What are you Showing?
It’s just amazing how we are not intentional in curating the right atmosphere for our children to grow in. We end up raising children that will become a pain to us in the future. Listen, the atmosphere in which a child grows is important. A child that grows in an atmosphere of love will be full of love.
A home always filled with anger, shouting, physical abuse, etc. will raise a child who is damaged, regardless of what you tell that child. This is because children learn more from what they see than from what they are told. They learn more from YOUR SHOWING than from YOUR TELLING. If your showing is wrong, just keep your telling to yourself, because it’s your showing that will mold them.
So, what are you showing your kids?
Sometimes we deceive ourselves that children don’t see and know what’s going on. I came bearing new news today: they know! They see! They hear!
Dear husband and wife, what are you playing before your kids? Remember the sheep of Jacob? They eventually gave birth to that which they constantly looked upon (Genesis 30:37-39). As your children behold your relationship with each other, you’re molding something in them and that’s what they will give birth to in their lives. So, your marriage is not just about you and your spouse; it has a great impact on your children.
Dear singles, as you’re searching for a spouse, please have your children in mind. Go for a spouse who will help you in creating the right atmosphere for your children to grow in. Go for a spouse that will be the right example for your children. That man you’re considering, if your son becomes exactly like him, will that be okay? I just said to ask o…
The story of Abraham and Isaac, as they journey together to offer the sacrifice as commanded by God, is instructive. They get to a point in their journey and Isaac asks,
“…Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”
Genesis 22:7 KJV
Isaac must have been pondering on this for a long time. I’ve SEEN my father many times make sacrifices. There’s always the wood, the fire, and the lamb. What’s going on here now? Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?
The point is this: Isaac knew the rudiments of a sacrifice because he had been following his dad and watching him. Abraham was SHOWING.
The question again is: what are you showing?

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