Trusting God’s Plan Over Yours

Trusting God’s Plan Over Yours

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Trusting God’s Plan Over Yours

Have you ever prayed about something and then you imagine exactly how God should answer? Thinking, “He’ll do it this way, at this time, and everything will fall perfectly into place.” But then, nothing happens, or worse, God shows up in a way that feels completely opposite to what you expected. Frustrating, right? That was exactly how Naaman felt.

Naaman’s story teaches a valuable lesson. When prophet Elisha told him to wash in the River Jordan seven times, he was offended. Why? Because it didn’t align with how he thought God would work. Naaman expected a grand display of Elisha calling on God, waving his hand, and instantly healing him. Instead, the solution was simple and humbling.

How often do we do the same? We pray, but deep down, we’ve already imagined how God should answer. Maybe it’s healing, provision, or finding the right partner, and we’ve mapped out exactly how it should happen. Then, when God doesn’t follow our plan, we are disappointed, frustrated, or even offended.

But here is the truth. God’s ways are not ours, and His thoughts are far above ours as recorded in Isaiah 55:8. Like Naaman, we need to let go of our expectations and trust that God knows best. His instructions may seem unconventional, and His timing may stretch our patience, but His plans for us are always good (Jeremiah 29:11).

Are you waiting for God to send the right person, but it feels like the wait is too long? God is asking you to work on your character first. Perhaps in marriage, the journey looks nothing like the dream you envisioned. Whatever the case, always remember that God’s instructions may not always make sense to us, but obedience brings breakthroughs.

Naaman was only healed when he humbled himself and followed God’s word, even though it was not what he expected. In the same way, our blessings often lie on the other side of trust and surrender to God.

So today, let go of the“how” and“when.” Stop trying to control the process. Trust His plan, obey His word, and believe wholeheartedly that He has good things in store for you.

How to Build a Christ-Centered Relationship

How to Build a Christ-Centered Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The world is filled with shifting values and fleeting connections, however, building a Christ-centered relationship stands as a testament to lasting love that is rooted in faith. It’s more than just being together; it’s about aligning your hearts, values, and actions with God’s purpose for your union.  

A Christ-centered relationship thrives when both individuals are committed to walking with God, seeking His guidance, and allowing His word to shape their story.

This type of relationship does not rely on worldly measures of success; instead, it finds strength, purpose, and direction in Jesus Christ. The principles of a Christ-centered relationship can guide you toward a fulfilling and God-honoring partnership.

Here are seven key principles of building a Christ-centered relationship:

1. Make Christ the Foundation: A Christ-centered relationship begins with a personal relationship with Jesus. Both individuals need to prioritize their faith journey independently before they can align spiritually. When Christ is the foundation, your relationship is built on unshakable truth and unworldly expectations.  (Matthew 6:33)

2. Prioritize Praying Together: Praying together as a couple invites God into your relationship. It builds intimacy, creates unity, and allows you to seek God’s guidance for your future. Prayer is also a powerful tool to fight against misunderstandings and spiritual attacks that might arise.  

3. Practice Selfless Love: Jesus modeled sacrificial love, and we are called to do the same. This means putting your partner’s needs above your own, serving one another with humility, and seeking to outdo each other in love. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

4. Study the Word Together: Make Bible study a regular part of your relationship. This strengthens your faith and helps you navigate challenges. The Word of God offers wisdom on how to treat each other, resolve conflicts, and make decisions.  

5. Establish Healthy Boundaries: A relationship centered on Christ respects purity and holiness. So, set clear boundaries to protect your hearts and honor God. Have physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries to prevent situations that could lead to temptation.  

6. Take Godly Counsel: As long as you’re in the right spiritual community i.e. Church, you will find trusted spiritual leaders and married couples that can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

7. Purpose Before Propose: The description of your life partner’s revealed in the discovery of YOU and what God will have you DO. Have you discovered yourself? Have you started fulfilling your purpose? Can you both serve His kingdom together? Allow your love story to testify to God’s faithfulness and grace.  (Deuteronomy 32:30)


God is Working Out Your Justice

God is Working Out Your Justice

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God is Working Out Your Justice

I love God’s Word. It is the Container of God’s miracle-working power. When God wants to work signs and wonders in our lives, He moves according to His Word revealed to us.

