Reading Time: 2 minutes

God gave each of us a brain so that He can rest. There are some things you should not pray about. There are people you should not fall in love with and in case you do, the only reasonable thing for you to do is to disconnect from them.

Don’t bother praying that God should approve your decision, which is clearly at loggerheads with His principles. God will not answer such prayers because He will not contradict His word.

Here are the scenarios that don’t need prayers or fasting. Don’t waste your time on them.

1. When you are in love with more than one person at a time

There is nothing as confusing and as unwise than to fall in love with more than one person at a time! The person involved will be disoriented, defocused, and disorganized.

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You will become deceptive in order to cover up. Then you will need to tell more lies in order to cover up the cover-ups!

God has not called you to this kind of lifestyle, and there is no way God will answer you when you start praying in such state of heart.

The first thing to do is to disconnect from both or all of them because, in reality, it could be one of the people you have fallen in love with or NONE of them!

But when you are asking God to approve what you have decided, something is wrong with that process and it doesn’t work that way! God is never mocked.

In the same way, married people are to focus on their spouse only and not direct their love to anybody aside from their spouses.

May God grant more understanding


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