Reading Time: 2 minutes

Speaking in tongues isn’t just for praying alone as most people would think. As much as the Holy Spirit blessed you with this gift to pray to God, He also gave you the ability to worship God by singing and speaking with the same tongues.

You can be speaking in tongues and be worshipping God with it. Have you ever heard adults in church saying people should worship God in another language, our heavenly language? You see, it is something that the Spirit of God empowers believers to do – not just adults, but children also.

While worshipping God in tongues, the Holy Spirit can magnify it for you and lead you to start singing in tongues as well, as worship to God. You may not know what you are singing, but you shouldn’t be bothered by this because God knows what you are singing. You are not singing rubbish; no you are not! You are only worshipping God in the language of heaven and all heaven is dancing along with you. How amazing is that? Angels dancing as you sing; very amazing.

The benefits of doing this are, worshipping God in tongues takes the burden of constructing words for worship. You also, won’t need new words to worship God with because you are speaking or singing in a language that is divinely renewing itself. Unlike using an earthly language that everyone knows what a word means. A heavenly language can mean so many things at different times. The third thing about it is that it helps you keep your focus on God.

Hallelujah! May the Spirit bless you with a massive gift of tongues to worship the King of kings. Amen.

Lord, give me a stream of tongues that I may release my worship through them to you. I want to sing songs and worship in tongues to you. In Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen.

Action Plan:
If you have the gift of tongues, use them to sing to God. If you don’t, find someone to minister it to you. or ask the Holy Spirit for it.

Read yesterday’s article here


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