What To Look For in A Prospective Wife

What To Look For in A Prospective Wife

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Core Values and Beliefs

When considering a potential wife, aligning core values and beliefs is paramount. These shared principles are the foundation of a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship, often determining the harmony and direction of the partnership. Core values are essentially the deep-seated principles that guide an individual’s actions and decisions. They encompass areas such as religious beliefs, ethical standpoints, family values, and life goals.

Religious beliefs play a significant role in many people’s lives, influencing their traditions, practices, and worldviews. A couple with similar religious convictions typically find it easier to navigate decisions regarding worship, religious ceremonies, and the upbringing of children. Conversely, differing religious affiliations can be a source of tension, especially when these differences are deeply ingrained and impact daily living.

Ethical standpoints also hold considerable weight. These are the moral principles that guide what an individual deems right or wrong. Couples who share similar ethical views are more likely to agree on critical issues such as honesty, integrity, and social responsibility. For instance, if one partner values transparency while the other practices secrecy, conflicts may arise, eroding trust and respect over time.

Family values, including the importance placed on family bonds, traditions, and responsibilities, are another crucial consideration. Partners who prioritize family in similar ways can harmoniously plan gatherings, handle familial conflicts, and support each other in family obligations. A mismatch in this area can lead to disagreements about the time devoted to extended family, parental responsibilities, and even financial priorities.

Finally, shared life goals are essential for a couple’s future planning. Whether it’s career ambitions, lifestyle choices, or financial aspirations, having a common vision ensures that both partners are working towards the same objectives. For example, if one dreams of a nomadic lifestyle while the other desires stability, compromise becomes challenging and dissatisfaction inevitable.

In summary, aligned core values and beliefs foster a supportive and understanding relationship. They serve as a guiding light during challenges and as a shared platform for celebrating successes, ultimately strengthening the bond between partners.

Emotional Intelligence and Communication

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a pivotal trait to consider in a prospective wife as it profoundly influences relationship dynamics. Emotional intelligence encompasses several key attributes including empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. These traits facilitate a deeper understanding between partners, helping to navigate the complexities of married life.

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is fundamental in a relationship. A woman who demonstrates empathy not only provides emotional support but also fosters an environment where both partners feel heard and valued. This creates a foundation for mutual respect and understanding, critical components of a lasting marriage.

Self-awareness is another essential aspect of emotional intelligence. A self-aware individual is capable of recognizing their own emotions and how they affect their behavior and interactions with others. This awareness extends to understanding their partner’s emotions, leading to more thoughtful and considerate responses during interactions.

Emotional regulation, or the ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy way, can significantly impact a couple’s ability to resolve conflicts. A prospective wife who can maintain calm and composure in stressful situations contributes to a stable and harmonious home environment. This trait is particularly valuable in long-term commitments where challenges are inevitable.

Effective communication is intertwined with emotional intelligence. It involves not only expressing one’s thoughts and feelings clearly but also actively listening to the partner. Effective communicators can navigate conflicts more efficiently, ensuring that misunderstandings are minimized and that both partners feel understood.

Observing these traits in a prospective wife can involve paying attention to how she handles disagreements, her response to stressful situations, and her ability to express emotions constructively. Real-life scenarios, such as her interactions with family and friends, can provide insights into her emotional intelligence and communication skills.


In essence, a woman who exhibits strong emotional intelligence and communication skills is likely to contribute positively to the relationship, fostering emotional intimacy and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Compatibility and Shared Interests

Compatibility and shared interests form the bedrock of a thriving marriage. When seeking a prospective wife, assessing these elements can forecast the longevity and quality of the relationship. Marriages where partners share common hobbies, compatible lifestyle choices, and intellectual synergy often thrive on mutual enjoyment and support.

Similar hobbies provide a platform for shared experiences and quality time spent together. Activities like hiking, cooking, or reading not only foster closeness but also reduce stress and invigorate companionship. Engaging in joint activities can help partners understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, thereby nurturing a robust bond.

