How to Prevent Infidelity in Your Relationship

How to Prevent Infidelity in Your Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every strong building starts with a solid foundation. The taller the building, the deeper the foundation must go. In the same way, everything in life—whether good or bad—has a foundation, including infidelity.

Nobody wakes up one day and suddenly decides infidelity is the way to go. It always starts somewhere.

The devil is strategic in his approach. He doesn’t attack randomly, which is why he often seems so precise in his efforts. All he needs is a crack—a small loophole. Once he finds it, he’s ready to act.

One of the key cracks he exploits is insincerity. Let’s be clear: even a slight deviation from the truth is still falsehood. A lie is a lie. The Bible doesn’t recognize “white lies.”

Proverbs 6:16-19 (GW) There are six things that the LORD hates, even seven that are disgusting to him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill innocent people, a mind devising wicked plans, feet that are quick to do wrong, a dishonest witness spitting out lies, and a person who spreads conflict among relatives.

Most of us have lied at some point in our lives, but that doesn’t necessarily make us vulnerable to the devil. The scripture above speaks about those who make lying a habit, even when there’s nothing to gain.

If you’re already in the habit of lying, even as a single person, you’re setting yourself up for infidelity in marriage. Why? Because the same heart that lies now will be the same heart you take into your relationship, except you allow Jesus to do a heart surgery for you.

This is dangerous because the Bible clearly shows us who the devil is:

John 8:44 (GW) You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies.

Let’s analyze it this way: if you have a close relationship with your biological father, he might visit you occasionally. But if the devil is your “father,” he won’t just visit—he’ll move in and make himself at home in your life.

So how do you break free from this terrible habit?

Ephesians 4:25 (GW) Get rid of lies. Speak the truth to each other, because we are all members of the same body.

Treat lies like garbage. How do you treat garbage? Exactly. You dispose of them completely. Speak the truth in every situation. It will save you from unnecessary pain and conflict in the long run.

May God grant us more understanding.

Waiting for the Right Time

Waiting for the Right Time

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Waiting is never easy. Whether you’re single or married, we all find ourselves in seasons where patience is tested. Maybe you’re waiting for Mr. Right to come into your life, or waiting for a date to lead to something meaningful. For married couples, it might be waiting for the blessing of a child or a breakthrough in another area.

But here’s the truth: God’s Word never fails. Our anchor scripture for the year is this.

“The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.” – Isaiah 60:22 (NLT)

Did you see that? At the right time. God’s timing isn’t random—it’s always perfect. He knows when you’re ready, and He knows when the circumstances are aligned for His plan to unfold.

Think about the story of Lazarus. Everyone thought Jesus was late, but He wasn’t. He showed up exactly when He meant to, and what seemed like a delay became a miracle. If Jesus had shown up earlier, maybe people might not have believed him.

Sometimes, we wait because God is still preparing us. Imagine what would’ve happened if Moses had tried to deliver Israel before he was ready. Well, he did, and it was a disaster! It took 40 years in the wilderness for him to grow into the leader God needed. Similarly, Abraham and Sarah also tried to help God by fast-tracking his promise of a child, and their impatience brought unnecessary complications. Even Jesus, the Son of God, waited for the right time to begin His ministry.

So if you’re waiting, trust that there’s purpose in the process. Use this time wisely. If you’re trusting God for the children, learn about parenting so you’re prepared when the blessing comes. If you’re single, work on becoming the best version of yourself—someone who can nurture and build a healthy relationship. The waiting season isn’t a punishment; it’s an opportunity for growth.

And when the right time comes, God will make it happen. You won’t have to force it, and you won’t feel unprepared. It will flow naturally because it’s His perfect timing.

May we not miss God’s timing for our lives.

How to Seek Justice from God

How to Seek Justice from God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Seek Justice from God

Happy New Year to everyone at Kisses and Huggs Club! This year has been declared our year of supernatural growth, and with this declaration comes the promise of remarkable progress in every area of our lives.

Growth is a natural progression in life. When a single man gets married, it signifies maturity, as marriage is not for the immature. Like we say, ‘marriage is not for boys’. Similarly, when a married woman gives birth, it marks a new level of growth within the family. This year, I encourage you to embrace the promise of supernatural growth and pray for its manifestation in every aspect of your life.

One specific area where I urge you to grow this year is your consistency. Studies have shown that consistency is the key to achieving anything worthwhile. This is not the year to repeat the same patterns and routines of the past. A great scholar once said ‘Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, but expecting different results.’ You must do things differently if you want a different result this year. This is a year to step into greater maturity and achieve remarkable outcomes through unwavering commitment.

Let’s draw wisdom from the Scriptures:

Luke 18:7 (AMP) And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf?

Here, we see the importance of persistent and consistent prayer. God is moved by those who seek Him consistently—day and night—not by those who come to Him sporadically or half-heartedly.

