Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. Our Marriages will not crash in Jesus’ name. However, there are indications or tendencies we should guard against.
These indications are sure signals that marriage will crash.
Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash. What are they?
1. When the couple lives in deception
No marriage can be built on deception. Deception is a sandy, fragile, frail, and flaky foundation that would seem to hold a marriage for a while, but will give in, and crash eventually.
Deception brings with it, false promises and this even becomes intense when both husband and wife are deceiving and lying to each other.
It is a matter of time before the loud crash is heard around and beyond.
Pro 27:6 (KJV) Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
It is even worse if the couple knows they are in deception, and they keep encouraging each other rather than seeking help.
2. When the couple lives in isolation
A couple that lives in isolation will die in desolation.
It is not a curse, it is a predictable end.
A couple that has nobody speaking into their lives is at risk.
There must be a place you are drawing from.
Who can you report your spouse to?
If there is nobody, something is not quite right.
Who mentors your marriage?
Whose marriage models yours?
Find that person prayerfully and stop fighting alone.
There are battles you can fight for days in a marriage that could have been ended by wisdom in a few statements in the heart of someone around you.
Pro 25:12 (KJV) As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.
A wise reprover is likened to precious jewelry with which you adorn yourself and come out beautifully.
Do you want a beautiful marriage?
Do you desire a beautiful home?
Then my question is, “who is your wise reprover?”
If you have none, then prayerfully find one together and agree on being mentored.
May God give you more understanding! These are the Two Indications That A Marriage Might Crash
Be blessed!
I will go for wisdom
Pray that God will lead you to the right mentor
Pro 25:12 (MSG) And a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger.
Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse
Romans 11
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