How To Make Your Lover Happy – Part 2

How To Make Your Lover Happy – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

3. Buy her surprise gifts from time to time

It really doesn’t have to be expensive if you are not buoyant, but you should trust God for constant supplies.

There is a large part of the brain that is dedicated to shiny things in ladies.
In men, it is gadgets, anything that looks like a box, phones, cars, sound systems and so on. But in women, it is anything shiny, shoes, bags, jewelries and the likes.
If you don’t agree, buy her one and see how she will grin from ear to ear.

4. Give her time and attention

Hear what she is saying and what she is not saying.
Do not allow communication to die.
Keep talking no matter what.
If you are not in the same city, make sure you contact each other daily unless you are working in a medieval forest where there are no communication networks.
Otherwise, you have no excuse that you are so “busy” and you cannot call.
I really will not agree that a man can be so busy and cannot steal out five minutes out of twenty-four hours to be in touch with the one he professes to love.
If he forgets to call from time to time, it is either he loves another wherever he is or he is deliberately developing cold feet towards the relationship.
If a man loves you, his heart will be with you and he will stay in touch no matter what.
If he has not called you in three weeks, you are the only one in love, he is not.
It can really be painful to be in love with one who is not in love with you. It is a time waster and you should not waste your time on such.
So, time and attention are very important to a man.
I pray that God will grant you more wisdom on this topic in Jesus name!
A shout to all our partners, God will continue to honor you in Jesus name! Be blessed!

My lover is very happy with me. I do things that please him/her.

Oh Lord, teach me how to make my partner happy.

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Tell him/her how much you love them

2 Cor 10


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Understanding The Greatest Gift Of All

Understanding The Greatest Gift Of All

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What do you think is the greatest gift of all? Your parents? Money? Education? Well, join us this morning as we seek to find out.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV)

Love is the greatest commandment of all; God commands that we love him, then our neighbor as ourselves. In this order, Love God, yourself, and then your neighbor.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)

Why did I put you before your neighbor? That’s because the bible didn’t say love your neighbor above yourself. It says as you love yourself in that same way, love your neighbor.

So you see that it’s not the law of God to do to others what you cannot do to yourself.

If you decide to buy something for yourself, it means you can do the same for others, but if you can’t look in the mirror and say bad things to yourself, then you shouldn’t speak badly about others or abuse anyone.

Love for God is paramount because God is deserving of it. Look around you, look at the beautiful things he created for you and me, just for us to be comfortable on earth. Don’t you just love and appreciate him?

Even more, God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to die for the sins of the whole world, so that we all can be reconciled to him. See what the bible says in John 3:16 (NIV)

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (KJV)

Little one, you see that God has set a standard for love, if you love, you give. Give in whatever capacity that you can, not necessarily monetarily, because you don’t have a source of livelihood.

You can give in service to your parents and friends, by helping out when necessary and praying for them all the time. By doing this, you will fill their hearts with so much joy and happiness.

Father, help me to give my best at all times. Amen

Action Point:
Keep giving.

I put my neighbor before me at all times

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These Are What I Did Because I Was In Love – Part 3

These Are What I Did Because I Was In Love – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

8. I wrote her a lot of poems and love letters

There was no Facebook or WhatsApp. No E-Mail. No phones. So, I resorted to writing letters.

Over twenty-five years, those letters are still with us. Letters are powerful. And it is easier today because you can communicate using several media.

Stay in touch.

When he has not called you in weeks, he is not in love with you. I can assure you!

When a guy is getting ready to drop a lady, he would simply stop calling. Communication will wind down.

If as a lady, you find out you are the one driving a relationship, he never calls and he never returns your call, it is time to wake up into reality. He has moved on! You are probably just in love with yourself.

9. I was willing to buy things for her at my own expense

Out of a meager income, I bought her what I could. I had to deprive myself some of the time to do that.

Love gives. Love delights in giving.

When he is in love, he would give without you having to ask anything.

I am scared of guys who had never given a dime and yet keep receiving all kinds of gifts. That is a one-way relationship. It is not mutual and it would not last.

10. I was constantly in touch

I knew what was going on with her every time. I assisted in writing her final year thesis.

A man that loves you will not forget to call you in three weeks. In fact, he would stay in touch with you till you feel it is too much.

When you say you are in love and yet you don’t even know his second name or where he works, something is not quite right.

I pray for you today, your precious time will not be wasted.

God will strengthen you and correct every relationship errors in Jesus name!

Be blessed!

I make the right choice in God.

Lord, help me to be more creative in loving my partner

1 Corinthians 13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Pray for wisdom

1 cor 13


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My Children Are A Blessing And A Gift

My Children Are A Blessing And A Gift

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My children are a blessing and a gift. This is very true and resonates with what God says in the Bible. Let’s take a look quickly.

Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD

Psa 127:3 CEV

This is a scripture we should rejoice and be glad about. 

God affirms that our children are from him. Not only that, they are a blessing and a gift from him to us.

God never gives bad gifts. That should naturally excite you. He gives beautiful and special gifts to us.

Every parent should go out and approach life with the confidence that he/she is a blessing to all around him/her.


I am blessed. My children are a blessing to me.


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The Difference Between Love Language and Greed

The Difference Between Love Language and Greed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

First of all, there is a difference between one’s love language being “gifts” and when one is just being covetous or greedy.

If your fiancé/fiancée/spouse’s love language is gifts, what it means is that until you start appreciating him or her with gifts in a consistent manner, he or she will not feel loved.

How do you know if someone is not just being greedy?

1. Do or Die?

He will not always demand gifts in a do-or-die manner.

2. Love Gives

When you are in a relationship, and no gifts are forthcoming, there may be an issue there because love gives.

What if he or she has no money or has no job? As I said, a gift is a gift and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Writing her a poem is a gift!

Buying him one tiny little chocolate is a gift! What is important is not the gift itself, it is the gesture that brings assurance of being loved and cared for.

When you are able to give gifts in the midst of not too much provision, you will also be able to do so when you eventually have more income.

Your giving spirit is more of an attitude than spending power.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

3. Love is patient

He will not back out just because gifts are not forthcoming. She will not break the relationship because you are not financially buoyant.

4. He will not just be a receiver

He will not just be demanding while he folds his arms and never gives back. Love gives.

5. Giving Back

He will give away gifts too because that is the language he understands and that is what he craves. She would want to give back gifts as well.

6. Gift is not Payment

When a lady gives out her body for money, that is not about love language because what she gets is no longer ‘gifts’ it has become an illegal payment for services rendered and that is not God’s order.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, and in expressing this language, let God’s word guide you and keep you within godly boundaries.

Don’t borrow to give gifts. Don’t take a loan just to impress someone. Don’t start what you cannot sustain. Don’t spend the money you don’t have to buy things that are not needed in order to impress people that are not looking.

May God grant more understanding!

I am not greedy.

Lord, help me to love correctly.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Give genuinely

John 3


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