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Exploring Her Bedroom Wishlist 2. I started on this yesterday and will continue from where I left off. What does your wife want?

2. Sweet nonsense
Your wife wants you to whisper in her ears. She obviously prefers that to a silent, no-single-statement kind of thing.

She wants to hear you say a lot of good things about her and when you do so, you will see she is not really frigid as you might probably be envisaging.

Words mean a lot to ladies. And you must be skillful enough to use the words rightly.
One wrong statement and you will just lose her.

One right statement and she is all yours.
However, your words will mean nothing if it is only during love making you say those things. 

She would feel you are speaking from your head and not from your heart.

She would feel you never meant those words, that you are just saying them because of what you want from her. 

Basically, those words you whisper in her ears in bed cannot stay in space, they have to be carved upon the platform of the words you already said to her during the day, through texts, phone calls, and whatever means.

3. Essence of her beauty

Lastly, she probably wants to know why you always say she is beautiful.

Explaining that to her in one statement words would fire her up 

If you don’t do some of these, you would think your wife has no libido, whereas, it is just that you have not unlocked it.

Words of admiration for your wife from your heart are like passwords!
I will have to stop here!

I pray that God will grant more understanding in Jesus’ name!


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