Have you been in a situation where you need God to avenge you?

Have you ever been cheated by someone, a system, or life, or do you generally just need restoration with some compensation?

I was so glad and elated by God’s Word in Luke 14: 6-8. I read it in different translations. Let’s check Message

Luke 18:6-8 (MSG) Then the Master said, “Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?”

I feel like this year, God is set to do what only He can do -the Jehovah Sabaoth, the man of war, the God that vindicates, the God of justice.

The only solution to injustice is not to fight or lobby or complain or get discouraged or depressed and despondent, the only solution is to cry to the Lord.

How do we cry? In the NKJV, we see the answer.

Luke 18:7 (NKJV) And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?

The elect must cry to God DAY AND NIGHT.

If we can table our request for God to show us Mercy and vindicate us night and day, He promises to work justice for us.

Remember you are just a cry day and night away from God bringing you restoration and compensation.

Prayer Storm in the morning and Praise Storm at night afford us this opportunity.
The Lord will hear our different cries and answer us in Jesus’ mighty name as we do this.

Be blessed!

When God Surrounds You With Himself

When God Surrounds You With Himself

Reading Time: 2 minutes

David, a formidable warrior and a field marshal in every sense, fought numerous battles and emerged victorious in almost all of them.

But he experienced moments of intense emotional turmoil, reaching his lowest point.

One such instance occurred when his biological son attempted to seize his throne.

What happened? Did Absalom chase him away from his throne? Yes, he did.

Psa 3:1-2 (KJV) A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son. LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. [2] Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.

He was down as he attested that many others joined Absalom in the rebellion.
He recounted how many people abandoned him, and even some people claimed that God had forsaken him and refused to assist him.

Have you ever experienced situations where it felt like those closest to you betrayed your trust? Have you been disappointed by people you considered trustworthy?

Well, let me tell you about David. He prayed a prayer that I’d like to share with you!

Psa 3:3 (KJV) But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

There are four things in that one verse:

Relationship with God: But thou, O LORD
God, My protection: Art a shield for me;
God, my glory: My Glory
God, lifter up of my head: The lifter up of mine head.

Whatever challenges you’re facing, God will be there for you! Whenever you’re going through a stormy time, pray that prayer and God will show up for you!

Let’s take a look at The Passion Translation.

Psa 3:3 (TPT) But in the depths of my heart I truly know that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield; You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head when I bow low in shame.

Do you know what part I love the most? You take me and surround me with yourself!”

In the remaining days of this month and the days ahead, God will envelop you with His divine presence!
What else would you need apart from that? Walk into the coming days with that assurance that “God surrounds me!”

Good morning!

The Powerful Role of Intimacy in a Thriving Christian Marriage

The Powerful Role of Intimacy in a Thriving Christian Marriage

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Powerful Role of Intimacy in a Thriving Christian Marriage

When people talk about intimacy in marriage, the conversation usually jumps straight to physical stuff. But in a Christian marriage, intimacy is so much more than that. It’s about creating a deep, multi-layered connection with your spouse that goes beyond the surface. Whether it’s emotional, physical, spiritual, or intellectual, intimacy is what keeps the bond strong and the relationship thriving. Let’s break it down.

Understanding Intimacy: More Than Just the Physical

First off, emotional intimacy is HUGE. It’s all about feeling safe to share your thoughts, fears, and feelings with your spouse without judgment. When you and your partner are vulnerable and open, that’s when trust really grows. And trust? That’s the glue that holds everything together in a relationship.

Then there’s physical intimacy—yeah, we’re going there. But it’s not just about sex. It’s the little things too, like holding hands, hugging, and even just sitting close on the couch. Physical affection reassures your partner that you’re still invested in them emotionally and physically. It helps build a strong foundation for your relationship.

And let’s not forget spiritual intimacy. This is where things get deep. Praying together, going to church, and sharing your faith journey brings you closer, not just to each other, but to God. This shared spiritual connection creates a unique bond that strengthens your marriage at its core.


