Five Ways To Prevent Regrets. I will give you a quick rundown of the top five things you should never do in a relationship.
Five Ways To Prevent Relationship Regrets
1. Refrain from becoming engaged if there is significant and persistent resistance from the family.
The blessing of one’s family is essential. The consent of one’s parents is not an outdated concept. The person you hope to spend the rest of your life with did not fall from the sky. Someone or at least two people gave birth to them. Respecting this reality is a prudent course of action.
Even as married couples, these dynamic relationships with families have to be properly balanced.
Five Ways To Prevent Regrets
2. If he cannot be held accountable, don’t go ahead.
Holding oneself accountable is an indication of meekness and humility. Someone who can converse with them and get their attention is necessary. No one truly lives on their own.
There is potential for conflict if he does not have a pastor or a mentor who watches over him.
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After the wedding, continual accountability is a must for married couples.
Five Ways To Prevent Regrets
3. If he doesn’t have a vision, you should not become engaged.
A man who is able to see where he is heading and acts accordingly is known as a man of vision. Even while he might not be aware of all the specifics, he does have an idea. That is a model of a good leader to follow.
As married couples, develop a family vision if you don’t have one. Google “Family vision” and you will get ideas.
Five Ways To Prevent Regrets
4. Don’t get attached if he/she just broke up
Don’t rush. Wait for some time to pass. The process of healing is very significant. Don’t carry around the hurt and pain of others when you haven’t experienced it yourself.
Five Ways To Prevent Regrets
5. If there is no sign of peace, do not proceed.
This is of the utmost significance. The presence of peace is a sign of God’s favor. Don’t put on a false front or you’ll regret it later.
Don’t try to persuade your emotional self. Let there be an actual and genuine state of peace.
As married couples, ensure you don’t take a step unless you have this peace of God!
If you steer clear of all of these, I promise you that you won’t have any regrets in the name of Jesus.