Reading Time: < 1 minute

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Loved ones frequently abandon us. Life happens, and relationships fade.

What appears to be promising frequently falls apart.

Wedding arrangements are frequently canceled or shortened.

Jilting stories, abandonment stories, cheating escapades, and infidelity adventures are all common occurrences.

As a result, many leave.

What occurs in such situations?

People may walk away but God will never walk away.

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

Let us delve at the scriptures.

Isa 54:10 (MSG)  
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won’t walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.” The GOD who has compassion on you says so

Eh! That should be read several times!

My love will not abandon you.

My peace covenant will not be broken.

Whoever wishes to walk away may do so, but as long as God’s love does not walk away, everything will work out for you.

I want you to look disappointment in the eyes and exclaim, “God’s love will not leave me!”

Stop sobbing.

Allow God’s love to heal you.

Managing Rejection and Disappointment

God utilized a nearly impossible scenario to demonstrate the depth of his love.

Mountains, as we all know, do not walk.

We all know that hills don’t just break apart.

But even if the mountain goes for a walk and never returns, and the hills disperse beyond repair, God promises that His love will not go!

Be optimistic.

Take pleasure in that love.

Swim in that ocean of love.

You will discover healing, restoration, and blessings beyond your wildest dreams in that love.

I’ll end here.

May you live long and prosper!


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