Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ten Things God’s Word Will Do You

God’s word is powerful. 

As a single or married couple, you should surround yourself with that word. Listen to tapes, read books, read it online, hear it in church, read it on KHC, and by all means, keep feeding your inner man. Your success and stature in life are predicated on your studious habit of God’s word.

And don’t for a minute let this Book of Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. (Joshua 1:8 Message)

Do you know that some of the frustrations that you are going through right now as a single or married couple can be terminated by God’s word?

Do you know that some of the greatest questions in your heart right now can be answered when you read and study God’s word?

Do you know that some of the greatest puzzles and enigma in your heart can be dissolved by God’s word?

Do you know some of the hidden things that seemed oblivious and far-fetched can be unraveled and brought to the fore by God’s word?

All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:3 KJV)

Here are some things that God’s word will do for you.

1. God’s word will clean up your past

It doesn’t matter what your past looked like, the word of God, anointed in and of itself will wipe the slate clean for you!

It is almost unbelievable and incredible to the human mind, but in one stroke of sacrifice, Jesus paid the price on your behalf.

The past should never hold you to ransom again.

You have been made free.

The mistakes of yesteryears can no longer bear their fangs at you today!

To be continued tomorrow


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