Has your husband ever told you that you are not talking to him well? It is either he says you speak in a disrespectful manner or you are not just logical.
My own husband used to tell me that often. I used to wonder how best to speak to him. My own husband is very, very intelligent, coupled with the fact that he is a strong choleric. You really have to make a lot of sense to get his attention.
To prove a point is a very bad move because it will not just work. So I quit trying to make a point.
I discovered a secret that has helped me and I believe will help every woman out there. I am not talking about remote controlling your husband to do as you say, but to have regards for what you say.
Your husband will respect what you say more when your words are weighty and carry power. You know in the world, the wives do charms so that their husbands can listen to them. But we believers have the real thing.
I am not talking about native intelligence or academic prowess. I am talking about possessing the spirit of wisdom and understanding that comes from God.
And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. – Acts 6:10
See it in the Amplified version
But they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and [the inspiration of] the Spirit with which and by Whom he spoke. – Acts 6:10
It is possible to possess such intelligence and wisdom that your husband will not be able to refuse you, shut you up, or won’t listen to you.
You don’t have to be manipulative with your words, no auto planning, no rehearsals before speaking.
The fact has been established that you can speak with intelligence. But how can one come to the point where you have such a spirit?
You cannot learn it from school or from your parents or mother. What was the secret of Stephen? He was full of the Holy faith and the Holy Ghost as recorded in Acts 6:6
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So Stephen was a man dedicated to the study of the word of God and prayers.
When you give yourself to the study of the word of God and you become controlled by the Holy Spirit, you will possess an intelligence that will be beyond your age.
You will speak with much grace and power. You will not be forceful or manipulative but your words will be gracious. The Holy Spirit will give you insight and foresight.
You will advise your husband and your advice will turn out the best decision. By the next time, he will seek counsel from you. He will disregard your words and treat your words with levity. He will come to respect you and honor you because of your intelligent words.
This is what my mentor possesses and that is what I am getting. I am giving myself to the study of the word and to prayers.
I have made up my mind to go for wisdom in words and in deed, so that I will become relevant and impact my generation. You too can take on the journey of being full of faith and the spirit of God.
God bless your marriage
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am full of wisdom and the spirit.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Pray for the spirit of wisdom
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Acts 6:10 [KJV]And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Take out time to pray in the spirit
You should learn to guide your thought pattern. Let’s take a look at a relay race. Have you ever watched a relay race before? Four people in a team will have to complete a set amount of distance, each covering a distance before passing the baton to the other person.
This continues till the last person takes the baton and finishes the race. The last person holds all the chances of the team either winning or losing the race.
Now, imagine your THOUGHTS, WORDS, and ACTIONS as members of a relay team. Who do you think will start the race? Who will be in the middle and who will end the race?
Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Prov. 4:23 ICB
Your THOUGHTS will definitely start the race because they are what inspires or fires up the rest. Their speed is an advantage to the team. They birth the whole process and come from deep within you.
If you don’t teach them to run within the lines of the racetrack, they will run the race as they like and hamper the chances of the team winning the race.
Prayer: Lord, help my thoughts, words and actions start and finish their relay well in my mind, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action point: Check your thoughts always, watch your words, don’t jump into acting instinctively. Pray about these three areas.
Dear children, there are several lessons you can learn from the story of creation.
The creation story can be found in
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. – Genesis 1:1-4
Let’s go through it one after the other.
1. The power of words.
God created this beautiful world by speaking it into existence. Learn to use your words positively.
There is power in your words, so use it as a creator, just like God.
2. God called forth Light first.
This means that it’s one of the most important things in this world. You know how you feel when light brightens a dark room?
The Bible calls us the light of the world. Be the light wherever you find yourself. Solve problems. Standout and make a difference.
3. God saw that what he had done was good.
Always evaluate yourself when you do something, and always aim for the best.
As a child of God, we are to act like our father, so we shouldn’t do anything less than excellent.
We will continue on this line tomorrow.
Prayer: Lord help me to be creative with my words. Amen
Yesterday, we talked a bit about your thoughts, and learnt that we should guard our thought pattern. Today, we will talk about your words and actions. Your WORDS receive the baton from your THOUGHTS. They continue the race but if your thoughts leave the racetrack, they make your words run the same way.
Your words do as they like also and continue to the race.
Your ACTIONS finish the race. Whatever way your actions pass the baton to them is how they will finish it. If the baton is received wrongly, the race will end in a disaster.
Disaster can only be averted if the race starts well with your THOUGHTS good and passing the same goodness to your WORDS who pass this same goodness, finally to your ACTIONS, who end it healthily.
The only way to have a healthy ending is if you know and remember what the word of God says about your thoughts, words, and action.
To obey God is a sign that you love Him. And God likes it when we obey Him. It makes Him bless us more and more.
Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Prov. 4:23 ICB
May the Lord help you with your thoughts, words, and actions. Amen.
Prayer: Lord, help my thoughts, words and actions start and finish their relay well in my mind. Let me guard my thought well in Jesus’ name. Amen
Action point: Check your thoughts always, watch your words, don’t jump into acting instinctively. Pray about these three areas.
Declaration: My thoughts, words, and actions are guided by the word of God.