Practical Tips To Make Your Fiancée Happy

Practical Tips To Make Your Fiancée Happy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – Practical Tips To Make Your Fiancée Happy

George who is in courtship with Lucy is frustrated. Lucy is always vacillating between two extreme emotions and poor George is at a loss on how to make her happy. If I can be experiencing this before marriage, what will happen after? George reasoned.

As a single in courtship, how do you make her happy?

1. Communicate;

It is important you keep in touch daily especially if you are not in the same place. If this all-important communication is not there, trust me, there will be issues coming up from time to time.

2. Apologize;

As singles, stop being egocentric and learn the art of apologizing quickly both ways. Don’t let your courtship be filled with memories of weeping, feeling down and out. It is not a good seed into your marriage.

3. Decisions;

As singles, take decisions together and don’t let her feel you are the superman that can do all things. If she relaxes and you run the relationship all by yourself, she would get used to that style and the help you ought to get from her when you are down will not be there. Don’t muffle her.

To be continued…

I receive wisdom to understand my partner and to love him/her more.

I break free from all wrong mindsets about marriage in Jesus name.

And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. (Mal 2:15 KJV)

Surprise your partner today. That does not include kissing, petting, sex etc. Reserve those till after marriage.

Ezek 9-12


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Certain Decisions To Make In The New Year

Certain Decisions To Make In The New Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Certain Decisions To Make In The New Year

The year 2022 is very strategic and we need to position ourselves to be ready to partake of all God has for us.

You know, most of the time, we all think of what we should be or should have been doing. Sometimes, we even feel sorry about not doing those things. We feel bad and we figure if we had been doing those things how much we would have been happier and our lives would have improved.

The scary thing about this is that God will only tug at our hearts to do those things that will make us live a happier and fulfilled life or to stop doing certain things.

God will never force man to do what is right. God is a just God and He created us with the right to make our own decisions.

People are going to hell because they didn’t decide or make up their minds they are NOT going to end up in hell. Some other factors are responsible like disobedience, not forgiving, etc, but what I am saying is that, there is tremendous power in our decision. No devil can stop us once we take a decision.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

We all need to come to a point where we make up our minds and make decisive efforts. Not making a decision is a decision in its self.

Here are some decisions you can make this new year.

1. To spend more time with God and practice His presence

2. To spend more time with God’s word daily.

3. To read more widely.

4. To be an intercessor.

5. To be deliberate with loving people

6. To be a more happy person and not waste time being moody.

7. To save more money and be an investor

8. To exercise daily and watch your diet.

9. To live a life of giving and sacrifice

10. To be a doer of the Word.

11. To have mentors and follow them closely.

There are some other decisions you take daily or several times a day. Learn to live your life purposefully.

May the Lord grant us strength.

I live life more intentionally

Lord, give me strength to live on purpose

Pro 16:2 (KJV) All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.

Write out your own decisions for 2022

Pro 16


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How To Make Better Family Decisions This Year

How To Make Better Family Decisions This Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How are you preparing for this year? Have you started working on making better decisions? I hope you are. This morning, we will be touching on an important part of your life; your family. You will be learning how to make better family decisions.

Most times, family members are the most ignored set of people. We tend to think that they will always be there or they don’t need much from us.

Take a good look at your relationship with your family members. Do so by asking yourself these questions:

1. How often did you tell or show them you love them?

2. How many times did you help them when they needed it?

3. How often did you help your parents at home?

4. How often did you obey parental instructions?

5. How many times did you pray for your parents or siblings?

6. What was the last gift you gave your family members?

7. How often did you spend time with them?

8. How often did you fight your sibling?

These are personal questions that will guide you. You can and should add yours to these.

Showing love to your parents and siblings is important and gladdens the heart of God. As a Christian child, you are supposed to value the family system. Christianity itself is a family of believers in Christ.

May the Lord bless you. Amen.

Lord, I  am grateful for the people you have blessed me with. I thank you for my parents and siblings. Help me to value them more in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
Start by saying a big thank you to your family members for being there for you throughout last year. You can make a big “thank you” card for them.

I value my family. This year, I am more committed to them than ever before.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Don’t Cooperate with That Joy Thief

Don’t Cooperate with That Joy Thief

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The past Sunday was awesome in God’s presence as we had an explosion of the spirit of joy in our midst. It was such a glorious time in God’s presence. The Spirit moved. We rejoiced in the Lord. Healings and deliverance took place. Thanksgiving service last Sunday was on another milieu!

Below is a sneak peek into what went up in the Holy Ghost. It will afford you to have a taste! Watch before reading….

You must keep on laughing, dancing, jumping, and shouting in the Holy Ghost. You must not allow your voice to be muted!

The devil is a joy thief! He knows that if only you and your spouse can maintain and sustain your joy, he is in trouble!

Haven’t you noticed that unnecessary quarrels often happen? Haven’t you noticed that sometimes, you can’t even place your finger on what went wrong between the two of you?

Haven’t you noticed that both of you are hurt at the same time and nobody is trying to understand the other?

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

That is the devil at work, my dear! He doesn’t want you joyful in any way. He wants you sad, depressed, and despondent. You have to make up your mind to be joyful.

It is a decision that you have to make!

The joy of the Lord is your strength!

Neh 8:10 (KJV)Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; FOR THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH.

What it means is that anything aside from joy is weakness and weariness!

Decide to stay strong. Avoid strife like a plague!

Can I hear you scream “The joy of the Lord is my strength? Can I hear you say to your spouse, “The joy of the Lord is your strength?

Good morning!

The joy of the Lord is my strength

Oh Lord, cause me to experience joy unspeakable

Isa 12:3 (KJV)Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Decide to be joyful

Isa 12


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Making Better Financial Decisions

Making Better Financial Decisions

Reading Time: < 1 minute

You have to learn to make better financial decisions as a child. Let me share a little of my childhood story with you.

From time to time, especially during the Yuletide, whatever financial gift I got went back to my parents. I remember my parents taking any financial gift I received from me with the promise of keeping it for me. Well, I never got my money back. I always forgot to ask. How do you even ask about such money?

Making good financial decisions highly impacts how you view and spend money.

The following questions will help you make better decisions financially.

  1. Do you always spend all the money you receive?
  2. Did you read books on financial education?
  3. What do you know about money?
  4. Do you buy everything you want because the money is available?
  5. Did you buy everything you wanted as the desire came to you?
  6. How much did you spend on things?
  7. Do you see yourself as greedy?

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:10.

Hope these questions helped you assess the financial decisions you have been making. These are also questions to guide you on reviewing your financial goals this month.

The reviews are meant to point you towards the dangers of reckless sending and not to judge you.

May the Lord grant you the right perspective about money. Amen.

Lord, grant me the favour to spend and save wisely. Help me to make better financial decisions in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Action point:
Reflect on these questions and truthfully start to make changes. God bless you.

I make better financial decisions in this new month.

Read yesterday’s article here


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