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The Whistle of God Against Your Enemies

God is blowing the whistle!

Zechariah 10:8 (MSG)  
I’ll whistle and they’ll all come running. I’ve set them free—oh, how they’ll flourish!

Yes, God will whistle and that spouse will come running!

God will whistle and set you free from all oppression! 

God will whistle and you will flourish in all you lay your hands to do. 

But you see, there are many uses of the whistle!

In a football game, the whistle is put to many uses.

The whistle is used to start play, 1st or 2nd half and after a goal

But it is also used to stop play

1. for a free kick or penalty kick
2. if the match is suspended or abandoned
3. when a period of play has ended due to the expiration of time

Take a look at this scripture before we look at the different scenarios. 

Psalms 9:5 (MSG) 
You blow the whistle on godless nations; you throw dirty players out of the game, wipe their names right off the roster.

God is blowing the whistle on every godless entity harassing your destiny!

God is throwing all dirty players away from your life.

God is wiping off names of deceivers, froward men, liars, strange women off the roster of your destiny!

 No more distractions for you!

1. For a free kick or penalty kick

Every pretentious lover who is planning to commit fouls in your life, God is blowing the whistle on them.

No more will you be cheated on the field of play!

God is the referee!

No longer will you attract time wasters, destiny killers, distraction entities, and wicked men.

Your marital life will no longer be a field of play with countless fouls from energy-sapping players who have no intentions of walking down the aisle.

For married couples, God is blowing the whistle on every side chick, on every man or woman out there distracting your spouse, God is blowing the whistle on them! 

God will referee your marriage and cause the winning goals to be on your side! You will no longer play against each other but work towards a common goal!

Good morning!


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