How To Obey God

How To Obey God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I hope you have been following our series on obedience, and learning how to obey God. We have Father Abraham as our case study and I believe we have learnt one or two things in the past few days.

The truth is that obedience pays. The bible says Abraham obeyed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Wow! What a testimony.

This morning, I will be sharing with us how to obey God.

There are several ways by which you can obey God. Let us consider a few.

Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. – Genesis 12 verse 1,4 (NKJV)

One way we are to obey God is by obeying Him wholeheartedly. Obey with all your heart, not part of your heart. In God, it is either you give him all or you give him none.

See what God says about your heart

And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, – Deuteronomy 10:12 (KJV)

The same way you cannot love God halfheartedly is the same way you cannot obey God halfheartedly.

The obedience God recognizes is obedience that is devoid of grumbling or complaining.

When your parents ask you to do something for them, and you grumble, murmur, or complain, you lose the blessing therein.

Let’s learn to obey God wholeheartedly so we don’t lose our reward.

May God bless you. Amen.

Oh Lord, help me to obey you with all my heart.

Action point:
In what ways have you been disobedient? Repent and make amends.

I am an obedient child in Jesus name, Amen.

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Practical Ways To Obey God

Practical Ways To Obey God

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Still talking on the issue of obedience, this morning, I want to quickly show us a few practical ways to obey God as children.

Remember, we are considering the life and times of Father Abraham

Genesis 12 verse 1,4 (NKJV):  Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

1. By being obedient to His Word.

The word is God. The only way you can be obedient to God is by obeying his word. If you disobey God’s word, it is as good as saying you have disobeyed God himself.

So dear children, my question to you this morning is; are you obedient to his word?

2. By being obedient to spiritual authority.

Oh yes. There are several authorities that have been placed over us as children. When you obey such authorities, you are obeying God.

Examples of constituted authorities include your school, your church, your family, and so on.

Note that no authority can spring up without the input of God Almighty. So when you obey them, you are obeying God.

There are many more ways we can obey God, but I hope you have been able to draw out lessons and action plans from the above as regards your obedience to God.

God bless you! Amen.

I choose to obey God by obeying all those God has put over me.

Oh Lord, help me to be an obedient child in Jesus name, Amen.

Action Point:
List all constituted authorities over you and start obeying them all.

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Greatness Through Obedience

Greatness Through Obedience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The word obedience according to the dictionary means compliance to a command, prohibition or known law and rule of duty prescribed; the performance of what is required or enjoined by authority or the abstaining from what is prohibited, in compliance with the command or prohibition.

Taking a closer look at the life of Father Abraham, you will discover that it was obedience that made him great.

Genesis 12:1,4 (KJV) Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

I will be sharing with us few reasons we should take obedience seriously.

1. Obedience proofs your love for God and to God. If you truly love God, you will obey Him.

2.Obedience is part of our worship. If we profess to love and serve God, then one of the ways we show it is our obedience.

3.Obedience is a test of our faith in God. This is true because faith in God means believing in his instructions and if we claim to have faith them we must obey.

4.Obedience is also a test of character, the ability to follow simple instruction is evidence of good character

5.Obedience helps us as God’s children to shine forth our light in this world

Obeying God is a vital part of  our lives as believers, nothing can be compared to a life of obedience. I pray that you receive grace to be obedient all the time in Jesus name. Amen.

Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to be obedient at all times in Jesus name    

Obey every instruction given to you today

I am an obedient child

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I Am Directed By His Word

I Am Directed By His Word

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know you can be directed by His Word? Now, imagine traveling to an unknown destination and you don’t have a map or guide. Imagine getting lost in an unknown city and having nobody to help you retrace your steps. Imagine being on a bus and the driver asks you for your destination and you are confused.

There is nothing as pleasant as knowing where you are going. It puts your mind at rest and gives you confidence. If the driver is taking a wrong route, you can quickly notify him or call the attention of others to it.

Such is the word of God. We are sojourners in this land, sure you must have heard that before. God, in His infinite wisdom, provided us with a map to guide us as we navigate this earth. We are not supposed to walk alone.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105 ESV

The word of God brings illumination. We receive light via the word of God. We receive direction when we study the word of God.

The word of God takes away confusion.

What does a lamp do? It helps you see. Put a lamp in a dark room and you will see the effect.

The presence of light eliminates darkness. This tells us that the word of God can flush out every dark and hidden area of our life.

As children, we should study and obey God’s word always. This will help us go through the path of life with the confidence that we are divinely directed in what we do.

Study God’s word before you leave the house

Oh Lord, direct me as I read and meditate on your word in Jesus name. Amen.

I am divinely directed via God’s word. I receive grace to obey God and His word.

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How Children Can Handle Pressures

How Children Can Handle Pressures

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As children, we are constantly faced with pressures from everywhere. There is peer pressure and the need to ‘feel among’. There is also the pressure to do well in our academics, so as not to appear wasteful before our parents.

We are also sometimes caught between pleasing our friends and pleasing our parents or teachers. Some other times, we actually wish our parents can understand.

In whatever situation we find ourselves, the bible is our guide, putting a balance to whatever our friends, teachers, parents or guardians say.

Let’s find out what Paul the Apostle has to say in times like this when you are faced with pressures.

Just be sure you live as God’s people in a way that honors the Good News of Christ. – Phil 1:27a [ERV]

Here, Apostle Paul says we should not do things that bring dishonor and shame to the name of Christ. He says regardless of the pressures you think you are going through, comport yourself and live as God’s people.

When you are at such crossroads, remember that other children around you are probably going through worse times. Also, remember that adulthood is all about pressures. So the way you handle it now will go a long way to determining how you will handle it in the future.

I love the way this translation puts it

Live as citizens who reflect the Good News about Christ. – Phil 1:27a [GW]

In all we do, we are citizens of heaven, let us live up to the expectation.

May God give us the grace to do so. Amen.

Oh Lord, help me to handle pressures well.

Action point:
List out the pressures you are going through currently and show them to your parents/teachers.

I do not cave in under pressure. I am coming out stronger than ever.

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