Focus on your marriage to make it work at all costs and against all odds. Lay the bed on your marriage well, so you can enjoy all the beauty in your own marriage. Learn all the principles you need to learn, drop all bad habits you need to drop. Break all pride, cockiness, selfishness, deception, and let your own marriage work.
If you are already separated, decide what you want, walk with God, and let him show you what next to do. Whichever way, God loves you and still wants the very best for you.
How to focus on your own marriage
1. Focus on yourself
You are a vital part of that marriage. Discover yourself. Who are you? What are your desires, what makes you come alive, what makes you enjoy living? Love yourself. Be a happy you.
2. Focus on your spouse
As a married person, the most important human being on earth is your spouse. Begin to treat him/her as such. Let nothing absolutely come in between that. Let the whole world know, your spouse is so important to you.
Some people treat their wives like ‘one kobo’ and expect her to treat them like ‘ a million dollar’, it ain’t gonna work that way.
Seize every opportunity to let everyone know this one human being is number one on your list.
3. Focus on God
Now, it will be very foolish to want to focus on yourself and your spouse and leave God out. It can not work. God is the center that holds the pieces all together. God is the vital force that crowns all our efforts with success.
4. Focus on your strength
You have strengths. Whether it’s your beauty, your home-making skills, your intellect, your being jovial, whatever it is, focus on it. It’s your selling point in your marriage. Don’t let go of your strong is what will make your spouse keep coming back to you.
Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE
5. Focus on minimizing your weaknesses
Don’t ever make the mistake of pretending your weaknesses don’t exist. Don’t ignore them. Your weaknesses have the potential of destroying the marriage you are building, so destroy your weaknesses before they ever destroy your marriage.
6. Focus on satisfying yourselves
Why should you spend your energy, time, money on trying to please or satisfy another man’s wife? That’s called wastage.
Don’t go into an unprofitable venture. Ask yourself, if I satisfy her, how does it add to me or make my own marriage better?
Tend your own garden. When it’s harvest time, you won’t go and harvest on another man’s farm. It is not your own, so focus and build your own marriage.
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.
Pro 12:11
God bless you and bless your marriage.
My marriage is blessed
Lord, teach me to embrace your love
Isa 49:16 (GW) I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are always in my presence.
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Matthew 1; Luke 2
Teach me to embrace your love, Lord.
Wow…This article is loaded. I love the part that said Focus on your strengths because there is too much tendency for me to focus on my weaknesses in marriage.
My strength is my selling point! Lord, Teach me to embrace your love.