How to Seek Justice from God
Happy New Year to everyone at Kisses and Huggs Club! This year has been declared our year of supernatural growth, and with this declaration comes the promise of remarkable progress in every area of our lives.
Growth is a natural progression in life. When a single man gets married, it signifies maturity, as marriage is not for the immature. Like we say, ‘marriage is not for boys’. Similarly, when a married woman gives birth, it marks a new level of growth within the family. This year, I encourage you to embrace the promise of supernatural growth and pray for its manifestation in every aspect of your life.
One specific area where I urge you to grow this year is your consistency. Studies have shown that consistency is the key to achieving anything worthwhile. This is not the year to repeat the same patterns and routines of the past. A great scholar once said ‘Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, but expecting different results.’ You must do things differently if you want a different result this year. This is a year to step into greater maturity and achieve remarkable outcomes through unwavering commitment.
Let’s draw wisdom from the Scriptures:
Luke 18:7 (AMP) And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf?
Here, we see the importance of persistent and consistent prayer. God is moved by those who seek Him consistently—day and night—not by those who come to Him sporadically or half-heartedly.
Consider your own prayer life. Are you consistent in seeking God, or do you waver? This year, resolve to pursue Him with steadfast devotion. For instance, as you participate in the GPPS (Global Prayers and Praise Storm) challenge, don’t be haphazard about it. Don’t settle for three days in a week and expect the same results as someone who goes all the way.
My questions to you this morning:
- Have you ever been wronged or felt like life has treated you unfairly?
- Do you long for God’s justice to intervene in your circumstances?
- Are you feeling helpless and in need of the Great Defender to fight on your behalf?
If so, the answer lies in your consistency. Cry out to God both day and night.
Matthew 7:7: (AMP) “Ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Notice the recurring theme: persistence. Don’t ask during the day and fall silent at night. Seek Him continuously, knowing that His justice is promised to those who diligently pursue Him.
This year, my desire is that you grow by developing a deeper and more consistent relationship with God. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. This unwavering commitment is the key to unlocking His justice and experiencing supernatural growth in your life.
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Global Prayer and Praise Storm Challenge