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Ten Tips For Finding Joy As Single Or Married. Singles and married couples alike are frequently sidetracked by the ups and downs of life. Here’s a reminder of what you should do to each other on a regular basis, as well as how to do it.

1. Please pray your spouse 

Allow it to be genuine. This allows you to bring God’s help to bear on your behalf. Genuine prayers for each other will help keep you together. Reduce disagreements and increase prayer periods.

2. Call each other every day.

The problem is not whether you will see each other later in the day; the issue is that communication is the lifeline of any relationship or marriage that can survive. Keep in touch. Send SMS. Use chats.

3. Exchange gifts on a regular basis.

Ten Tips For Finding Joy As Single Or Married

It does not have to be costly! But it must be touching. Take note of what I said: exchange gifts, not gather gifts! Those small actions serve to keep the fire burning in your relationship and marriage.

4. Tell him or her how God is dealing with you through His word.

Whatever God tells you in your devotion or personal walk with God will bless him or her for as long as it blesses you. When you want to do that, you don’t have to make it look like you’re in another service, but you should make it as natural as possible.

5. Be encouraging to one another.

You are his biggest fan. You are her biggest fan. Don’t put each other down. Don’t waste your time and energy on criticism. Because you are the closest person, your opinion counts for a lot.

6. Forgive one another so that your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

You’re not flawless, are you? So, rather than becoming a judge, gently overlook and forget any flaws that are designed to appear.

Ten Tips For Finding Joy As Single Or Married

7. Make corrections with love.

Do you realize that it can take up to nine affirming statements to accommodate and see one critique as it should be seen? But you know what people do? They make nine harshly critical statements and one or none of the affirming statements. That will not have a beneficial outcome.

8. Seek to assist one another in following God’s directions.

You have the most influence. Don’t tempt him or her to sin. Stay on the straight and narrow and assist him or her in resisting temptations.

9. Don’t fuel each other’s flaws.

Instead, you should balance him or her out because you will always be stronger in areas where he or she is weak. Make yourself ready to assist him in standing. Be there to assist her in saying no to evil. Don’t be perceived as an accomplice in crime or wrongdoing. Allow him or her to state, “I believe my loved one; he will never compromise.” Trust one another and keep your trust safe.

10. Make sure you have a mentor with whom you communicate on a regular basis.

Sometimes the most heated disputes and disagreements can be resolved with a few simple comments. That is God’s grace upon our lives and this ministry: to provide positive assistance in crisis-ridden couples and godly advise to those in courtship.

Accountability to others who have done what you are attempting to achieve is really wise. Stay close to these devotionals that have helped many marriages and relationships around the world, discuss it from time to time, and continue to make improvements! So, God help us!


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