Storms are a part of life. They are inevitable. It’s either you have just faced a storm, you are presently facing one or you will face a storm in the near future. Storms are also called challenges. As believers, God wants us to face and overcome whatever storms life throws at us because He has equipped us. Victory comes after overcoming challenges, and that’s where we get the crown.
In life, no one ever gets a crown without overcoming something.
There are, however, strategies for overcoming our peculiar storm. Storms may come in the form of financial difficulties, barrenness, health issues, misunderstanding, etc.
Let’s look at the scripture
Isaiah 40:31 [KJV] But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.
God wants us to be like eagles that soar when the wind is contrary. The eagle does not flap its wings to fly but uses the wind to its advantage to soar.
This singular ability distinguishes the eagle from all other birds. It’s the ability to soar.
But the secret to soaring above whatever challenges we may be facing is our ability to wait on the Lord.
Waiting on the Lord is not worrying, it’s not complaining, it’s not thinking about problems, it’s not crying, it’s not getting depressed. It is spending (by discipline) quality time praying in the spirit and worshipping God, then He gives us the supernatural ability to soar above the storm.
Don’t concentrate on the storm. Take your eyes off the storm. The storm was mentioned once. So the focus should be on you. You mount up with wings as eagles, you, run and are not weary…
As you focus on yourself and what the Holy Spirit can do in and through you, you begin to receive strength, strategies, wisdom, and divine favour and before long, you will overcome whatever challenges life throws at you.
There is no shortcut to a life of victory. It is a praying life. Jesus said, “Men ought to Pray always”. Praying in the Spirit or praying in tongues works like magic. It generates miraculous power that the devil cannot master.
I encourage you to do this and victory is on the other side of the storm.

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Global Prayer and Praise Storm Challenge