Aligning lifestyle choices is equally vital. Whether it’s preferences around fitness, dietary habits, or social engagements, having congruent lifestyles minimizes friction and enhances daily interactions. For instance, if both partners value a healthy lifestyle, they are more likely to support each other’s wellness goals, thus encouraging mutual growth.

Intellectual compatibility adds another layer of depth to a relationship. Engaging in meaningful conversations, debating ideas, or sharing intellectual pursuits can provide endless topics for discussion, keeping the relationship dynamic and mentally stimulating. Intellectual compatibility allows couples to admire and respect each other’s perspectives, establishing a foundation of mutual respect.

It is crucial to identify and cultivate shared interests. Couples can explore new activities together to find common ground, thereby expanding their shared repertoire. From taking cooking classes together to signing up for book clubs, jointly exploring new areas can strengthen the relationship.

One must also recognize the importance of maintaining individual passions. While shared activities are crucial, having separate hobbies allows for personal growth and prevents the relationship from becoming too insular. Striking a balance between togetherness and individuality ensures a well-rounded and healthy relationship.

In the realm of marriage, it is inspiring to look at stories of couples who have successfully navigated both similarities and differences in their interests. For example, a couple who shares a love for travel might revel in planning adventures together, while another where one partner loves reading and the other is passionate about sports might find joy in exploring each other’s worlds. Such stories highlight that while shared interests are invaluable, embracing and respecting individual passions can also enrich the partnership.

Commitment and Future Plans

When selecting a prospective wife, the significance of a shared vision for the future cannot be understated. A unified outlook facilitates a seamless path forward and ensures both partners are heading in the same direction. One essential element is openly discussing career aspirations. It’s crucial to understand each other’s professional targets, whether they encompass ambitions for career growth, starting a business, or achieving work-life balance. This transparency can preempt potential conflicts and harmonize long-term career plans.

Equally pivotal is the topic of family planning. Couples should discuss their desires regarding children—when to have them, how many to have, and their parenting styles. Aligning these aspects early establishes a foundation for a cohesive family life. Financial outlooks also demand attention. Evaluating each other’s attitudes toward saving, spending, and investing is integral to formulating a concrete economic plan. Financial compatibility can significantly reduce stress and foster a stable household.

Commitment lies at the heart of any enduring relationship. A future wife’s readiness to work through challenges and resolve conflicts is indicative of this trait. It’s beneficial to have conversations about dealing with potential life setbacks, as they shed light on each other’s problem-solving skills and resilience. Assessing a partner’s long-term commitment involves observations of their reliability, consistency, and dedication to mutual goals.

In gauging a partner’s readiness to build a future together, pay attention to their willingness to plan and make decisions collectively. Participating in activities that require joint decision-making, such as planning a trip or managing joint finances, can provide insights into their commitment level. Ultimately, a shared vision for the future, combined with mutual commitment and the ability to navigate life’s adversities together, forms the backbone of a thriving marital relationship.

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Introduction: Proposal Experience.

In advising others on proposing to a lady, I often suggest not emulating my approach. My proposal occurred early one morning, precisely at 6:30 a.m., right after our morning devotions. The setting was the Campus Hall of Popoola Hospital, within the premises of Ogun State University, during the third week of February 1996. Unconventionally, I had not yet bathed, dressed simply in a black trouser, a short-sleeved shirt, and bathroom slippers. The decision to propose at that moment was impulsive, spurred by a vivid vision I had experienced the previous night. The urgency of the vision propelled me to act without delay.

1. Being Certain About Whom to Marry.

Today, I want to delve into the topic of how to be certain about choosing your life partner.

As a tripartite being—composed of spirit, soul, and body—you operate within these three realms, each playing a distinct role in heart matters.

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that God communicates with you through your spirit. If you seek guidance from the divine, listen closely to the promptings of your inner being, your spirit, or your inner man. This underscores the significance of prayer, particularly praying in the Spirit or speaking in tongues. Engaging in such practices enhances the sensitivity of your inner being, enabling you to discern God’s voice on any matter, including matters of love and marriage thereby enabling you to choose your life partner.