Consider your own prayer life. Are you consistent in seeking God, or do you waver? This year, resolve to pursue Him with steadfast devotion. For instance, as you participate in the GPPS (Global Prayers and Praise Storm) challenge, don’t be haphazard about it. Don’t settle for three days in a week and expect the same results as someone who goes all the way.

My questions to you this morning:

  • Have you ever been wronged or felt like life has treated you unfairly?
  • Do you long for God’s justice to intervene in your circumstances?
  • Are you feeling helpless and in need of the Great Defender to fight on your behalf?

If so, the answer lies in your consistency. Cry out to God both day and night.

Matthew 7:7: (AMP) “Ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Notice the recurring theme: persistence. Don’t ask during the day and fall silent at night. Seek Him continuously, knowing that His justice is promised to those who diligently pursue Him.

This year, my desire is that you grow by developing a deeper and more consistent relationship with God. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. This unwavering commitment is the key to unlocking His justice and experiencing supernatural growth in your life.


Embracing God’s Mercy as The Year Ends

Embracing God’s Mercy as The Year Ends

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Glory to God! It’s the last day of 2024, and what an awesome God we serve. His mercy has kept us through thick and thin. Despite all the economic predictions and challenges, you and I are still here. Yes, you may not have received answers to every prayer, but I’m certain you’ve received blessings you didn’t even pray for.

As we prepare to step into 2025 in grand style, I want to encourage you to do just one thing: focus on what God has done. It is that simple. Take a moment to reflect on His goodness in 2024. Shift your focus away from what you think hasn’t been done.

You see, the devil’s strategy is to keep us preoccupied with analyzing our unanswered prayers. The more we dwell on those, the more worried, angry, and even depressed we become.

Psalm 73:2-5 (MSG) But I nearly missed it, missed seeing his goodness. I was looking the other way, looking up to the people at the top, envying the wicked who have it made, who have nothing to worry about, not a care in the whole wide world.

Isn’t it interesting that the wicked seem to have no worries, while we as believers often become experts at worrying? Stop looking the other way. Stop comparing yourself to those who seem to have “made it.” Stop fixating on those who are married or those whose lives seem perfect.

So, what should you do instead?

Psalm 73:17 (MSG) “Until I entered the sanctuary of God. Then I saw the whole picture.”

Enter the sanctuary of God—the sacred place where His presence dwells and worry disappears. Imagine standing in front of God Himself. Would you be thinking about your failed business? Would it matter that you’re still unmarried on the last day of the year? Or would your attention be fixed on Him, knowing that all your worries can end instantly?

Step into God’s sanctuary through praise and prayer. Set your gaze on the Master, and let His presence fill your heart.

Let me give you a reason to be thankful: Do you know that over 62 million people have died globally in 2024 alone? Yet you are not part of that statistic. Isn’t that a good reason to thank God?

Here’s another reason:

Psalm 136:1 (KJV) O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

The word “mercy” has many meanings, one of which is God withholding punishment. Imagine what would happen if God withdrew His mercy. You wouldn’t even be reading this article right now! Let’s not forget how many promises we made to God this year and failed to keep. Yet, His mercy remains.

Rather than sulking over what hasn’t been done, why not focus on what has? Reflect on God’s faithfulness, and let gratitude fill your heart.

May God grant you a deeper understanding as you enter this new year. Amen.

What are you most grateful to God for as we wrap up the year? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Unlock a Life-Changing Miracle in 2025

Unlock a Life-Changing Miracle in 2025

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Get ready—2025 is going to be a year of miracles! Big things are coming and as believers, we must position ourselves to receive the blessings and prepare for the miracle ahead.

See what the Bible says:

Amos 9:13 (MSG) “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.”

However, there must be some preparations before that can take place. No farmer plants a seed without first preparing the soil. Hence, part of this preparation is through GPPS—our covenant time of Prayer and Praise in 2025.

Praise is a powerful weapon and Prayer is another mighty tool. When combined, these two ignite heaven’s response!

Let’s look at Paul and Silas and see the impact of prayer and praise

Acts 16:25-26 (KJV) “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.”

If one night of prayer and praise could deliver Paul and Silas, imagine what 365 days of intentional worship and intercession can do!

Every morning, we’ll come together for 30 minutes of heartfelt prayer and we’ll spend 30 minutes lifting our hearts in joyful praise each evening. Find all the details about GPPS HERE.

Have you been facing delays you can’t explain?
Does it feel like your prayers go unanswered?
Are you longing for breakthroughs that shake the very foundations of your challenges?

Then this is your time to step into something extraordinary. Join us as we launch into 2025 with GPPS and position yourself for the earth-shaking miracles you’ve been waiting for.

Your testimony is just around the corner.

Wishing you a blessed Sunday and don’t forget to attend church today!