Lastly, there’s intellectual intimacy—yes, that’s a thing! Engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing ideas, and exploring new topics together stimulates your mind and brings you closer. It’s all about connecting on multiple levels and appreciating each other’s thoughts and perspectives.

The Bible and Intimacy: A Blueprint for Marriage

You know, intimacy isn’t just something we came up with—it’s rooted in the Bible. Genesis 2:24 says, “A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This verse isn’t just about the physical aspect; it’s about leaving behind your old life and creating something new with your spouse. You’re a team now—a unit.

Paul takes it even further in Ephesians 5:31-32, comparing the relationship between husband and wife to that of Christ and the Church. That’s a big deal! It shows that intimacy in marriage isn’t just about love; it’s about reflecting God’s love and grace through how you treat each other.

And don’t skip over 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, which talks about fulfilling each other’s needs—both physically and emotionally. The Bible makes it clear that intimacy is not just important, but it’s a way to honor each other and God through your marriage.

Emotional Intimacy: The Heartbeat of Your Relationship

Let’s dive into emotional intimacy a bit more because it’s where everything starts. When you’re emotionally intimate, you create a safe space where you and your partner can be real with each other. That means being vulnerable, sharing your fears, and trusting your spouse enough to let them in.

A great way to build this is through active listening. And no, that doesn’t mean just waiting for your turn to talk. It’s about really hearing your partner, validating their feelings, and not getting defensive. Even if it’s tough to hear, those conversations deepen your connection.

Being vulnerable is hard—no one wants to show their messy side. But when you do, you build a stronger, more honest bond. It’s like saying, “Hey, this is who I really am, and I trust you enough to show it.”

Physical Intimacy: More Than Just Sex

Yes, physical intimacy matters. But let’s clear something up—it’s more than just sex. It’s every little touch that says, “I’m here, and I love you.” From a simple kiss before heading out the door to cuddling while binge-watching your favorite show, these moments are powerful.

In a Christian marriage, physical intimacy is sacred. Genesis 2:24 reminds us that the physical union of husband and wife is designed by God. It’s a way to reaffirm your love and commitment to each other regularly.

And yes, sex is important too. It’s a way to bond on the deepest level—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But communication is key here. Talk openly with your spouse about your needs, desires, and expectations so you’re both on the same page.

Spiritual Intimacy: Growing Together in Faith

If you’re not praying together as a couple, start now. Spiritual intimacy is often overlooked, but it’s one of the most important aspects of a Christian marriage. When you pray together, study the Bible, or worship as a couple, you’re inviting God into your relationship.

Think of it as spiritual teamwork. Whether you’re praying about your hopes for the future, or challenges you’re facing, that shared faith journey will bond you like nothing else. When God is the foundation, you’ll find that other aspects of your marriage—emotional, physical, and intellectual—grow stronger too.

Intellectual Intimacy: Staying Curious About Each Other

Staying mentally connected with your spouse is just as important as being emotionally or physically close. Intellectual intimacy is all about being curious about your partner—what they think, what they’re passionate about, and what they dream of doing.

Have deep conversations, share your thoughts on current events, or tackle a new book or Bible study together. It keeps your relationship exciting and shows that you respect each other’s opinions and ideas.

Keeping Intimacy Alive: Overcoming Challenges

Life gets busy. Between work, church, and family obligations, finding time for intimacy can feel impossible. But the truth is, intimacy doesn’t just happen—you have to be intentional about it.

Here are some quick tips:

  • Date nights: Schedule regular time to hang out, just the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy—just intentional.
  • Check-ins: Weekly or bi-weekly conversations about how things are going in your relationship help keep things fresh.
  • Physical affection: Don’t underestimate the power of a hug, kiss, or kind word. Small gestures go a long way in maintaining connection.

Intimacy Is the Glue That Holds It All Together

At the end of the day, intimacy in all its forms—emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual—keeps your Christian marriage thriving. It’s about making your partner feel loved, seen, and appreciated. And when you do that, your marriage will not only survive but thrive for the long haul.