Have you ever wondered what God’s Word will do for you? Alright, start by thinking about what a lamp does? It gives light to a dark area, right? Dark areas are beyond the physical dark places in your environment that require you to switch on the light or use a torch to see.
The unseen dark areas of your life include the times when you are unsure of what to do out of maybe confusion, fear, or pressure.
While in these dark places in your heart and mind, you need light and not a physical light but the light of God.
Divine light instantly lights up everywhere, driving out shadows and making you see well. This divine light is God’s word, the bible.
The psalmist in chapter 119 and verse 105 acknowledges what God’s word does for him.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” – Psalm 119:105
This shows that with God’s word as your light, you won’t lose your footing. You won’t fall into any form of sin, fear, confusion, or bow down to any form of pressure from anyone to make you commit a sin. And even if you happen to want to fall, His word will still help you not to fall.
His word won’t let you fall for they will lighten up your path. They will give you an understanding of any situation you are facing at school, home, or anywhere.
His word will teach you how to handle the situation. He will guide you on what to say, do, or how to act.
God’s word is very powerful. Able to guide, teach and save you from any challenges you might have. His word is also able to show you how you could have managed past problems.
This way, when such situations rise up again, you already know how to handle them.
Remember this verse when you seem not to know what to do. Go into God’s word and let his light keep your feet firm and your path bright.
The issue of communication in marriage cannot be over emphasized. Think about it, before that relationship started, you had to communicate your love to her.
In preparing for the wedding, you had to do a lot of communication. The problem is a lot of couples stop communicating after marriage.
Words are powerful. Jesus said words are spirits. Spirits don’t die, therefore words don’t die. Jesus said you will account for everything you say.
You can build your marriage with right words and you can ruin it with wrong words. Whilst doing my Master’s Degree programme in Communication and Language Arts, a professor told us in class something simple but powerful.
In communication, the speaker and the hearer are very important. Until what is said is perceived and understood by the receiver, there is no communication. The question is “are you listening to her?”
Spend time with your spouse. Discuss from time to time. If you don’t give your spouse attention, you will be shocked of the extent he/she can go just to get attention.
In some countries, listeners are hired and paid just to listen to women talk. That is how important communication is.
Whatever happens in your marriage, don’t stop communicating. Learn your spouse’s love language, that is his/her password!
You see, out of the abundance, of the heart, the mouth speaks… If you are on his/her mind, there will be communication! When you are rendered incommunicado in a marriage for whatever excuse, it is not a good place to be.
If your marriage is defective, you can still make amends today!
He stands at the door of your heart and knocks. If you open the door for him he will come in right now and realign your marriage.
May God give you more understanding.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My mouth is full of right words. The opening of my mouth is unto wisdom and grace.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Spirit of God, fill my mouth with right words over my spouse, children and family
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Pro 18:4 The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Fix a time for a hearty discussion
“Hullo dear, have you slept?” “No, I have not, I am listening! I heard the last thing you said.” The truth is that you have dozed off.
It has happened to me many times, and I am sure it has happened to you as well. My wife is talking to me on the bed, and I have dozed off. I am trying to listen to her because it is a legitimate need of hers, but the son of man is tired!
Somebody said women speak more words than men. A man speaks an average of ten thousand words in a day, but a woman speaks about twenty-five thousand words! There are exceptions, though.
The man is back from work and he has probably exhausted his 10,000 quota since he derives his self-esteem and fulfillment from work.
By the time he is coming back home, he is done for the day, words have been spoken with friends, colleagues, clients, employers, employees, on the phone and so on. He wants to come back home, eat, listen to news, check a few mails, make love to his wife and sleep!
The wife too has probably exhausted 10,000 words at work, but by the time she is home, she still has 15,000 words bubbling in her! It is even worse if she is a housewife! She has nobody to talk to and so people around her say she nags, making repetitions and all that. The fact is that she needs to talk!
So the wife asks her husband “How was work today?” He answers “Fine!” If he is in a good mood, he adds a few more words like, “oh baby, my day was cool, Thank God!”
She is worried he is not talking, but the guy is in no mood to talk.
The husband asks the wife, “how has your day been? And he regrets afterwards! That was all she needs to unleash the words that have been brewing in her like a molten magma. The volcanic eruption of words is so massive; the guy wants to walk away. So she starts from when she woke up, and goes on and on, and the man is wondering: “What did I ask, what is she narrating!”
You see, that is a woman for you and you must not mute her or shut her up! Let her talk! Don’t make a mistake of shouting her down all the time or quieting her! It is a legitimate need of hers.
When a woman has no fear of God and this legitimate need of hers has not been met, she might succumb to the traps of the devil and get that legitimate need met through illegitimate means, which of course will be detrimental to the marriage and the home!
There are people out there who are waiting to capitalize on your insensitivity to your wife and take advantage of that emotional gully created by lack of communication.
You see, a lady becomes emotionally connected to the person she talks to!
To be continued…
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My mouth is full of right words. The opening of my mouth is unto wisdom and grace.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Spirit of God, fill my mouth with right words over my spouse, children and family
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY (Pro 18:4) The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Fix a time for a hearty discussion
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3 KJV)
Here are ten things that God’s word will do for you.
1. God’s word will clean up your past
It doesn’t matter what your past looked like, the word of God, anointed in and of itself, will wipe the slate clean for you! It is almost unbelievable and incredible to the human mind, but in one stroke of sacrifice, Jesus paid the price on your behalf. The past should never hold you to ransom again. You have been made free. The mistakes of yester-years can no longer bear its fangs at you today!
2. God’s word will birth hope for your future
After your past is forgiven and forgotten, the same word of God will birth hope in you. This hope is a necessary ingredient to help you receive the fullness of God. All of a sudden, light dawns on your heart and hope comes alive, that it is not over, after all.
3. God’s word will produce faith in your heart to conquer the world.
Faith comes by hearing God’s word. As you hear and read more of God’s word, faith will rise in you. Why is faith so important? It is with faith that you will wrought victory in God!
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:4 KJV)
See it in Message Translation:
Every God–begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. (1 John 5:4 Message)
Did you see that? Faith that comes through God’s word has the power to bring the world and its systems to its knees! Glory to God!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am a student of the word
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Ask for the grace to stay with the word
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Josh 1:8[NET]This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.
The bible makes us understand the immense power of words. Words can build up your future or break down your life.
Prov. 13:2 “Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys his life.” (GNB)
This verse cautions us to watch what we say as our words are so powerful to create what we say.
Our words can make or break us. What we say is what we see and become. The words you speak have an impact on your life.
The more you keep complaining about a situation, the more it worsens. Rather, choose to say positive words about it.
You don’t deny that there is a problem, but you choose to look at it through positive lenses.
Use words that show you believe the situation will get better and won’t last forever. You have to keep believing that and let your actions show you believe.
You can choose to say things like “I am grateful that my parents are giving me an education.
I will meet and make nice, God-fearing friends here.
Things will work out well for me.” and so on.
So, when next you feel like complaining about a situation or someone, remember to choose your words wisely.
God bless and keep your words safe.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your grace that helps me speak wisely. I will continually speak positive, pleasant, and life-giving words as from today. In Jesus name. Amen.
Action plan: Start to speak positively about your life
Parents: My children speak edifying words because they know the power of words.
Declaration: My children are mindful of what they say. Their lips are guided into all truth.