Warning: No Strange Fires

Warning: No Strange Fires

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Warning: No Strange Fires

As a child of God, a church worker, a minister, or even a Pastor, who constantly ministers unto God in any capacity, we are to serve God and minister unto Him in reverence and Holy awe.

It shows the state of our heart and it shows the kind of “fire” you are offering unto the Lord.

In the scriptures, there are two ministers who went to offer or minister unto the Lord, and yet they died.

Lev 16:1 (KJV)  
And the LORD spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered before the LORD, and died;

What did they offer?

What killed them?

Let’s find out here.

Warning: No Strange Fires

Leviticus 10:1-2   (KJV)
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

So the two sons of Aaron died because they offered strange fire unto the Lord.

What is strange fire?

The Amplified Bible calls it strange and UNHOLY fire.

So, we kind of know that this fire is unholy.

I think it is very simple. They ministered by burning incense and making a fire.

An unholy person will simply offer an unholy fire.

An unholy minister cannot minister unto God in a Holy way.

To further clarify, I looked up the word “Strange” in the context of the verse above from the Strong’s Dictionary and this is what I saw:

A primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane; specifically to commit adultery: – (come from) another (man, place), strange (thing, woman).

Take note of the word “lodging,”  “commit adultery.” and “strange woman”

Who are you “lodging” with as a single and yet ministering in the choir, ushering, etc?

Warning: No Strange Fires

I want to challenge you as a child of God, to make up your mind never to offer strange fire unto the Lord.

Sleeping around and yet holding the microphone to minister, sing or preach is offering strange fire unto the Lord.

While you might not have died physically because we are in a dispensation of grace, the reality is that some things may be dying around you.

Opportunities are dying.

Relationship with God is at risk.

Promotions, increase and destinies are dying.

God-ordained courtships are dying.

Eventually, physical death could follow as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5

Decide to do away with any strange fire as a child of God. Stop tempting the devil!

This is what KHC does! To warn!! And then to show you that God still loves you!

God doesn’t want you living a double life, pretending while practically on the way to hell.

He wants you to live well, live long, serve Him, and still make heaven!

Do it God’s way.

Do what God has commanded, not what your flesh is commanding.

Reach out and ask God to help you.

Make up your mind.

Disconnect with all unholy and ungodly alliances.

Stop all sexual sins.

Accept and know you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and decide to walk in the Spirit so that you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Your relationship is blessed.


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Handsome and Beautiful, That Is All?

Handsome and Beautiful, That Is All?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Handsome and Beautiful, That Is All?

Let him be tall and handsome. Deep voice. Six-packs. Muscular. Gentle giant.

I want her to be beautiful. Hot legs. Head turner. Bust and behind. The hips and the lips. Slayer.

You write down a list. Great.

As a teenager, do you remember, when you think love, that’s all you wanted?

Fast forward many years after, priorities have changed.

Handsome and Beautiful, That Is All?

Married folk will tell you that some things will not be for life.

Some are great and work at it and they look great for a long time.

But genetics and nature are not really nice to everybody.

So, married people will tell you that the “tall” may be there for life, but the “tall” is no longer straight.

Somewhere along the journey, pot belly showed up. Stubborn and recalcitrant, it refused to go.

Shebi you saw the dad before? Why surprised?

Son will resemble father now?

The deep voice remained, unchanging, but then it came with deep snores. It’s a total package. Melody unto the Lord.

The six packs. Eventually and eventfully collapses into an amusement park. A bald head showed up. Cream would not work.

The gentle giant. The giant remained. Gentle left. Only God knows where.

Oh, the lady?

Ever beautiful. The legs is still somehow hot, but they got bigger. She loves “swallow,” hot swallow, and so the hot swallow swallowed the hot in the legs and left the big legs.

She doesn’t like wearing short skirts again.

Head no longer turn.

Handsome and Beautiful, That Is All?

Bust outline is no longer clear, tummy got bigger, thanks to five bubbling children!

The hips got bigger, and the lips which you think are solely for kissing, now have the capacity to shade somebody! She is no longer a slayer, nobody is ready to die.

I have said all of these to tell you that you should not be rigid with your “list” when it comes to marriage.

Some things will not be forever.

So many factors like genetics, personal discipline, eating habits and so many others determine what a person will look like.

After you hit forty, the body slows down in breaking down food. More fat settle.

God knows the best for you.

Never ever marry someone you loathe or hate, but never ever reject someone God is leading you to because of your strict idiosyncrasies.

God has a marital map for you.

Follow it.

Trash your unrealistic list and find out the heart of God.

Psa 81:13 (MSG)  
“Oh, dear people, will you listen to me now? Israel, will you follow my map?

You want to marry a rich person. Will the person be rich for life? Will you divorce if he gets broke?

There are rich people on their way to being broke! And yes, there are broke people on their way to being rich!

God’s GPS is superior to the one your brain invented.

Cooperate with His leading.

Short people can be nice. And they can be nasty.

Tall people can be brutal. And they can be gentle.

Stop insisting. Start listening to God.

He’s got your back, and He has you in mind!

May God bless your relationship!


