirst, legs waving in the breeze.

The pit digger will end in the very pit he is digging for you!

Why would this happen?

Verse 16 tells us

Psa 7:16 (MSG) That’s what happens: mischief backfires; violence boomerangs.

Mischief will always backfire. Mischief makers will always end up in their handiwork.

Never join perceived enemies in their mischief. Never dig a pit because you think somebody else is doing that against you.

Shovels are not part of your armour!

So what should you be doing?

Vrsre 17 tells you what to do.

Psa 7:17 (MSG) I’m thanking God, who makes things right. I’m singing the fame of heaven-high GOD.

Keep thanking God and you will keep getting the victory!

God will make all things right for you.

Thankful lips will do much more than using shovels!

May God grant you more understanding!