Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

In life, there are moments when it feels like everything is falling apart. Times when doubt creeps in, and it seems like there’s no way out. Marital problems, challenging relationships, and seemingly endless struggles can leave us feeling trapped and hopeless. It’s in these moments that some people give up on hope and stop praying. They start to believe that there is no way out. Job searches become futile, and well-meaning individuals reinforce the idea that there’s no brighter future. But is it the end of the road?

Embracing Hope Amidst Adversity

When multiple voices join in, all echoing the same sentiment that there’s no help from God, what should you do? Even when it feels like God has abandoned you, and others question your faith, there’s a message of hope to be found.

The 3rd Psalm, verse 2 (KJV) speaks to this very issue, “Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God.” 

When your circumstances push you to the brink, it’s easy to feel abandoned by God. You may have even asked yourself, “God, where are you?”

But, let me convey a message of hope to you today. The very next verse, Psalm 3:3 (KJV), reads, “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” 

It’s crucial to remember that God’s perspective is different from human judgment.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

The Power of Faith

No matter what others say, with God, all odds can be overcome. The Lord serves as your shield, your source of glory, and the one who will lift your head. When people try to lift your head, they will soon realize it’s a job reserved for Jehovah alone. Men may believe they cannot offer any help, but the Lord is different.

The distinction between “God” and “Lord” is deliberate. If God is your Lord, you can find solace knowing that it’s only a matter of time before He lifts your head. “God” is a universal term, but “Lord” signifies a personal commitment.

When you declare, “He is my Lord,” you are affirming that He is your owner. You belong to Him, and He will lift your head in every area where it’s bowed. In times of struggle and shame, God will intervene.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

Your Victory Awaits

God is the lifter of your head, and you’re destined for victory. 

Just think about Joseph, who went from being a prisoner to a prime minister. 

Consider Rahab, a harlot who became the great-grandmother of Jesus. 

David, a shepherd boy, and forgotten sibling, rose to become a king. 

Jabez became more honorable when God lifted his head. Even an illiterate Nigerian bread seller was featured on CNN after God intervened.

When God raises your head, remarkable transformations occur. The possibilities are endless, and God’s blessings know no bounds.

Dear Pastor, Is There A Way Out For Me? 

A New Beginning

What can’t God do? Your life is about to take a new turn. Doors will open, jobs will become realities, and promotions will follow. Your wedding day is on the horizon, and the right partner will find you. Your marriage will be great and beautiful. You will hold your children in your arms. When God lifts your head, no one can bring it down.

Believe it. From today, the hand of the Lord will be evident in your life. Rejoice, for a new chapter is beginning in the name of Jesus.


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The Science of Foolishness

The Science of Foolishness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Science of Foolishness

Hey there! We all do silly things sometimes, even grown-ups. It’s just part of being human. Nobody’s perfect, so don’t worry if you’ve made mistakes. But what’s important is that we learn from those mistakes and do better next time. 

It is important to take an inventory of yourself because the foolishness of the foolish does not allow him to identify his foolishness, he sometimes thinks, the wise are the foolish ones!

Sometimes, you need the help of another to be able to see your foolishness because foolishness blinds. 

In Matt. 23:17, 19, Luk.11:40 and Luk. 24:25, Jesus actually referred to some people as fools.

So, let’s talk about what it means to be a foolish person.

The Science of Foolishness

1. Despising wisdom and instruction

Being wise means respecting good advice and learning from it. But a foolish person doesn’t care about wise words. They think they know it all.

Pro 1:7 AMP
The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline.

The Science of Foolishness

2. Making Fun of Important Things

Fools like to make fun of important stuff, like God and knowledge. They prefer to spend time jesting, watching films lazily, and wasting time on social media all day long.

Pro 1:22 NIrV
“How long will you childish people love your childish ways? How long will you rude people enjoy making fun of God and others? How long will you foolish people hate knowledge?

The Science of Foolishness

3. Ignoring Warning Signs

Sometimes, people see trouble coming but walk right into it. He deliberately steps into evil. He calls it necessary evil!

Pro 13:19 GNB
How good it is to get what you want! Stupid people refuse to turn away from evil.

