Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them

Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God gave each of us a brain so that He can rest. There are some things you should not pray about. There are people you should not fall in love with and in case you do, the only reasonable thing for you to do is to disconnect from them.

Don’t bother praying that God should approve your decision, which is clearly at loggerheads with His principles. God will not answer such prayers because He will not contradict His word.

Here are the scenarios that don’t need prayers or fasting. Don’t waste your time on them.

1. When you are in love with more than one person at a time

There is nothing as confusing and as unwise than to fall in love with more than one person at a time! The person involved will be disoriented, defocused, and disorganized.

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You will become deceptive in order to cover up. Then you will need to tell more lies in order to cover up the cover-ups!

God has not called you to this kind of lifestyle, and there is no way God will answer you when you start praying in such state of heart.

The first thing to do is to disconnect from both or all of them because, in reality, it could be one of the people you have fallen in love with or NONE of them!

But when you are asking God to approve what you have decided, something is wrong with that process and it doesn’t work that way! God is never mocked.

In the same way, married people are to focus on their spouse only and not direct their love to anybody aside from their spouses.

May God grant more understanding


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The Importance of God’s Word

The Importance of God’s Word

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know the importance of God’s Word? Now, what does a lamp do? It gives light to a dark area, right? Dark areas are beyond the physical dark places in your environment that require you to switch on the light or use a torch to see.

The unseen dark areas of your life include the times when you are unsure of what to do out of maybe confusion, fear, or pressure.

While in these dark places in your heart and mind, you need light and not a physical light but the light of God. Divine light instantly lights up everywhere, driving out shadows and making you see well. This divine light is God’s word, the bible.

The psalmist in chapter 119 and verse 105 acknowledges what God’s word does for him.

Psalm 119:105 – “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

“A lamp to my feet…”

This shows that with God’s word as your light, you won’t lose your footing.

You won’t fall into any form of sin, fear, confusion, or bow down to any form of pressure from anyone to make you commit a sin.

And even if you happen to want to fall, His word will still help you not to fall.

Look at the second part of the verse – “…and a light to my path”. His word won’t let you fall for they will lighten up your path. They will give you an understanding of any situation you are facing at school, home, or anywhere.

His word will teach you how to handle the situation. He will guide you on what to say, do, or how to act.

God’s word is very powerful. Able to guide, teach and save you from any challenges you might have. His word is also able to show you how you could have managed past problems. This way, when such situations rise up again, you already know how to handle them.

Remember this verse when you seem not to know what to do. Go into God’s word and let his light keep your feet firm and your path bright.

God bless you. Amen

Lord, I thank You for your word and how it divinely helps me walk right in this world. In Jesus name. Amen.

Action point:
Rely on God’s word for all your situations. 

The word is my life.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Twenty Two Things We’ve Learnt In Twenty Two Years Of Marriage

Twenty Two Things We’ve Learnt In Twenty Two Years Of Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So basically, today is our wedding anniversary! It has been twenty-two years! God has been good. God has been good over us and our children.

It has not always been an express road with so smooth a ride, but it has been one filled with bumps and pot-holes!

However, our marital vehicle did not break down! God kept us. At some times, the engine nearly got knocked, but God did not allow it.

Below are twenty-two things we have learned in twenty-two years of marriage

1. God leads. He always does. Finding out His Will for your life is the most beautiful thing you can do.

2. God’s mercy is real. Without that mercy, nothing remains, really. That is why we are alive! That is why we have not been consumed.

It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

Lam 3:22 (KJV)

3. Communication is key. The absence of it can lead to the marital life being maimed.

4. Become friends before becoming lovers. Don’t jump. Follow the process.

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5. Prayers are important. Talk to God about everything. I mean everything.

6. Be a voracious book reader. Read like your life depended on it.

7. Start your day with His word. That day will be blessed.

8. Loose living and an indisciplined sexual life will always terminate in regrets.

9. Get ready for the conflicts that come from male-female differences. Read ahead and be prepared to handle them.

10. Stay honest. Stay on the side of truth. The truth will always set free.

11. Be open with each other. It’s naked and not ashamed.

12. Be sacrificial. Seek to please your partner. That is the simple definition of marriage. Seeking to please him or her. You see, after pleasing God, the next person to please is your spouse.

To be continued tomorrow.

I will not miss it in marriage.

Oh Lord, increase my passion for my lover.

1 Corinthians 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Celebrate yourself

1 cor13


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