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Four Destiny Questions You Should Ask Before Falling In Love

Life is a journey of destination that only God knows and understands its beginning and ending (Jeremiah 1:5). This is why you shouldn’t take your purpose discovery lightly; it is a determinant of the answers to your existence.

There’s a primary assignment that is committed to every individual on earth and that assignment is greater than the purpose that life offers after your arrival on earth (Ephesians 2:10).

Here are four destiny questions you should ask yourself:

1. Who am I?

The discovery of YOU is the awareness of what God has embedded into you. I want you to understand that everyone has a reason for being here. That reason is to propagate God and His work. So, take a deep breath and ask yourself, who am I? (1 John 3:1)

2. Why am I here?

Your existence on earth is never a mistake and if you’re an afterthought child, you’re still not a mistake because there’s a greater reason why you’re here; to compliment and fill up the space God has created for you. (Isaiah 43:21)

3. What is my purpose?

The moment a man gets to a stage in life and that big question pops up, the depth of your existence is about to be revealed. Purpose is the real intent of your creation and this can only be found in God. God is the revealer of our assignment on earth, so cling to Him and He will direct your paths (Jeremiah 29:11)

4. Where am I going from here?

There’s something we call CLARITY in the journey of life. This clarity doesn’t uncover all the details you need to finish the journey but it will give you a heads-up to start. In other words, whatever God has shown you is enough to start, clarity unfolds as you progress in the journey. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

How do I navigate through the journey of discovering ME?

1. Build a personal relationship with God

2. Read the word of God daily and meditate on it

3. Pray always and develop your spirit man.

4. Have a mentor or a spiritual parent to guide you on the journey

5. Stay committed to doing the will of God in every area of your life.