The Science of Foolishness

4. Hanging Out with the Wrong Crowd

Your friends can have a big influence on you. If you hang out with wise people, you’ll become wiser. Hang out with fools, and life will be messy.

Pro 13:20 MSG
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces

To be continued tomorrow!


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How To Make Your Parents Joyful

How To Make Your Parents Joyful

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Hello champ, let’s learn something new today!

See what the bible says in our focus verse;

A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother. –Proverbs 10:1(NIV)

One of the things you should work really hard at doing is making your parents happy at all times. God wants you to do this, that’s why it is mentioned in the bible.

If you want to be called a wise child, you should bring joy, and smiles to your father, and make your mother happy at all times.

The Bible defines this as wisdom.

It is also stated in the bible that when you as a child honour your father, and mother your days will be long on the earth. This is the only commandment with a promise.

It’s really important that you as a child prioritize the happiness of your parents. How do you do this?

It’s by thinking of their happiness in all your decisions and making sure that you obey them. Let me show you ways in which you can make your parents happy and be a wise child.

1. Obey everything they tell you

2. Pray for them all the time

3. Read your books and do well in school

4. Do your house chores without being told to

5. Be hardworking and diligent at all you do

6. Keep your books properly so they don’t get torn or missing

7. Honour elderly people around you

8. Be nice to your friends and siblings

You have to be intentional about making your parents happy, be deliberate about it, always do things that will make them smile, and before you do anything ask yourself; will mum and Dad be happy about this thing I am about to do?

If you do this all the time, you will see that you will gradually become mindful of their happiness every day.

Father in Jesus name, give me the wisdom to make my Parents happy always

Choose to do one thing  today to make your parents happy

I am a good child, I am wise. I have the wisdom to make my mum and dad happy all the time


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How To Be Directed By The Lord

How To Be Directed By The Lord

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, one of the benefits of being a child of God is being directed by him. How cool is it to have God tell you how best to do something, and then you realize it turns out right?

God loves to direct his children. God loves to give us instructions that help us arrive at the right answer all the time.

See what the bible says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. –Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

There are conditions to having God lead and direct you, it’s clearly written in this verse. Let me show you.

1. To have God direct you, you have to trust him. Trusting God means that you do not doubt what he says to you and regardless of the instruction you are given, you have to believe that since it’s God who is asking you to do it, it means it will turn out right.

2. For God to direct you, you have to lean on his understanding, not yours. This means that you rely totally on God’s wisdom and not yours, God has to be sure that you believe he knows better than you do, and that his wisdom is ultimate.

3. The last thing is to acknowledge God. Acknowledge that there is a God that is all-powerful and all-knowing, who watches over us all. God is keeping an eye on every person in the world and he is guiding and shielding us all at the same time.

After we have done these three things then God will direct us. How will God direct you?  

1. Through the Bible

2. Through the Holy Spirit in you

3. Through your Parents

Trust God today and he will direct you, and tell you the right thing to do all the time.

Oh Lord, help me to trust in you

Pray to God for direction.

I trust the leading of the Lord for my life


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One More Perspective To Wisdom

One More Perspective To Wisdom

Reading Time: 2 minutes


We are still talking and learning wisdom from the life and times of King Solomon. The truth of the matter is that we can never know it all.

Why do we keep on talking about wisdom? We do this because we learn everyday.

See another thing Solomon has to say about wisdom

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.” –Proverbs 9:10-12 (NIV)

Children, I want you to know that God abhors mockers. Mocking is a serious sin before God. Do you know that God destroyed some Israelites because of mockery?

Furthermore, Solomon’s father, King David, warned us about mockery. He told us no mocker will be blessed.

a BLESSED (HAPPY, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather. – Ps 1:1[AMP]

This tells us there are places you should not find yourself as a believer. There are gathering of mockers you are not meant to be found in. There are certain locations that should not be traceable to you.

I believe you want to be blessed even as you advance in age, then never give room to mockery. The resultant effect is that you will suffer alone.

May that no be your portion in Jesus name, amen.

Lord, help me not to be a mocker in Jesus name.

List out associations you should do without.

I am not a mocker.


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