Are You Single Or Married?

Are You Single Or Married?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are You Single Or Married?

I want to quickly identify some things to take note of regarding marriage. Singles and newly married, take note of the following 

1. You can not live like a bachelor or spinster in marriage

There are some lifestyles that are associated with a single life.

You must be ready to let go of such lifestyles. For example, you were keeping late nights or hanging out with friends for long hours.

Before you say ‘I do’, you must be ready to part with your old lifestyles.

You cannot combine the two. You cannot put new wine into old wine skin.

The problem is that some people want to enjoy the benefits of marriage but want to live a single life.

As a wife, you are good with cornflakes and noodles, but as a wife, if your husband says he wants really good food, you have to do that.

Yes, there should be compromise sometimes when you help each other or eat out especially when both of you have been at work all-day

But essentially, it’s no longer about you alone, it’s now the two of you!

Are You Single Or Married?

2. You must be responsible

Marriage life requires responsibility. It’s a life of being responsible.

You don’t live for yourself alone. You think about your spouse and your family’s well-being.

You think and carry the thoughts of your family everywhere you go.

That will inform your decision at the time. You don’t just wake up one morning and decide to travel for three weeks.

Your life as a married man or woman must reflect responsibility in all areas.

That’s why society frowns at it if a married woman or man dresses seductively because that is not expected of him/her. A married person is expected to be responsible.

God bless you this morning! Have a fantastic day ahead!

Are You Single Or Married?


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What Singles Can Learn From Joseph – Part 2

What Singles Can Learn From Joseph – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lessons From The Life Of Joseph

Continued from yesterday…

2. Joseph talked about his dream

Well, some people would say he was careless and that if he had hidden his dream, he would not have gone through the ordeals of the pit and then being sold into slavery.

However, I also want you to know that if he had not verbalized his dream, he might not have been sold into slavery and he might not have been transported into Egypt from where he eventually fulfilled his destiny! Talk about God using perceived enemies to fulfill His counsel over your life!

Hear me well this morning! God is using some of the people you hate right now and you think don’t like you to achieve His overall plans for your life! In the end, you will see how everything will eventually add up! Before you fight the person that jilted you, why don’t you wait for the unveiling of the new person God is bringing your way? You will thank him or her later for breaking your heart!

Learn to talk faith and not doubt. Learn to say what you want God to do and not what you are going through in your relationship or as singles. It is a spiritual principle! Say what you will like to happen and not just what has happened or what is happening!

I am a dreamer. I will not stop dreaming! 

Pray that God will give the strength to say No in the face of compromise

Gen 39:2 KJV And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.

Study the life of Joseph

Gen 46-48


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How To Rejoice Your Way Into Your Wedding

How To Rejoice Your Way Into Your Wedding

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sade is just simply toxic in her way of thinking and dealing with issues. This is brought about by several disappointments she has gone through in the hands of guys, especially. She believes life has not been fair to her at all. She watched a lot of her friends get married one by one while nothing seems to be happening in her life.

She prayed and prayed but it was as though God is not listening to her. She got to a place where she actually gave up and she was no longer rejoicing with those who rejoice.

Her pastime became having itchy ears and looking for negative news which seems to excite her. When she hears that someone has a broken relationship, she seems happy. She would not stop at that, but she would consciously begin to spread the news as if it was some good news. This she did and did not even know she was in error.

This is in direct contradiction to what we are supposed to do as believers. It is never in our place to spread negative news. As a matter of fact, what we are supposed to do at such times is to pray for such people, so that such will not be your experience.

When King Saul died, it could have been a time for David to start rejoicing and keep mouthing it all over. But check out what he said here:

Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.

2Sa 1:20 (KJV)

He understood covenant. He said the news is not to be published!

My words of advice for you this morning is simple. Avoid being happy when something unfortunate happens to others, even when such people are perceived enemies.

Pray for them and you will unleash a new realm of favour upon your life!

Be blessed in Jesus name!

I choose to rejoice with those who are happy

Oh Lord, help me to genuinely rejoice with those rejoicing.

Romans 12:15 [ESV] Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Stop spreading bad news

Rom 12


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Dear Future Spouse, Can You Just Show up Now?

Dear Future Spouse, Can You Just Show up Now?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You have waited. You have prayed. You might have even cried and wondered why your spouse is not showing up. You have dabbled into some unwise relationships out of being desperate or because you think your biological clock is ticking away.

You are agitated. You are not happy. You have fasted and still fasting. Is God really listening? You wondered.

In the midst of all these, here is the word of the Lord.

For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

Heb 10:37 (KJV)

He will come and he will show up. She will be found and you will meet your wife. Put all your trust in Him and never Doubt Him for a second.

The devil wants you to give up on God. Like Job’s wife said to Job, the devil wants you to curse God, and of course what will follow is death.

Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.

Job 2:9 (KJV)

Death of your desire and all that pertains to it. That will never be your portion in Jesus name!

Trust this God because He never fails. He has your back. He is faithful. And you will never be ashamed as a result of serving God.

Hold on tightly to Him, He that will come will come. Don’t allow pressure to push you into the zone of compromise.

He remains your shepherd and He will guide you into His plans. Wow! What a good God we serve.

How I love the Message Translation.

It won’t be long now, he’s on the way; he’ll show up most any minute.

Heb 10:37 (MSG)

Yes, it won’t be long. Any minute from now, your miracle will show up. Trust and hold on to the horns of the altar.

I see God hearkening to the travails of your heart. I see God coming through for you.

So shall it be for you in Jesus name!

Be blessed.

My spouse is coming speedily.

Lord, help me to be patient.


Heb 10:37 (KJV)
For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry

Meditate on Heb 10:37

Heb 10


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Who You Carry Determines Who You Marry

Who You Carry Determines Who You Marry

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Single or married, you dare not approach the vicinity of God’s presence in the old Testament. Even the priests who go to offer sacrifices once a year on behalf of the people had to do so in trepidation and fear. Ropes will be tied to their legs in case they died and they would simply be pulled out.

Such was the case in the old Testament.

In the new testament, it’s simply amazing. Not only could we approach God’s presence, but we are also told to come boldly.

E shock you? There is more. This same God we could not come near in Old Testament becomes a God we carry! What?

Take a look at the scripture.

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Colossians 1:27 KJV

Christ is now in us and He is the hope of that glory. In other words, we can taste that glory once He is in us because He is the hope of that glory.

We are now supernatural beings. We cannot be defeated. We cannot be delayed maritally. We carry God! And who we carry ultimately determines who we marry.

There is no fear that our spouse won’t show up. Nobody can refuse you because you carry God whom no mortal can resist.

You carry God, so you cannot attract a time-waster, an empty Casanova, or a suitor with an ulterior motive.

You simply live with this understanding. You relish in it. You dive into it and the reality of that supernatural life becomes our experience.

You say it to yourself and confess it till it becomes your experience.

May God grant more understanding!

I carry God

Lord, open my eyes to see and know who I am

Col 1:27 (AMP) To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of [realizing the] glory.

Study the bible reading for the day

Col 1


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