2. Listening to the Inner Being

Indeed, hearing God’s guidance through my inner being was precisely how I discerned that Sophia was destined to be my wife. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, an unmistakable certainty washed over me. It’s akin to tuning in to frequencies on a radio set; as a child of God, you become attuned to divine direction and wisdom.

choosing your life partner

As the scripture affirms in Romans 8:14 (KJV), “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” This inner knowing, this spiritual leading, is a hallmark of being in tune with God’s will.

However, despite this deep conviction, I took no immediate action for nearly a year. Patience is essential in choosing your life partner.

3. Renewal of the Mind

Within the second realm of existence lies the mind. What God communicates through our inner being, we process through our minds. The extent to which our minds can align with God’s guidance depends on their renewal. This renewal occurs gradually as we immerse ourselves in God’s Word and study diligently. Regular attendance at church and daily devotionals contribute to this process of mind renewal, for the Word of God holds transformative power. This process is essential in choosing your life partner

4. Dealing with Doubts and Fears

In my mind, doubts and fears crept in. Despite my love for Sophia and the conviction in my spirit, I grappled with uncertainties. Questions nagged at me: Was she truly meant to be my wife? Would our union be blessed with children? What if I had misinterpreted the signs?

In such moments of doubt, the remedy lies in returning to the source of the original guidance: the Spirit within. Through prayer in the Spirit, seeking clarity and confirmation, I sought reassurance. Was I on the right path? Was this truly God’s plan for me?

As I prayed, a sense of assurance welled up from within, like a river flowing from my innermost being, washing away the doubts and fears. Yet, if despite my prayers, the fears persisted, and peace remained elusive, it signaled a need for further discernment. It was crucial to ascertain whether God’s leading was indeed guiding me in this direction.

Despite the initial fears and uncertainties, prayer in the Spirit consistently brought clarity and certainty. Each time I prayed, the doubts dissolved, reaffirming my conviction that Sophia was meant to be my wife.

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30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage by Eno Jerry Part 2

30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage by Eno Jerry Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes

30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage by Eno Jerry Part 2

We started on this yesterday and we will conclude today.

19. Manage Expectations

It’s normal to fantasize about marriage and picture the ideal relationship. However, unrealistic expectations can damage a union if not addressed. When two individuals commit their lives together, compromise is necessary.

No one is perfect, so don’t expect your partner to meet all of your emotional or physical needs without also meeting theirs. Appreciate your significant other for who they are, not who you imagine them to be. Small irritations that seemed minor before may bother you more as a married couple.

20. Find Purpose

Also, your partner should not have to fulfill your purpose or identity. While support is important, relying on them solely for happiness places unfair pressure on their shoulders. Maintain interests and friendships outside the marriage for balance.

Similarly, allow your partner space to follow their dreams too. Whether it’s furthering education, changing careers, or pursuing hobbies, encourage each other’s goals. Make time for activities you each enjoy separately as well as together.

21. Be Flexible

Compromise means considering your spouse’s perspective and finding solutions that work for you both. Be willing to bend when possible and don’t just think of yourself. With patience and teamwork, you can overcome challenges as a united front. Going into marriage with realistic views sets the stage for a fulfilling partnership built on mutual understanding and support. Unmet fantasies often stem the root of dissatisfaction.

22. Work on Communication

Strong communication serves as the foundation for any healthy relationship. However, speaking and listening with understanding do not always come naturally and require effort. As a couple, make developing this skill a priority.

Start by listening without judgment or assumptions when your partner speaks.

Focus fully on what they say rather than thinking of your response. Ask clarifying questions if needed so you can see things from their perspective. All these are important before marriage.

When sharing your feelings or needs, do so respectfully using “I statements” instead of accusations. Say something like “I feel upset when you forget our plans because I was looking forward to our time together.” This avoids placing blame.

Discussing disagreements kindly helps resolve issues rather than letting them fester. Come prepared to compromise rather than demand your way. Take breaks if tensions rise so you can return to difficult topics with clearer heads.

