From Resolutions to Results: How to Stay Consistent All Year Long

From Resolutions to Results: How to Stay Consistent All Year Long

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s the beginning of a new year. As usual, energies are high, and spirits are pumped up. Resolutions are made occasionally, with everyone hoping to do better. I’m excited too, but I also know that, like every other year, it’s only a matter of weeks and everybody will return to square 1. Well, not everybody. A few will truly become better and end up having a better year. But the majority? Ehm, I didn’t say anything.

Yesterday, we mentioned that consistency is an important area to grow in. If you don’t grow in consistency you will be among the majority that will drop out before the end of the 1st quarter. I know you don’t really want that. So I will be sharing with you some ways you can remain consistent through the year. Let’s go!

The first is: beyond setting resolutions, set executions. What do I mean by this? Instead of setting resolutions—saying things like I’ll do better in my marriage this year, I’ll grow in my career this year, I’ll read more books this year, etc.—make them executions—specific things you will start doing like I will take my family out every 3rd Saturday of every month, I’ll take so so course by so so time, I’ll read one book every month, etc. What this does is to set your body for action.

Secondly, set structures to ensure you fulfill your executions. Don’t just end at listing them out, set structures that will ensure you do them. It may be as simple as setting a reminder for the beginning of every third week that will remind you of your family outing or as complex as actually looking for the courses you wish to take and registering for them, even if it’s making a commitment payment. How do you seek to ensure you read a book every month? Maybe you can set a particular time for your reading daily. Maybe you can tie it to a habit you already have. Just think, and set structures that will make you do what you have said you will do.

Finally, I would say be accountable. Accountability is one way to ensure you do what you want to do. Sometimes, for some people, desiring to do something doesn’t mean they will end up doing it. So, find someone who can hold you accountable for your executions. Someone who will keep asking you, “How far?” Accountability can even be as simple as voicing out what you want to do to people. Merely saying it to the hearing of others will help make you committed to it. Tell your family members you will be taking them out every third Saturday, and your children will hold you accountable. Hahahaha.

Cheers! To your growth.

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

Now, let’s take a look at the physical symptoms of a guy that will not marry you.

1. He will not introduce you to any authority figures in his life.

He will not introduce you to his Pastor, (you don’t have any business with a man that doesn’t have a Pastor in the first place) nor will he introduce you to his parents. He will refrain from any action that could validate or stamp that marriage commitment. When you see this sign, it is an indication he is not really ready for marriage.

2. He keeps postponing the wedding date several times and keeps on procrastinating.

The date never comes and yet he keeps on telling you he loves you. Well, the date may never come!

3. He will tell you that you are number one on the list of his girlfriends and that you are very lucky.

He will tell you that even though he still sees his other girlfriends; you are the first on his list. You see, you don’t have any business being in this kind of relationship as the trend will continue after marriage and can threaten the marriage itself.

4. He is very jealous and he is very suspicious of you.

He does not trust you because he has a feeling you are doing the same thing he does. To the pure, all things are pure, to the impure all things are impure!

5. He does not want you fiddling with his phones so that you won’t discover the love tantrums going on via SMS and chats.

He sometimes keeps his phones “passworded” or tells you out rightly he doesn’t want you with his phone. 

Don’t get into sinful adventure because of frustration, don’t try to satisfy the cravings and the emptiness of your heart with drinking or partying or sleeping around, run to your maker, the re-writer of history, the one that shows mercy to whom he will, the one that can reconfigure your life, and when you do that in faith, He will surely answer you.


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For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. – Psalm 31:3 (KJV)


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Ten  Decisions That Can Turn Your Relationship Around

Ten Decisions That Can Turn Your Relationship Around

Reading Time: 3 minutes

2Sa 8:15 ERV – David ruled over all Israel, and he made good and fair decisions for all of his people.

This morning, I want to write to you by the Spirit of God on a few things you can do that are guaranteed to turn your life around for good. Life is about decisions!

Think about yesterday and look back at the number of decisions you made alone yesterday.

The life you are living now is a consequence of the decisions of yester-years. The life you will live tomorrow is a springboard from the decisions you are making today.

Every MAN has M-A-N seasons. That is Morning, Afternoon, and Night!

The problem is that the consequences of bad decisions made in the morning of one’s life do not show until nighttime!

You are probably in the afternoon season of your life now. The mistake of the morning season does not fixate you into a permanent regret night-time.

You can change what your tomorrow will look like with strong decisions.

The challenge behind making decisions is that habits and comfort zones will be confronted, most times painfully. But it is the price you must pay to move forward.

If you want a different result in your life, you cannot continue to do things the way you have been doing them.

Here are the decisions to make. The list is not exhaustive, however.

1. Decide to have a relationship with God.

You cannot go far without this. Your life could be ended with a gentle breeze like when you blow off a candle-light, and that would be it. Fear Him who created you and have kept you alive! Be grateful for the gift of life by giving your life back to Him!

Mat 10:28 (MSG) “Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands.

2. Decide to fellowship with God daily.

You need that daily renewal and rejuvenation or you will soon be wearied. Weariness at its peak can bring suicidal feelings. Be wise!

Isa 40:31 (MSG) But those who wait upon GOD get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.

3. Always seek the help of the Holy Spirit.

As a believer, you have been configured to succeed only with His help. Without Him, you will not have dominion over sin.

Gal 5:16 (KJV) This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

4. Decide to be accountable.

Don’t live your life recklessly. Deliberately get a mentor or pastor over your life. That is how you are preserved. Get somebody over your life that you can call on the phone anytime for wisdom! Stay in touch with that person. Give to him. Pray for him. That is how to be a good protégée.

1Ti 4:14 (TPT) Don’t minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life, for it was imparted to you by the laying on of hands of the elders and was activated through the prophecy they spoke over you.

5. Decide to stay off iniquity.

Don’t cut yourself short and jeopardize your destiny because of exuberance. Zip up! Stay away from all sexual sins. Be a man, not a boy! Ladies, preserve your virtue! Stay faithful to your spouse. Don’t trifle with pre-marital sex!

2Ti 2:19 (KJV) Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

I will stop here and continue tomorrow.

I chose to make quality decisions that will advance my life. 

Lord, help me to be disciplined with my decisions.

Galatians 5:16, NLT: “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”

Read your bible 

Gal 5