Ten Wisdom Points For Singles and Couples
Here is a ten-point advice for singles and younger couples from a perspective of 20+ years of marriage:
- Commit to lifelong faithfulness.
Make your vows before God and keep them through thick and thin. Fidelity and loyalty are what will see married couples through in all seasons of life. Even as singles, beware of someone who is already cheating on you. They will not likely change
- Be besties for life!
A happy marriage is built on the foundation of a deep and abiding friendship. Make time each day to connect, laugh together, and be each other’s best friend. Don’t marry someone who is not a friend!
Two are better than one…if one falls down, his friend can help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
- Communicate respectfully.
Listen to understand each other, not just reply. Handle discussions and disagreements with care, respect and keep it like your lives depend on it.
- Be flexible.
No one always gets their way so meet halfway when you don’t see eye to eye. Focus on understanding each other, not being right.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:3
- Forgive and forget.
Resentments poison relationships. When mistakes come up, go with mercy and leave the past in the past.
- Pray together daily.
God must be at the center of a Christian marriage for guidance, provision, and keeping you united in purpose.
- Practice acts of service.
Look for ways to lighten each other’s load through selflessness instead of entitlement. Consider your lover more important than self.
- Be quick to affirm, slow to criticize.
Appreciation and validation strengthen the bond between a husband and wife more than criticism ever can.
- Manage money responsibly.
Harmony in finances prevents stress and arguments. Agree on a budget, save for the future, and hold accountability.
People who want to get rich fall into temptation…which plunge them into ruin and destruction.” 1 Timothy 6:9-10
- Enjoy each moment together. Even when busy, carve out time to connect, have fun and cherish this partnership as God’s gift. Cherish each other always.
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