23. Don’t Sweep Issues Under The Carpet.

Small problems become big ones if not addressed. So talk through everyday annoyances before they accumulate. Catching issues early gives the best chance of a resolution that satisfies you both. With practice, you’ll strengthen your ability to communicate supportively as a team.

Healthy communication habits take work but are well worth establishing as the foundation for a strong marriage. Facing challenges together through respectful discussion helps deepen understanding and intimacy between partners

24. Seek Counseling if Needed

Even couples excited about marriage may have areas to improve before tying the knot. Pre-marital counseling provides an objective third party to help identify issues and give you tools to build a healthy relationship.

Before Marriage

A counselor can guide meaningful discussions that you and your partner find difficult alone. They’ll prompt reflection on your backgrounds, values, expectations, and communication styles. This helps ensure you see eye to eye on important topics and are ready to support each other.

Working through any existing problems with a professional also gives the best chance of overcoming them. Bottled-up resentment or unresolved conflicts from your past are less likely to negatively impact your marriage.

Pre-marital sessions teach relationship skills like active listening, “I statements,” compromising, and managing conflict. Practicing these with guidance strengthens your bond and ability to face challenges together down the road.

Don’t be afraid to seek counseling if you notice areas of concern. It takes courage to address problems head-on with your partner and a counselor. But it provides so much benefit to working through difficulties before marriage rather than hoping they’ll disappear after “I dos.”

With counseling, you’ll feel confident that you and your significant other are fully prepared for the commitment of marriage. Your union will be built on a strong foundation of understanding, trust, and communication from the very beginning.

25. Signs It May Not Last

While every couple faces obstacles, some partnerships show red flags indicating deeper issues. If several of these signs apply to your relationship, seriously consider whether you and your partner are ready for marriage. It’s better to acknowledge problems now rather than later.

26. Lack of Commitment

One or both individuals are not fully bought into the marriage. They are not willing to put in the effort it requires through good and bad. One or both feet may still be out the door. Before marriage, this area should be sorted.

27. Inability to Solve Problems

Major conflicts over important issues like finances, intimacy, or in-laws are left unresolved. Partners lack effective communication skills and are unable or unwilling to find compromises. This is a crucial area that needs to be addressed before marriage.

28. Unrealistic Expectations

One or both have an idealized, fantasy view of marriage and relationships rather than a realistic one. They expect their partner to meet all their needs and resolve all their issues. Before marriage, unrealistic expectations should be discarded.

29. Lack of Trust or Respect

There are underlying trust issues due to past hurts, different values, or personality clashes. Partners disrespect one another through insensitive words, dismissal of feelings, or private criticism. If this happened before marriage without check, it will still happen afterward.

30. Frequent or Escalating Arguments

Disagreements happen, but true red flags include arguments that end in personal attacks, name-calling, or one partner trying to control the other through anger or tears.

Take time to reflect on whether any of these signs ring true for your relationship. Addressing concerns with counseling before marriage gives the best chance at a healthy union built to stand the test of time.

30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage – Eno Jerry Eze

30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage – Eno Jerry Eze

Reading Time: 4 minutes

30 Shocking Realities Before Marriage

1. Before You Enter that Marriage.

If you want to build a strong and lasting relationship, learn from other people’s mistakes. In this devotional, I will share my personal story and the issues I faced in past relationships. I will show you how anger, disrespect, and blaming others can damage your bonds. More importantly, I will explain how change is possible when you take ownership of your weaknesses.

2. Parents as Models.

Growing up, I witnessed frequent arguments and even physical fights between my parents. As children, my brother and I would cry and beg them to stop fighting to no avail. Witnessing these conflicts shaped my views on relationships from a young age.

3. Growing up in a quarrelsome home.

It was all I knew to see parents constantly quarreling, even in front of us kids. My parents loved us but they didn’t understand the impact their fights had on our development. We learned that resolving conflicts through yelling and aggression was normal.

4. The impact on children.

Seeing your parents fight regularly leaves scars. As a child, it makes you feel unsafe and stressed. Subconsciously, it can influence you to repeat similar behaviors in your own relationships later in life. I believe growing up in that environment is what made me prone to anger issues and arguments as an adult.

