What is a snare?
A snare is a device or trap employed to capture or confine an animal against its will. Historically, fowlers (bird hunters) utilized snares to capture birds.
In Psalm 124:7-8, the term “snare” is employed metaphorically to convey a situation characterized by peril, oppression, or confinement.
Psa 124:7-8 (AMPC) We are like a bird escaped from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped! [8] Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
The psalmist is comparing God’s rescue to a bird escaping from a hunter’s snare.
In a broader sense, the snare can represent any kind of trap, temptation, or bondage. The passage expresses gratitude for God’s deliverance and protection.
Guess what? This is exactly your story!
You’ve escaped!
Not only did you escape, but the trap was invalidated, rendered useless, null, and void!
You’re free!
Jesus has done something incredible for you and me. We’ve been freed from all sorts of traps, temptations, and bondages! Praise be to God!
You’re meant to live a triumphant life, not a defeated one like you’re still trapped!
And guess what? The next verse says your help comes from the Lord!
Live in the reality of the help that God has given you.
In your relationship and marriage, celebrate what God has done for you!
Soar like an eagle and don’t get caught up in the messes of this world.
We have a similar promise in Psalm 91, which says the same thing we have in God!
Psa 91:3 (KJV) Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
Effective immediately, embrace the reality of that freedom and accept all the divine assistance that God bestows upon you in the name of Jesus.
Good morning!

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