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Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Loved ones frequently abandon us. Life happens, and relationships fade.

What appears to be promising frequently falls apart.

Wedding arrangements are frequently canceled or shortened.

Jilting stories, abandonment stories, cheating escapades, and infidelity adventures are all common occurrences.

As a result, many leave.

What occurs in such situations?

People may walk away but God will never walk away.

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Let us delve at the scriptures.

Isa 54:10 (MSG)  
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won’t walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.” The GOD who has compassion on you says so

Eh! That should be read several times!

My love will not abandon you.

My peace covenant will not be broken.

Whoever wishes to walk away may do so, but as long as God’s love does not walk away, everything will work out for you.

I want you to look disappointment in the eyes and exclaim, “God’s love will not leave me!”

Stop sobbing.

Allow God’s love to heal you.

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

God utilized a nearly impossible scenario to demonstrate the depth of his love.

Mountains, as we all know, do not walk.

We all know that hills don’t just break apart.

But even if the mountain goes for a walk and never returns, and the hills disperse beyond repair, God promises that His love will not go!

Be optimistic.

Take pleasure in that love.

Swim in that ocean of love.

You will discover healing, restoration, and blessings beyond your wildest dreams in that love.

I’ll end here.

May you live long and prosper!


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From A Love Affair Into Marriage

From A Love Affair Into Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

From A Love Affair Into Marriage

Dexterity in asking a lady out is not the victory, getting married to a good woman is. Having a true help-meet in the journey of life is one the sweetest things that can ever happen to you.

Changing your status from single to “Engaged” is not yet anything to rejoice about, getting married to a good faithful, responsible man is where the victory is.

There are men who are very spiritual but are completely unromantic. They don’t know more than to be quoting Bible.

Such men will have Bible study first upon any meeting before they even greet you. It is good. You are a spirit but don’t forget you are living here on earth.

From A Love Affair Into Marriage

It is true that marriage is made in heaven, but it is also a truism that it is lived on earth.

On the other side of the divide, there are those who are very romantic, but their spiritual life is a write-off.

The most beautiful thing then is to have a romantic and spiritual partner!

The first and major step is to become that yourself. Become the kind of person you want to attract.

Relationships don’t work out because you are convinced.

It works out because you work at it.

Relationships don’t work out because you really love the person.

It works out because you first love yourself.

Forgive easily.


Work on becoming better.

Keep improving.

Read and study.

Going into relationships and coming out over and over again is not God’s plan for you.

Sit down and find out what went wrong.

From A Love Affair Into Marriage

Learn all you can learn.

Slow down. Don’t rush into a new relationship immediately after a failed one.

If you skip this process, the relationship will soon end as well.

I am praying for you, God will pilot your relationship into marriage in Jesus’ name.

All things will work out together for your good.

God will fill your mouth with laughter.

God will collapse all the wasted years and bring beauty from the ashes.

All will be well with you, this is my prayer for you this day.

Be blessed!


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Three Love Lessons You Can’t Miss

Three Love Lessons You Can’t Miss

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Three Love Lessons You Can’t Miss

1. Love can be intoxicating

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.” (Son 1:2, KJV)

Love can be like wine. It can be intoxicating. It can make you lose all sense of logic. It can make you disown friends and even family members sometimes.

Before you taste the wine of love, know what you are doing and that you are of age.

Before you allow him to kiss you with the kisses of the mouth, make sure you are married. When you get intoxicated at the wrong time, it can really be counter-productive.

The Bible says it is not good for man to be alone, but it is perfect for boys to be alone. You can be thirty-five and still be a boy if you have not learned how to delay gratification.

In marriage, the wine can often go low and so the couple must do everything possible to keep the wine up and be intoxicated with each other.

2. Love is more than a feeling

Love starts as a feeling, but for it to last it must graduate into a decision and a commitment, howbeit, you must not allow the feelings to die.

Passion is very necessary, but you must decide. Yes, there are times you wake up and there is no iota of feeling. Not even one drop. What do you do at such times? Do you divorce? No, you wake up with the feeling. You get some new wine into your marriage because you have made a decision to be with that person you love.

He that hath an ear….

3. Fall in love with God first

Finally, fall in love with God first. That is the foundation of all successful love stories.

God is love. So, in other to find true love, find God first.

Before you embrace that man or woman, have you embraced mercy first? Before you spend time with that man, have you tarried in His presence?

These are fundamental principles that make relationships work. You cannot ignore God for long before everything comes down crashing!

Get into God’s word first and learn His principles, then these principles will guide you to make proper and quality decisions.

I pray for you this morning, you will not fall in love with the wrong person. I pray for you in the name of Jesus, God will give you fresh wine in your marriage in Jesus’ name. There is a Yoruba prayer, “O ni gbe eegun eleegun o, loruko Jesu! Meaning, you will not marry the wrong person in Jesus’ name!

I curse that spirit of confusion in your life in Jesus’ name! I come against every militating spirit over your destiny, I proclaim you free in Jesus’ name, and I declare it is well with you in Jesus’ name! For everyone going through a storm in marriage, I declare, Peace! Be still! In Jesus’ name!


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