5. Arguing and fighting as weaknesses.

In my teens and early adulthood, I saw arguing and even physical fighting as normal behaviors. I took pride in “winning” fights and felt validated when others were impressed by my aggression. However, these were clearly weaknesses that would damage my relationships if not addressed.

6. Owning your faults instead of blaming others.

For a long time, I blamed my parents and upbringing for my anger issues. I thought it wasn’t my fault since that’s all I knew growing up. But the moment you realize your parents’ actions don’t define you, change becomes possible. You have to own your faults instead of making excuses for bad behaviors. No one else can change you but yourself.

7. Examples of anger issues from my past.

Looking back, I see many examples of how my anger ruined past relationships. I would blow up over small things and say hurtful words just to win arguments. I never respected my partners’ feelings or tried to understand other viewpoints. My anger was like a monster that I couldn’t control.

8. The impact on relationships.

Is it any surprise that those relationships didn’t last? No one wants to be with someone who constantly yells, blames, and shows anger without reason. It destroys trust and communication. Both parties always feel on edge, like walking on eggshells. Respect and care fade away when anger takes over. I didn’t realize it then but my behavior was emotionally abusive.

9. Making the decision to change.

It took hitting rock bottom, with the failure of yet another relationship, for me to realize I had to change. I decided to seek counseling to understand the roots of my anger and how to manage it better. This was the first step to taking control of my life and weaknesses.

10. Seeing positive changes with time.

Learning new coping skills like active listening, expressing feelings respectfully, and taking a breather to calm down when angry – these techniques really helped. With practice over months and years, I saw real differences. Fewer outbursts, more patience, and greater control over my emotions. My relationships became far more peaceful than before.

Before Marriage

11. Communication skills to develop.

Some key skills I worked on include: listening without interrupting, using “I feel” statements, finding compromises, validating feelings, and apologizing when wrong. These small changes in how you interact go a long way in making the other person feel heard and respected.

12. Showing respect for your partner.

Beyond communication, it’s important to respect your partner’s individuality and make them feel cared for through little gestures. Saying thank you, doing small favors, giving compliments, and making time for each other daily all show you value the relationship. Respect is the foundation of any healthy bond.

13. Growth and healing in my own marriage.

I met my husband a few years after starting my personal journey. By then, I had learned so much and was still learning. Of course, new challenges would come up but I had better tools to handle them respectfully. Our communication is honest yet caring. We make each other feel valued every day.

14. Advice for others based on my experience.

If you struggle with anger or past hurts influence you, don’t delay getting help. Your future relationships and mental well-being depend on it. Also, keep learning from your mistakes; that’s how you keep growing. Finally, value your partner and meet them with compassion – this will take you very far.

15. Get to Know Your Partner.

Getting to know someone fully takes time. Before marriage, it’s important to truly understand who your partner is at their core. Spending quality time together in different situations can help reveal important things.

16. Date Nights.

Plan regular date nights where you engage in meaningful conversation without distractions. Ask questions and really listen to learn about each other’s upbringing, values, life experiences, and goals. Did you grow up similarly or differently? What matters most to each of you?

17. Understanding.

Also, make an effort to understand your partner’s relationships with family and friends. How do they interact with loved ones? What role will family play after your wedding? Knowing how to navigate in-laws can help prevent future issues.

Be open about topics that affect your future too, like finances, children, faith, and careers. Discuss expectations for these areas to ensure you are compatible. It’s better to address any gaps or disagreements now rather than be surprised later.

Make quality time together a priority, even when busy with work or other commitments.

18. Conversations.

Continuing meaningful conversations throughout your relationship helps you and your partner grow closer emotionally and practically. Going into marriage with a solid understanding of each other sets the stage for a healthy bond.

I will continue from here tomorrow. Be blessed!

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Reading Time: 3 minutes

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya


I agree that wrong marriages can seriously damage our lives and futures. In this post, I will discuss Dr. Olukoya’s guidelines on 40 types of marriages that must be avoided. By learning to identify and steer clear of such unions, we can protect ourselves from unnecessary hardship. I will explore each kind of problematic marriage and explain why it should not take place.

Number 1. Fast food marriages.

Fast food marriages are based solely on physical attraction and lustful desires, rather than true love and compatibility. When the initial infatuation fades, as it always does, the relationship collapses. Marrying for looks or sexual chemistry alone is a recipe for divorce once those surface-level attractions disappear.

Number 2. Serpent in the pocket marriages.

A “serpent in the pocket” marriage is one where one spouse hides their real character flaws and intentions until after the wedding. Once committed, the deceptive person’s true colors emerge, often in a toxic manner that poisons the relationship. Founding a marriage on deception lays the groundwork for major betrayal and breach of trust down the road.

Number 3. Marrying the enemy.

Marrying someone you perceive as an enemy or competitor is asking for trouble. Unresolved negative feelings like dislike, mistrust, or a history of conflict do not make for a solid foundation for marriage. Even minor disagreements can easily escalate when underlying enmity exists. It is usually best to maintain distance from adversaries rather than legally binding yourself to them through marriage. Trying to change an enemy into a spouse often backfires.

Number 4. Marrying late in life hastily.

Those marrying later in life after previous relationships have ended may feel lonely or pressured to settle down quickly. However, rushing into marriage without properly evaluating the partner’s character can be imprudent. When loneliness or deadlines override good judgment, marriages entered into hastily tend to end in regret. It is wise not to compromise the standards of a compatible life partner just to avoid singleness. Taking the time to know someone fully is critical for long-term success.

Number 5. Half and half marriages.

Half-and-half marriages combine two incompatible halves that are doomed to clash. This occurs when partners of different faiths, cultures, or backgrounds enter marriage with unresolved differences. Over time, disagreements over issues like religion, in-laws, or child-rearing tend to intensify rather than diminish tension. For lasting peace, spouses must be fully united.

Number 6. Red Cross Society marriages.

Red Cross Society marriages refer to unions formed due to accidental pregnancy before marriage. While having a child does require responsibility, rushing to marry the other parent does not guarantee the couple is ready or suited to building a healthy family together long-term. Careful discernment is still needed.

Number 7. Demonic consultation marriages.

Demonic consultation marriages were explained as occurring when a partner seeks guidance from occult forces like astrology, witch doctors, or other ungodly sources rather than relying on God’s will. Putting faith in spiritual powers runs contrary to biblical teaching and exposes the marriage to harmful manipulation and control from demonic entities. God alone should direct our paths.

Number 8. Witchcraft marriages.

Witchcraft marriages are those involving spouses with a background or family history steeped in witchcraft, idolatry, or other demonic practices. Such spiritual baggage has toxic consequences, as the marriage itself may become a battleground for conflicting spiritual influences and ideologies that undermine harmony.

Number 9. Syringe marriages.

Syringe marriages occur when a partner has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Substance issues often stem from deeper problems, and getting clean is a long process even after rehab. Marrying an unreformed addict risks exposing yourself and any future children to harm from relapses or associated unhealthy behaviors. Stability must be established first before committing to such a union.

Number 10. Diabetes marriages.

Diabetes marriages involve partners with uncontrolled medical conditions like diabetes that require intensive management. The strain of caring for an ill spouse’s needs can drain both physical and emotional resources from the relationship. Health must be reasonably stable to ensure both spouses’ well-being and ability to fulfill their roles before marriage

Number 11. Marrying out of pity.

Marrying out of pity rather than genuine love or compatibility is unfair to both partners. Pity seeks to fulfill an ego need to help someone, but true care requires considering the other person’s long-term well-being and ensuring the relationship is healthy for both sides. Otherwise, it risks becoming a crutch rather than a partnership.

In conclusion, while the heart wants what it wants, marriage is not merely an emotional affair but a serious life commitment. Entering without fully considering factors like spirituality, values, health, background, and long-term goals nearly guarantees problems down the road. Rather than acting on fleeting feelings or circumstances, take time to carefully discern true compatibility in all areas before making a vow. Building on a firm foundation of mutual understanding and agreement increases the chances of a stable, fruitful union.